2013-01-14 at

We're back to soliloquies, it seems

My Twitter account has been suspended for the second time in the three months since I rejoined the service at the end of October 2012. I had then rejoined Twitter this last time, as I had been invited by friends to attend a Tweet-fest, and it made little sense to attend one of those, if one was not on Twitter, I supposed.

The day after the Tweet-fest, my account was suspended for the first time. It turns out that these days, a number of strikes for being "blocked," or "reported as spam," along with a generally opaque algorithm, can result in one's Twitter account being suspended. The controversial conversation immediately preceding that first event, involved my criticism: of a local journalist who had been tweeting a string of complaints, against parents who let their children cry in public. Today's more controversial conversations have involved my criticism: of racist abstractions, and of appropriate treatment for the lewd conduct of males towards women in public. None of these conversations was outstandingly memorable from a scholarly point of view - just the usual riff-raff aunty, or activist, making unnecessarily abstract comments, and my objection thereunto.

Earlier, in October, I was forced by a resource crunch to shut down various projects that I was engaged in, a quasi-relationship - perhaps the most visceral loss, my Facebook account - as it was declining in usefulness as a medium of discourse, and my history of journals since the early 2000s. These were forfeited to provide me with a bit more space to think about my studies, in a cleaner room, so to speak. Earlier in 2012, I had previously left Twitter for the same reason that I later left Facebook. I suppose I can only conclude that Twitter, too, having now twice left me, is failing to provide me with a stimulating environment for conversations.

So I now return to talking to myself on this blog.

Update: Twitter says that it was suspended for sending too many unsolicited messages using the @ reply and/or mention feature.


  1. and just yesterday we were talkin maggots. WTH. hope to see u back on twitter. in mean time.. talk awayy ere. im listening :)

    1. Thanks for waitin' - they just let me back in da houz. Lol
