2013-01-15 at

Current mathematical references

I started out the year on statistics, but segued into mathematics because of the way probability distributions are quantified using integrals. I am weak in both (by any serious standard) and have much to catch up on.

I have mostly been using the Concise Oxford Dictionaries of statistics, and mathematics, respectively, and Wikipedia. Additionally, I have Mathematics: its Content, Methods and Meaning (A,K,L), and a few other paper books lying around. Various digital resources have been available via the Internet. Some have been downloaded as ebooks.

In the current reading on binomial coefficients, I remembered to check Wolfram MathWorld, and found that its articles are quite succinct, and insightful, in their threading together of related and dependent subjects. It appears that some articles are written wholly by an individual, and may thus be benefited by a unifying clarity of form. It turns out that the CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics is of the same original source as MathWorld.

Via MathWorld, I discovered today that there is such a thing as The Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, for all you number theory nuts out there. The Wikipedia list of online encyclopedias lists a few other sites. EqWorld is delightful to me, as I have formalist tendencies - so this should be a good reference. PlanetMath is also interesting because some articles have a "Properties" section at the top, which shows more explicit relations offhand.

Much to do. Much to do. I only hope I get to do it, before the next commercial adventure befalls me.


  1. Actually, there are lots of Mathematical references out there.It is just how you give your effort on finding the knowledge you want to.

    singapore math tutorials
