21 March to 8 May
Election season just reminds me that I don't understand nationalists. I mean, I understand them completely when I want to, I just don't remember what they are like when I'm not trying to empathise with them. I probably just lump them in the great pool of sentimental fuckers who identify strongly with friendships, or filial piety, or family, or pets, or sports teams. Hey, whatever makes you happy, develop yourself towards it...
Prepping for tomorrow by rehearsing routines in my head.
NGOs need to learn how to ban mumblers from cold-call duty.
If I can hear you moaning, and I keep rubbing because I want you to orgasm, it is not what you call an experiment. It is an operation with the teleological function of making you come, based on the set of unfalsified hypotheses which make up my knowledge of the system which the goal is contingent upon. It's the same if I cut you because I want you to bleed. All work is an exertion of power over a domain - but experiments are those works which attempt to produce new propositions about probabilities of objects.
Wait, this may require more teasing... π€... I am not sure that I have captured the gist of the system I am trying to explain.
Much drama. Little progress. Tired. Back to bed. Imaginary rehearsals, then we do the play all over again. Until it ends.
Only sentimentalists believe there is true value in popularity. I only want my lovers to love me. I am sentimental in that regard... ;) I suppose the precise definition is simply who you think matters, and who stands to add value to yourself, whether you are a human, a body corporate, or some other kind of person. #machina
Hello, if you build a bomb, knowing what a bomb does, you hate. You do not need to call it hate. You want something to end. At minimum, you hate the status quo. #whiteprivilege #criminality #society #discontents But I do agree, you don't call this terrorism, unless there is an intention to cause fear.
I've already deleted two Facebook accounts. I wonder if I'll ever delete this one. :P
Ps. Hey Zuck, can you dig up all my old accounts and link them to this one please?
Tired, but fairly happy to be moving.
Regardless of the probabilities, I should say this. Today it feels like there may be large changes in my life soon, maybe. 30% chance, but that is up from 3-5%, so it feels like progress. I may start to seek out new opportunities, and reinvest the assets I have developed of myself, somewhere that has a greater than negative average rate of return. Most people would not note a proposition with 70% uncertainty, but I am the kind that collects portfolios of these and checks the net movement of these.
Only answer if you are familiar with my work, from personal experience. If I were to have no daily responsibilities tomorrow, should I make plans to spend the next five years of my life on (x)? — feeling motivated.
Grassroots canvassing: infuriatingly difficult; challenge accepted. #toty
I am going to print this for every magazine rack in the future.
Micro-catering prices are in a rush to the bottom. Daily funnel management will win. It's telco marketing all over again.
Real wars are won by attrition
Isn't that the point of authorship, dumbass?
Facebook's rep appears to be doing the right thing. The question of relevance is up to Singapore's reps, but Facebook should probably only answer in a joint session with all relevant states in the room, instead of quoting itself from events in a different meeting. But what the hell, I am saying this as a point of view on efficiency, not as a legal authority.
Two strange dramas and a simple conclusion to a possible tangent.
Mahathir: I am really concerned that they will just ricin him or something.
Fake New Law: I think a lot of people who have wished bad things upon me, may be hurt by this law. But I agree it is a bad law. It is too difficult to implement fairly.
Are you READY? From now on, shall we publish only in question form? Really? Yes?
I spend much of my life studying people. For a while I had to study why people needed styles and trends, then I figured that they were mainly concerned with what certain other people think about a thing, even if they believed that they concerned themselves with the things not the people.
Recently we get to study why people post selfies and pictures of pretty things. Interviews suggest that as with all fashionable practices, many do care about what other people think. But there are always some who do it because they have nothing else more valuable in life. It is the song of serfs.
Then there are those who just do it as a point of study.
I'm not interested in consumer products because I like consumers, or because I like consumer products. I'm interested because I like supply chains.
I can't believe the number of people who do and work on something because they like it, not because of how it can be modified.
I'm literally standing in a church, wondering where to go in PJ for decent coffee and WiFi at 5:30pm on a Tuesday.
Still tired. But lepaking out the door of a car parked in an industrial zone of the city. Fun times.
Does this explain all the cognitively stunted adults I meet on a weekly basis?
Carbon monoxide handshake: good. Vacuum chamber, not so much.
Google Maps needs a lighter Android App.
Team building. Not a problem. Training ore into structural components, not a problem. Finding enough rare earth metals, often challenging.
