2023-10-27 at

Endocrinal Phenomenology?

After twenty years of monitoring my learnt ability to quantify and manage conscious states of mind, I am now beginning to cross reference the data available to me, with the body of scientific literature that exists, in order to form hypotheses about what hormones are involved in triggering changes in my state of mind.

Hormonal Architecture of Sex

So I have this hypothesis, that some erogenous zones are closer tied to dopaminergic systems, and some are closer tied to serotonergic systems. Each has specific effects on short term memory and thus motivation. Each has specific interactions when followed by different hormonal cascades, or by none.

I'm not sure how to study this. I'll just think about it for now. My main interest is to figure out how these separate pathways can be hacked to contribute to productivity outside of coitus ... though I'm sure the coital effects will be popular also.

2023-10-25 at

Malaysia : Property Manager SLAs Remain Weak

Reminder for Malaysians : 

Property Manager ( Act 242 ) SLAs for Strata Management Corporation clients ( Act 757 ) are typically weak on 

(1) security guard management, 

(2) act 757 administration, 

(3) community management, 

(4) quantified quality assurance 

... these are not explicitly covered in law or professional guidelines. So most client mCorps and JMBs just agak-agak it.

AI in SMBs : it's just cheaper HR/TM

/ How can AI be used in SMBs? /

The main economic multiplier of AI in the next 50 years will be improving human productivity through coaching, development, training, counselling, consulting, and teaching.

The FIRST thing to note is that many companies really suck at these business functions in the first place ... so they may not notice that AI can make these really cheap - because they were not originally hiring humans to do it.

But the effect of these is manifold. We leave it to each company to figure out how to run HR ... ( AI is just a cheaper version of HR/TM ). 

2023-10-24 at

Day Architecture : Ten & Four Quarters Model

"Reviewing my daily architecture. I'll revisit old designs later, but let's look at current requirements first."

( DAY )

24 hours : 10 assigned to sleep : 14 assigned to wake

14 is a weird number, but it scrapes by, by being even, and thus only mildly awkward when broken into quarters of 3.5


( FIRST waking quarter )

- food prep is notably clumsier than buying prepped food, taking up to 40 extra minutes per meal

- to reduce prep time, the number of prepped meals is minimised : currently I'm down to two per day

- a large bolus of calories ( currently configured at 900 or so ) does weird things to insulin and the subsequent hormonal cascade; in order to mitigate productivity losses from PM1, I may need to allocate high energy demands into this quarter also

( SECOND waking quarter )

- no detailed plans yet ; but logically, there should be antagonistic activity versus what is executed in WQ1

- generally we're looking at no eating

- perhaps a continued allocation for high energy demands, in order to maximise useful tissue damage

( THIRD waking quarter )

- I am not sure if PM2 belongs here, or in the next WQ

- if PM2 doesn't go here, then some sort of snack is in order

- appropriate WQ for a nap ; classical pattern of a siesta

( FOURTH waking quarter )

- INappropriate WQ for a nap

- appropriate to execute strenuous cognitive work, so that it is immediately slept upon

- but in order to reduce cortisol, norepinephrine, et al. it seems appropriate to ban caffeine from this WQ


( sleeping quarters 1, 2, 3 )

- generally memories are not bound here, so I'm avoiding active optimisations for the time being

( FOURTH sleeping quarter )

- bound memories vis-a-vis remembered dreams tend to occur here

- it is observed that breaking from sleep to ingest water and protein prior to this quarter improves lucid/semi-lucid thought processes during this period of sleep, subsequently resulting in greater pleasure upon waking ( this may be dopamine related, but I'm not sure yet ; I just have a hypothesis about dopamine's role in the pleasure of executing thought processes )


I might finally have found a use for my diver's watch with that rotating bezel.

2023-10-23 at

"What does the market think of me?"

An essay on the poverty of language for mental events.

"What does the market think of me?", is a basic question facing every business developer, at the onset of every meeting, with any individual prospect.

