2022-02-17 at 6:09 pm
Talking to Pancake
2022-02-16 at 1:24 am
What the hell is a fubu?
Yawn 81
Ready for the weekend : time to catch up on work with fewer distractions. To-do :
2. Initiate HR manual versioning .
3. Clear two more inboxes.
4. Read about directory services and firewalls.
6. (this onwards, is probably not happening) Update technologist orientation slides
8. Clear WA.
X Schedule playtime for kids.
X Clear inbox.
X Check out HR software vendor's updates.
X Update Chinese vocabulary docs from ops.
Thought process : when I designed and operated a cafe, the value proposition was to deliver 200-300% of market benchmarks versus 100% of market cost say, $2 for a coffee - the catch was, low volume of demand. In the past month I've ben studying $155 dinners, and I suppose the logical thing to do next is to figure out how to deliver 200-300% the value at the same price. Sounds like a bonfire doesn't it? Well at least we haven't lit it up yet, so keep on designing ...
Jan 25
The day starts with an alllll ish nighter working on sp. Also starting today, sp is the new code for secret projects, which simply include any item I am not at liberty to discuss in any identifiable way for the time being.
Back to the grind
Fires everywhere
Break to eat, then sorting email, I think 1641h
Jan 27
The dumbest thing about Malaysians is that we only compare ourselves with like, three countries, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, and Indonesia. Most of the time.
Also identified a sodium deficiency after a few days. Damnit, I'm supposed to be smarter than that.
2040. Rested and jousting with secrets.
Time for enforced feeding, maybe a workout.
Jan 28
0130 and already exhausted. Not optimistic for the future.
"Jerng gambles.
Unfortunately it costs other people's happiness sometimes
Usually i doubt myself"
I tried to analyse my understanding of romance today. I got to physical intimacy as component 1, and friendship as component 2, and couldn't find a third component. Things like flowers fall under 1 or 2 depending on context. But I regard both 1 and 2 as varieties of business in general.
Perhaps the simplest solution to brain-freezes is exercise.
29 Jan
Finally set up email filters on all three accounts. Let's see if this speeds up housekeeping.
Many years ago, I trained for a while, to be observant of the passing of things. Inspired by a fictional character who immediately saw the eventual decay of whatever he looked at, I did learn how to do that too. It's not particularly hard to remember the sick, one simply hangs up a picture of them besides one's bed for a while, till the memory sticks.
So sadness is a good study, but illness is ever around in the world whether we remember it or not. I choose to bear it in mind constantly. This brings me peace.
It does disturb people, so I don't often talk about it. I try to be a less disturbing, and to focus on giving each person the sort of kindness that they are looking for.
One day at a time.
Enforced feeding. Enforced work. Other projects temporarily shelved, haha
I initially set up two boards for knowledge management, SKILLS and SYSTEMS. Now I'm trying to reduce them to one, for parsimony.
Real estate development is sculpture. If you want to enrich occupants, you have to minimise long-term maintenance. To do that, you need to begin with durable materials, but that is not enough, as people have to want to maintain these structures, which means furthermore that they must be appealing both to the senses, and to the culture of the local society. If you do all that, then you have a good case to mark-up the launch prices, and then you get more profits as a sculptor. But many property developers have no such strategy, or their execution is flawed.
For me, minds/worldviews are legos, and it is an unlikeable trait.
I accept my lot.
Braining the entire ClickUp feature layer is starting to feel like braining a half-plumbed MVC web framework, in degree of complexity.
My first set of clothes for work in 2005, was a set of white shirts, and black slacks. It was a commitment to conformity which was not rewarded much, and I discarded or modified many of those clothes after seven to ten years. Just a week and a half ago, I lost a major contract due to deviance from the mode - like deal of a lifetime kinda contract. I think, for a while I should enter a period of mourning, and revisit my first wardrobe. It is the new year after all - time to go shopping, maybe.
Hm. I guess I should be trying to figure out how to 10x my wage again, in another 15 years, or by 2035.
26% increment per year. Hm.
"non-executive" :
- pertaining to directors : ε¨θδΈε¨ζ
- pertaining to general staff : ε¨ζδΈε¨θ
Mental conditioning reminder : if any sentence or concrete sensation inspires noticeable subconscious activity ("feels right", "feels wrong", etc.), then don't let it go until it inspires nothing. Otherwise subconscious debts accumulate.