Talking with an ex-client about KL's latest blogger-restaurant blow-over. I say, shit-shows are enjoyable simply because they're showy - small businesses know this and use it to their advantage. No one actually likes making people sad - sad people do it to themselves. The ecosystem simply seeks profit from it.
Cat people: I have no idea. I find them as juvenile as people who are obsessed with food, competitions, fashion, etc.
Yee hah.
Three hours of sleep is not quite enough.
Breakfast time.
Terrorists can go to hell. The rest of us have work to do.
Examining the use of alcohol in the deletion of memories and the freeing of memory. Essentially as a supplement for R&R methods that perform the former function by way of sensory input. Basically, administered at low doses
Given good experiences with properly calibrated roasts and brews, of a *past-crop commercial grade green brean*, I have to conclude that a lot of roasters and brewers using expensive greens are just not helping.
Websites that implement the law, which do not appear to follow the algorithm of the law, are entities which endlessly frustrate me.
In general, I don't prefer to be my own spokesperson, accountant, graphic designer, chef, electrician, plumber, cashier, or strategist, but I have done it nevertheles as a matter of obligation to stakeholders. My life is complete.
I wish, I feared death more. Dismemberment, shame, poverty, solitude, ignorance. I wish I has more basic inclinations.
Leveraged Barrel On!
On this lovely Easter morning, we remember how normative ethics intertwine with depressiacs in the abstraction of suffering.
Trend aversion, is our marketing concept for today.
Malaysia is a nation of dumbasses. But what's home without a few cow relatives to laugh at?
Restaurant design: Malaysians definitely bred to be xenophobes. So you have to spoonfeed them with familiarity, or risk being ignored. ID can be cheap, or pricey, but must be familiar.
Met with two suppliers, two capitalists, a regulator, and a future partner. Not bad for a down day.
Tired. Maybe more sleep before I rearrange everything.
Everyone will have differing valuations of an object. Debates are unnecessary unless a trade is required. (Trades are compromises, that is the nature of economics.) Every opportunity must be developed, and I do wonder when opportunities will cease to appear. Always there remains the risk of instant failure. That is not an exaggeration, that is an objective fact.
Dinner time. Not sure when my end will come, but I should probably worry less about it and assume the worst is going to happen anyway. So what's for dinner?
I really hate the feeling, of being the smartest guy in the room, ten rooms per day, day, after day, after day. However, laziness begets stupidity... wait, why am I not growing stupid more quickly? Ah, I must be, as I still have that feeling. Day, after day, after day. #paradox
Exceptionally tired today. Technically, probably too fatigued to be driving. But in any event, still many things to do before bed. And after bed. So many diapers to change. Soooo mannnyyyy...
17 hours after I was supposed to get up, and 14 hours after I actually did, trimmed the garden, watered the plants, raked the yard, talked to the visitors, sold the cabbages, tuned the machines, cleaned the data, updated the databases, synced with the weekly billboard people, finished the books that the clerk didn't do, harassed the fruit pickers on quality, made sure to feed myself on time, nevermind testing the new fences, and parking the layouts in stable temporary position... right now to actually start thinking about financial models before I lose the opportunity to think, finance, or model, at all.
Following multiple conversations and non-conversations on risk, opportunity cost, and operational preferences in business and pleasure... I am having dinner, and thinking that the only people to work with should be the ones who find life boring, and are motivated by boredom to make fun of the process of life itself. If you can't agree on what to get excited about, conversations thereafter usually peter out and things come to a standstill. Ho hum. Nothing new.
It will be a good brand name for old values.
Finally, the riflemen are studying strategy!
Thoroughly underperforming this year. However, given the number of changes I make to myself, perhaps still reasonable. But that is always a bad excuse. Must still, be more careful, and dilligent.
I don't really practice lengthy explainations upon termination of relationships. Rationale are instead deliberated over incidents prior to incidents that trigger a termination. Death row speeches are right out of the superhero movie manual of evil genius incompetence... I suppose the same has applied to me when I'm at the receiving end of relational terminations. Lol. Having at least some deliberation during pre-terminal incidents helps, of course.
