2017-04-15 at

Reflections on Bezos' Note on Customer Centricity

I was thinking about this (profitability) concern, in relation to another (the talent management) concern.

For starters here the notion of customer centricity may be too narrowly interpreted to mean actively pursued customer service. That is the bias of rhetoricians, the charismatic people, or those who like to be liked, showing itself.

Whereas it remains possible for customer centricity to exclude many interactions between staff and customers - particularly if one's product is a space in which customers intend to be self-absorbed, and undistracted by other creatures. Perhaps customer centricity of this sort is more of an architectural endeavour, than one of common parlance. It is also spurious to separate between customer centricity, product centricity, etc. as one can easily reformulate the definition of "product," to refer to the overall customer experience facilitated by the firm. Perhaps this approach is the bias of artisans, the asocial people, or those who regard others with a general sense of irrelevance.

You may draw a dichotomy of introversion and extroversion here if it strikes you as colloquial.

Back to the occurrence of a similar pattern in talent management. Here you will find that rhetoricians employ an additive strategy for improving talent. They may seek to inspire staff with beliefs, and to build new skillsets in others, actively. Whereas the asocial may employ a reductive strategy for improving talent. They may seek to point out a point of view, highlighting nascent qualities of observable things, and then waiting to see how staff react: do staff recognise these, or other points of view? Will staff then find themselves internally motivated to act upon those nascent qualities of the world?

This is an abstract thought, and rougher than it ought to be at the time of publication.

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