Recently I have been working on my friendships with various individuals - friendships are, in business terms, both opex with shorter-term returns, and capex with longer-term returns. Returns may be positive or negative in any case, being simultaneously threats and opportunities vis-a-vis the SWOT model. In summary : all capital ventured, on any timeframe, is a gamble of opportunity costs. Such is every relationship.

When I contemplate what my friends think of me, I review both their positive and negative feedback to my actions.

Broadly, I guess I don't think of my friends, in the same way that my friends think of me, because we prefer different paradigms, or lenses upon the world. Many people think of the world concretely, having indexed in their heads a great many specific experiences. Others think of the world more abstractly, remembering only symbols and summaries representing groups of past experiences, but not remembering the specifics of past experiences as concretely as the aforementioned group of people.

I, myself, have thought of my experience of the world as if it were a box of legos, for the past twenty years. When I think of emotions, I have a view of what they are made from, how to disassemble them, and how to reassemble them. I have a similarly molecular appreciation of concepts such as selfhood, the concept of concepts in general, and probably every other aspect of my conscious existence. So if someone says to me, "I need respect", I can produce a tree of possible interpretations, and explain the concrete semantics of each leaf ... if given enough time and space to perform the analysis of "what my intuition believes ( what my sub-conscious mind computes ) about what someone has said to me".

However, lacking sufficient time and space to communicate my understanding of what a friend says when they express needs, of course I must then fall back to the common practice of speaking coarsely, in short spurts, with low accuracy - aha, just as normal people do!

And it is the nature of brevity to invite errors into the communication of complexity.

To many people, "they themselves" are simply "they themselves" , and that's it - the details of which are retained subconsciously, or consciously but embargoed from external communications. Furthermore if one finds "themselves to be offended" , often the detailed structure of the belief is not forthcoming.

To cut this short, I suppose it is accurate enough to say that we live at a point in history where the standardisation of language for mental events is poor, where our collective abilities to speak are rough and unrefined, and where the consequences of using such primitive tools are brutal. ( Just look at all the butthurt the world evolves on an hourly basis. ) Therefore it behooves us to appreciate our luck when our dumb tools produce happiness in the commons - when we are at peace.

Moreover we should work consistently towards an eventual disposal of dumb tools for methods of greater precision.

2023-10-22 at

Etiquette and Sobriety

Reflections on etiquette, and sobriety. Nothing new, just stuff that came up in conversations, and personal reviews.

Many people have a distinction between amusement and sobriety - in that they cannot identify being fully amused without losing sobriety. This has been a curiousity to me for many years - of course, I wonder how people are coded. For some people, drugs, such as alcohol, actually disinhibit their caged desires - for others, the placebo of a drug is sufficient for them to switch codes. 

I have tended to think of myself as relatively disinhibited while sober - I would do many things that many people would not, I simply do not because it is considered inappropriate or violent or scary or criminal. I wonder if I was ever truly disinhibited ... would I be completely off the rails? I tend to say, I'm a repressed extrovert - because if I didn't consciously quieten myself in front of other people, I would probably just end up in prison for talking.

Ah, people, so many, so many types.

Dating App Funnel : Filter Cascades

( from discussion ) Here's the cascade of filters I use when shopping for new friends on matching apps.

1st pass : is this someone I would want to cuddle with ? ( not a question of fuckability )

2nd pass : is this someone I can have productive conversations with ? ( text or meetups, usually meetups are to filter out fake profiles )

3rd pass : is this someone whose emotional economics are compatible with mine ? ( stress testing of modi operandi, reduction of filters, checking of triggers, word choice, necessary and sufficient conditions for social relations, etc. )

4th pass : material logistics / economics

Calibration is a Win

Some of us spend most of our business development efforts figuring out which deals to kill. It's a positive when we find something that defines a kill. It's HARD to communicate this positivity to counterparties who are more oriented around looking for deals to keep alive. Most business relationships aren't simply kill or live, of course, and generally have stages of intimacy / depth of transaction which are progressively killed or kept alive.The whole benefit of here stems from collecting new information to optimise for the correct depth of intimacy in any relationship.