Dissolution day! I am placing odds of 3:2 that Barisan Nasional will lose its simple majority in Parliament. As usual, I am not voting. I was thinking of setting up a bookmaking service, but I can't afford to (illegal). Small bets with friends and family are welcome. As far as millenials go, I'm pretty old school. If voting, I would vote BN under Mahathir, over Pakatan Yang Mana-mana, over BN under Najib. Let the games begin. #stealthisvote #iregisteredmanyyearsago #takundi
(I won a waffle and a coffee, from two friends, practicing 1:1 odds.)
People who object to having their thoughts discussed: they should nor be thinking in public. Likewise people who object to having their visual appearance critiqued. But oh well, might is right, and if a mob is opposed, aha, here you go, enjoy your mores.
You don't suppose morality is driven by markets? Hahaha
Making a lot of mistakes today. Still sufficiently intelligent to recognise that regretting those mistakes is more of a disease / temporary ailment, and that it is bound to fade in volume once I have more R&R.
Step 1: realise that people are generally not looking out for your interests
Step 2: normalise the circumstance of being taken for a ride
Step 3: collect complaints from your friends and observers who tell you that you are being taken for a ride
Step 4: laugh at them because you already reached 2. and were expecting 3. anyway
Step 5: realise that 1. has been falsified by 3.
Step 6: ignore 5. and settle for 2.
The fallacies of economic theorists (and ethicists in general) often include the assumption of this false dichotomy: that individualistic egoism and altruism are opposing moralities (hence motivations) locked in eternal conflict. That dichotomy is true only as a trivial occurance, as each approach is flimsy and sparse.
The fact of the matter is rather that each morality is a heuristic for action, each is a framework based on a different ontology, each is just a language for describing objective stares of affairs. The objective state of affairs is simply the observable universe - both our ontologies and our ethics are merely historical ruminations on past observations from varying points of view. A denser framework treats social and biological systems as complex cybernetic substrates.
Machiavellians and hippies alike can fuck off.
The next job ad I write for anyone is going to recommend a "cultural fit requirements, translated for millenials" in terms of Harry Potter houses. For example: Ravenclaw > Slytherin > Hufflepuff > Gryffindor
) δ½ ε―δ»₯η¨δΈζε,ζδΌη»δΉ ηΏ»θ―
) Google ftw
/ try this: ιε―ι,ιεΈΈι
/ lol
/ first line from taoteching
) I don't think the robots are ready for aphorisms
) I spent the day watching cat videos. Happy.
/ Happiest news I got today: Bayer x Monsanto.
) Why does that make you happy?
/ HTF do I know. It's cute lah. WTF do cats make you happy? Retard.
So, hit me up. What are the odds of a private sector slowdown Mon7, Tue8, May? Grassroots effect.
All dialectic protocols place the burden of work upon the initiator. That is how you build formal systems, and that is why you build formal systems. So that people can't faff around and deny responsibility on account of their ignorance.
Here is a point of election strategy / economics that intrigues me. I am starting to see crowdfunding campaign to raise figures of up to USD500/MYR2000 for INDIVIDUAL VOTERS who want to cram into the ready overloaded transportation system in order to cast their vote. Now I am curious about the bounds of this system.
First, I'm curious about some figures that party strategists might be able to provide: what is the total number of swing votes that could confirm X party's simple majority in parliament?
Second, what's the distribution of prices (we can take the mean as a shortcut) to move ready and willing voters supporting X, to the polls. (Only those who have not already figured out how to do so by themselves, without assistance.)
Third, we can start to jump to a simple product of (1) and (2) above... and try to assign a value to the total transportation budget required to swing an election.
All that being said, there can be more than two input variables worth considering in the model, and there may be other budgets besides transportation which could contribute to a swing.
Now if we consider the superset of such budgets, where a single cost factor (n=1) is blocking the decision of a vote that could swing an election result, then we are looking at a very interesting set of budgets that have critical value.
If we look further outwards at the superset of budgets, where one or more cost factors (n >0) are blocking the decision of a vote et cetera, then we have a robust model of how to fund a party's campaign to own parliament. (Or at least, a model of how to name the individual fundraising targets.)
US and EU markets down on warfears. Non-fundamental cause. Start buying alternative markets now. #icanhazstrongringgit??
Schedule clearing up a bit. Critical point of improvement: I should get to bed by 7pm today, so that I can start waking up on time again. #warfighting #asif
I need to practice rapid, large memory size, context switching. I'm really bad at this.
"Tender, joyful."
If client used such descriptors, then the work was good.
