2024-04-24 at

money, love, smarts

I have a friend who reminds me that money is important. Here's a little cartoon for you.

Let's abstractly say that human operational priorities include : money, love, and smarts. 

And let's abstract say that their agents of obsession are respectively : business folk, hippies, and nerds.

- money : can buy love, cannot buy smarts
- love : can buy money, cannot buy smarts
- smarts : can buy love, can buy money

For as long as I can remember, I've associated myself with nerds. It's just how I see the world. And you will pick differently because you care about different things, OR you see the world differently. And that's ok.

( Whereby we set aside Maslov's observations for a second, associate money with capital goods and its role as a proxy for time spent working, associate love with events which result in a subjective sense of well-being, and smarts with intelligence, knowledge, wisdom, and all that jazz. )

2024-04-23 at

Dangerous words

The only tragedy in life is an absence of intention.

Them's dangerous words in this world.

walking wounded

 I like people with scars. They're armoured - less sensitive - maybe haunted by phantoms, but still more durable than what I dislike ...

I don't like people with wounds. They're weakened, hypersensitive, and often in denial.

But the only way to get more scars is to get more wounds, so, well ... it's a gamble, innit?