2014-01-19 at


Woke up thinking that I haven't gotten a lot done recently, but probably, I'm just too tired to remember. Now that I think about it, the schedule of the past two days seems rather balanced, even if headway in studies is slow. Like a salad with no grease. Hmm.

A later conversation:
Me: Sour faces? All I feel is pity... if the lack of cake bothers you, you must surely require a greater sense of priority.

C: On a lighter note, how long has that person been putting up with you? Surely is not about the cake, but the understanding

Me: Referring to a colleague's comment on cakeless customers... I'd guestimate the mean time to be 35 seconds between walking into the building, and realising that the item which they are requesting for... is out of stock.

C: Work-related indeed, workaholic nonetheless. Don't let it seep into personal relationship

Me: All my relationships are usually work related. Then there are the lovers. And then near the bottom of all priorities are so-called friends and so-called family. haha.

C: I would say your real lover and priority are math/thinking hard. Struggling hard on work is to make sure it tallies with the mental plans you have. Just remember sleep for 10 hours for at least once a week ^^

Me: Well unless I was delusional, math wouldn't provide a warm body to hug to sleep. Of course, having company in bed is of a distinctly lower priority than working on conceptually hard problems.

... Sleep: prefer to average 10 hours a day makes a HUGE difference on memory behaviour ... including the short-term memory processes involved in what folks call "creativity".

Success warrants a tap on the shoulder, compliments and well congratulatory intimacy, well for most introvert hehe

Me: LOL. I like bodies too. But bodies are easy to obtain. Knowledge is not.

C: 'Closure', I mean literally hehe. Well can't agree more, I like em to especially how close you can get them bodies near your heart
about a minute ago · Like

Me: Heart is not an important concept in my ontology. LOL. Which helps to explain a lot, I suppose.

C: There's at least gotta be some human-like traits in you LOL. Okie obsession beyond intuition XD
a few seconds ago · Like

Me: Unquantified emotion is a common, but unnecessary element of humanity. Quantified emotion is just thought. As they say, "big whoop".

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