Fucks for haters: #nonegiven
Much failure. Some rest. Less dawdling. Must heal faster. Careful application of manual actions is the need of today.
I don't often think about problems. But when I do, I wonder where law enforcement is and why they are not assisting. The answers are obvious is a nation with weak rule of law: we must repair ourselves regardless.
After discussion: I'm outraged by most people's ethical beliefs. But I don't bother them because it's not a war I can win. Shrug.
Wait, #undirabu is a thing now? Of course it is. Therefore... so is #undirabun...
Recent performance disappointing. I am wondering if I should court lung cancer and start chugging B12 again.
Planning my day. With late meetings and all, I think eat/nap/admin is taking priority over workouts.
"I run just to get leaner not faster (and also for self discipline and mental resilience training). Like the Marathon monks of Heie."
"I read about them in college :)"
"Do you like it or find it rather silly ?"
"It is a choice of medium for implementing discipline. Why not?"
"So what's your medium then?"
""Do business" ππ ηδΈε°?"
3.5 hours till the start of the week, nope, not ready.
Life is tough if you aggressively seek negative feedback, but your interlocutors are not as aggressive in giving it. This week's theme. #fightme
Election Offenses Act, Malaysia: the maximum penalty for a counting agent to act in bad faith and miscount votes is a paltry 24 months in prison and RM5,000. Ergo... [Calculate the expected monthly gross earnings of a citizen agent ] * 24 months * [number of agents per station] + [a little extra for their trouble] = the price of buying the result of a counting station?
(On Hela smiting you.)
Election Offenses Act, Malaysia: " (2) A person shall be deemed to interfere with the free exercise
of the electoral right of a person within the meaning of this section
who induces or attempts to induce such person to believe that
he, or any person in whom he is interested, will become or will
be rendered an object of divine displeasure or spiritual censure. "
(On buntings and banners during the campaign period.)
Election Offenses Act, Malaysia:
24B, Election campaign and limitation thereof:
4: (candidate may) display, furnish or distribute election campaign materials to
members of the public in the constituency in which the candidate
seeks election but ONLY IF he— - (gets a permit from the State Elections Director, who can arbitrarily block this) AND (has paid a RM5k deposit to the SED for Dewan Rakyat candidates {3k for state seat contestants})
6: (this is the kicker, because the bylaws could have been manipulated shortly prior to the campaign period, and obfuscated via opaque publication) -Subject to the by-laws of any local authority, election
campaign materials include any advertisement, leaflet, brochure,
flag, ensign, banner, standard, poster, placard, handbill, label or
any form of temporary billboard.
27b. The Election Commission may, if the Commission considers
it necessary, establish an enforcement team or any number of
enforcement teams for the purpose of monitoring and controlling
the activities of the candidates during the campaign period...
Membership of the enforcement team
27c. (1) An enforcement team shall consist of—
(a) an enforcement officer appointed under paragraph 3(d)
of the Elections Act 1958;
(b) cops, minimum rank of Inspector;
(c) city council reps (DBKL, MBPJ, etc.);
(d) (there appears to be no requirement for equal representation of all parties contesting a seat) a political party’s representative who is appointed by
a candidate or his election agent in writing.
Functions of the enforcement team
27e. (b) to bring down or cause to be brought down immediately
any campaign material in its area of control which
contravenes or does not comply with any written laws
relating to elections;
(Eh, fuck, this was really hard on a slow phone. Two apps and copy pasting from a PDF, sheesh.)
"She's just a piece of meat to you."
"Look, my natural habitat is the body of human thought. I just go offline to feed my meat."
"Jesus, you're talking about yourself now."
"Consciousness supervenes upon meat, among other substrates, don't diss the meat."
As usual. Exhausted. But today is already better than yesterday, I think. Tomorrow may be worse. And if I have to sit down to entertain another person who spews flighty hopes and dreams, I may prematurely terminate the meeting. Lol. Staying aware from these scum, is better in times of weakness, to avoid compound infection.
Avici; So this guy who died, music doesn't seem very amusing. But he is very famous. Good luck in the afterlife.
X: I don't like DAP.
Y: DAP is a systematic reaction, to displace MCA in Chinese consciousness.
X: Like an allergy.
"smack the croissant."
"smack it. it's too sharp. make it rounder."