Generally my own appreciation of food/sex/music/people/consciousness is like, 60-90% engineering concerns, and it can be very annoying to people who actually like those things without thinking about the technical aspects. Mostly a trained habit, stemming from my preference to deconstruct anything I don't understand in technical detail.
I've been (past coupla days) revisiting the study of how to appreciate my own sexuality without technical details. This is simply in order to be able to have opinionated, ready answers about what I like or don't like.
When people ask me what I like, my response is typically "I don't have an answer for that", and it probably strikes partners as confusing or obnoxious. I guess the correct answer is "I like the technical details."
I'm working like six projects, I think.
1. Job
2. Job.
3. Own company.
4. Building.
5. Building.
6. Secret.
I worked on four of them today. Two of these are chaos-level entities. Three are just slow. The last is a mystery.
I don't think it's clear that I add much value to any of these in the short term. Generally I plan to make myself redundant ASAP in any situation.
Altogether it's a good life.
What else would you do with one's time?
Too much time. Too few things worth doing.
Feb 6
Enforced feeding. Enforced worky work
Market research at Mitsui.
Shortlist of interest :
- quartz
- automatic
- NATO strap
- 10 bar water resistance
- no fucking tacky meter
Boy in Morocco : dies amid rescue.
Media outlet : *clicks boost*
Based on customer feedback, my merchandising is insufficiently diverse. I did some basic research yesterday, and covered most of the Sepang Mitsui mall. I think I now have to explicitly split my wardrobe into a few modes.
0 : mode beggar - no rules
1 : mode mass - middle-class casual / business casual / cop / cool clothes
2 : mode pleb - sparkly, fitted, formal wear
3 : ballroom
Main focus will be developing mode 2 next.
feb 8
It would be nice to be able to implement an monthly bonus for teams, based on trailing 1-month EBITDA margin. Looking forward to the response ...
So far the closest I can get to a watch that checks all the boxes is a 200m solar ladies Seiko. I'd like an automatic quartz but those are too large for me, then again, if the point is bling, then I guess it should be. Also Suuntos and Garmins are nice. But not for mode2.
Feb 9
"The first goal of treatment is to reduce subjective distress."
Right. Recently caught up on :
1. houses
2. cars
3. clothes
What other plebeian asshattery do I need to know in preparation for a $500,000/y job ...
( Zorro's answer: charm ... universally derrided and completely out of reach since 1998 ... )
Feb 12
Less exercise, less mental clarity.
Less mental clarity, less work done.
Therefore more exercise is needed.
Me : no padding; or minimal padding, please
Every tailor : but the padding look nice
In case you're wondering why I favour this style, you probably haven't worked with me before. In most situations, I am potentially the loudest person in the room that you don't hear speaking most of the time.
Just bought an old watch from an economist. Monetary policy's really interesting this year, isn't it? I'm buying the NASDAQ all the way down right now, on the intuition that 2021 inflation is due to supply-crunches due to factory under-investment during lockdowns, and I expect the chain to loosen up, and alternative asset classes to look more bullish by the end of 2022.
Test model for leadership management :
- quantify total business output (P&L, PE ratio, etc.) : TermA
- quantify external / market cost of buying talent that should deliver TermA : TermB
- quantify internal / actual cost of buying alent that delivered TermA : TermC
- subtract TermC from TermB : TermD = leadership value
Now you're going to need really good auditors for this.
VisualAlgo was built hy NUS in 2011. In 2021 I finally got a job where it made sense to study this on the job. In 2022 I am exercising this option.
I'm having a stupid day / week / month.
I think I have to be extra careful around people who treat thoughts as organised, and feelings as whimsical. Because, in general, most of my thoughts are whimsical, and most of my feelings are organised. So our risk profiles are very different.
Must fix performance.
2012 : she left, I collected hoodies
2015 : she left, I collected a cafe
2016 : she left, I collected our youth
2020 : she left, I collected whiskey
2022 : she left, I collected watches, a jacket, shoes, shirts ( and a photo in my wallet, which I then threw away, but you know, it's easy to print another one anyway )