2024-03-29 at

Software Development : Getting my shit together

Taking stock of my ignorance in computing. I need to sketch out an architectural overview for a single framework over :

- multi-tenant provisioning ( OpenToFu ? )

- orchestration ( k8 seems to win hands down )

- FaaS ( kNative ? )

- DaaS ( five million options, defining storage backends )

- PaaS over the FaaS and DaaS ( API & GUI interfaces, defining application-oriented storage ontology, workflows language including back- and front- ends )

- rapid API development framework ( templates over the PaaS, reusable components )

- vertically integrated front-end framework ( two-way data binding, webcomponents?, CSS framework, UX ontology, native mobile integrateable )

- generic & integrated : accounting & finance, talent management, asset management, payment gateway

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