Distressed old buildings are cute for historical reasons. New buildings built to look like new old buildings, ok, not bad. New buildings built to look like distressed old building: haha, you plebs...
In horrible shape. Must heal faster, enforce more sleep.
In horrible shape. Must heal faster, enforce more sleep.
Pronouns, treatment of transgendered people, whatnot: I identify as a dick.
Tempted to start a campaigned called
"Cum Fighters: Pristine Copywrighting for Job Titles".
I swear, Avengers is eating up every millenial's discretionary spend for the week. Retail is fkd. π
I'm really enjoying the tribute to Ridley Scott. Promethius, in particular.
I wonder how much Starbucks paid for a mention.
How does such a technologically advanced and militarised state have such a lousy ability to plan and deploy defensive ground formations? They must have burnt the history books...
Extra protein rationing for two days has helped sleep.
Enforced feeding and bed soon. Burning out for the day. I hate doing graphic design when I have many other things to do. It requires a full context-switch.
Many days, of late, I'll wake up wishing I was more focused. Of course, people tell me to be more focused. But that's not the nature of enterprise.
Seven hour detours. Phew. Going to bed, finally.
Reviewing performance of recent partners and deciding that a good working target will be to plan at intervals of no greater than two hours into the future at any time. Intervals should be increased with demonstrations of capability to adhere to plans.
Clear communication gives simple guidelines for interfaces between individuals. Today's study:
"I cannot afford to be with indecisive people. So I am giving clear feedback on that. I have, and will, try to help to reduce indecision to some degree. But if my input does not help to stabilise your decision making process, then I am not useful there - and since I cannot contribute in a clear fashion, it is best not for me to be involved with you at such moments? I need to plan my time, and I hope you can help me with that.
I still like you. (My statement of interest.) I don't mind that you dislike [redacted]. (Neutral position.) And I don't like if your offers of interest are not clear. (Negative feedback.)
So where's the party at today?
Here's my plan for the rest of my off day.
(1) eat supplementary protein
(2) eat a second meal
(3) find a place to work
(4) gtf back to work
(5) try to get to bed before midnight (9pm would be great, but unlikely)
So WeWork threw a party. It was "invite yourself," so I went by for a looksie. "What's the message?" I asked. "We just want people to get to know each other," they said.
The staff was kinda cute, and I asked for her number, but I don't think I'll be hearing from her again.
Every time I move to X job, I get senior people coming over and asking me, "you must be an X guy." This is typically 50% true. Usually, I do X because my job is to do X. Most people don't have a choice about happiness, and depend on money for it, so they're typically looking for more money, and to sell something, themselves as "a specialist in X," in this case - but personally, I'm rarely trying to pitch myself as such. If anything at all, I much prefer pitching as a generalist, who lacks a motivation to specialise outside of any tactical scenario. At the beginning of my career in the workforce, I was only interested in board level jobs (being lazy, because I have a general disdain for commerce), and so I read up on how commerce in general works. While studying the hourly charge-out rates for professions, it seemed that management consultants made the most outside of ops roles, and while studying the activities of management consultants, it became obvious that the consultants with the most value were operationally experienced - that is, they had conducted live operations under fire even if their domain of activity was highly conceptual. So I made a point to participate in small business activities in 2007, after having worked in large-ish businesses for almost two years. It remains an interesting study. No one's paying me to stop yet, so studies must continue. I wonder how many other jackasses are neck-deep on artisanal work without an actual love for it - I don't mind it, but I don't love it, I mean, corporate finance and spreadsheet monkeying is much more fun. The reason I don't "specialise in spreadsheets," is two-fold, (i) no one's made me a decent offer before and, (ii) when you work on spreadsheets you're often analysing someone else's shitty artisanal work, and in general I'd rather be fixing shit than reading about shit I can't fix, on a daily basis. :)
I haven't lived in my own flat since 2014. Now in the third year of this rented room which I call my office, where I sleep, an examination of the trash can reveals: one plastic bag with my name written on it from the laundromat, from years past crumpled documents and receipts I will not claim, two books my mother wrote and gifted to me, used condoms, dirty toilet paper (I do not buy other tissues), toe nail clippings, dirt, and the dreams of my peers which I collect daily and sort into their rightful place. Hah! Much hyperbole.
Rather tired. But not yet dead. :)
What's your favourite definition of a co-X-ing space? // It's a family office for poor people. #horizontalintegration
"What's up?"
"I haven't been here in ages!"
"So my spam is working."
"I can't post about the obvious, so I just post loads and loads of nonsense until people go, "what the fuck is up with this guy?""
Not healing fast enough. Reluctant to restart B12 dosing, but hmm.
If you're above the age of 18 and you don't know this (what Pete says), I would consider you politically naive. My position as a citizen in Malaysia has generally been as follows:
- we understand that we are governed by corrupt officials;
- we can normally vote to change this, but the extent of Malaysia' corruption is that the voting infrastructure is rigged;
- we can declare civil war to change this, but we are too comfy to do that;
- therefore whether we vote, or not, we are complicit in the [ignorance of] or [submission to] corruption which perpetuates our corrupt officials;
- call me when there is a war;
- or call me if you manage to beat the corrupt officials on their own turf, with or without bending the rule book;
I can't say exactly when this view coalesced, but I have been living in this mode for... hey, close to 21 years, now. Old enough for this point of view to be a Malaysian voter.
Happy voting, ugaiz.
Enforced feeding, and bed.
I hate being sick. Hopefully this time, it's fatal. π
It's an art direction kinda day. Which is a step up from hands-on draughting.
These tsunamis are predictable ripples. It has always been the case that on its trajectory through the turn of the century, BN politics would eat itself. It was only ever a question of when. Given an unlimited horizon, change is inevitable. You only have to work harder if you want it now :P
I wish I had a reason to love or hate this country. But no, I only love myself. And I hate not having a reason for it. ππ€
I do not believe that suicide is necessarily a bad thing. But do please understand how it works. :P
"So when is holiday starting?"
"Wednesday is elections. Just presume there is a war until Friday, and you won't regret it."
"Why so angry, bae."
"Angry people make the most mistakes. That is why in any relationship with two or more parties, you always want to be the least angry person in the room..."
Half the dumbass questions I hear on Malaysian politics:
Politician: Hi, I am from the party that just twiddled the twats, and chimmichanged the cocks, booyah! Ask me anything.
Citizen: Why did you say nothing against the injustice of twiddling and chimmichanging?
Me: Are you dense? (Presumes the citizen is either illiterate or a double agent, and goes back to work.)
Wake up. Am I fit? No, I am not. Am I alive? Yes. Back to work. Waiting for all the believers in change to get used to Wednesday's results whichever way they be, so that work can get better. Some things are just out of my control, and that's ok. ;P
I was administering a network the other day, and had to block some pornsites. It reminded me that porn is a thing. I realised that I relate to voters in a democracy the same way that I relate to viewers of porn. I don't really derive value from those activities, but it makes me happy to study them, and beyond that if profitable opportunities arise from those studies, so be it. How seriously do I view democratic values? Well when Bersih first started, I remember thinking that it was a silly name and then I registered Bersin.org to make fun of it. But then, as usual, such a low priority project didn't go very far... hehe.
A highly meditative day. Each breath is labourious. :)
Waiting for Malaysia to finish PES-ing so that we can move on to thr next intermediate phase. #comeon #hurryup
Memory buffer: one object. I said, "cutlery otw," and he said, "scrambled eggs?" And I forgot the cutlery. Being sick is no good for business. No good at all.
2018-Jan-28, The Star. There are now 14.8 million Malaysians who are registered as voters as of the third quarter of last year. In addition, more than three million Malaysians above 21 years old have yet to register as voters
2018-Apr-10, Says.com. The current electoral roll, according to Hashim, "consists of 14,940,624 registered voters".
// Inferences:
4Q2018 saw an addition of 140,000 +/- x voters to the roll.
The worst-case delay between registering and getting on the roll is 3 months + 8 weeks. Each of those metrics can be studied for efficiency, or viewed as vectors for graft.
So, voter turnout would be no greater than 84% at that time.
However, given the number of registerer voters who do not cast ballots (I am one), then is either the case,
(a) there are very few people like me
(b) there are a lot of people like me, whose ballots are stolen and cast by impersonators
(c) something else, hmm
// Sources:
opefully ONLY 48 hours until:
(a) business as usual
(b) more capital flight from MY
(c) civil war
(d) merdeka II
And you know what? I'm not really invested in any of those outcomes more than the others. It was a strategic allocation of resources made many years ago, to not participate, regardless of any preferences I may have.
Hurry up, muddercunts.