2024-05-31 at

Crutched couplings

Today on my walk, I was thinking about people who have a demand for "someone who is always there for them". I refer to such roles as emotional crutches, and generally I try to filter out people who need emotional crutches as a matter of urgency, while filtering in people who are okay with having crutches only when their crutch feels like it.  

This is a matter of risk distribution, of course. But I was also thinking about it in terms of, the needy party apparently having a fear of rejection. So a less needy party might submit a crutch requisition, and shrug it off if no crutch was available - whereas a more needy party might break-down or flip-out when their crutch requisition is unfulfilled.

It turns out of course, there are MANY needy people out there, and they happily pair up fairly often, into crutched couplings. Well good for them. 

I guess the stats have it such that the rest of us just have to work harder in finding the other members in a minority that don't want crutched couplings.

2024-05-30 at

Reflecting on my Financial Plan

My financial plan can be summarised as : 

1. beginning at ten-years-old with the notion that I would always work, but always work the minimum

2. around the age of 28, forcing myself to do passive investment, as opposed to simply not investing

3. waiting to see when I get bored of passive investment results, and calibrating interventions around that

4. spending my time on more important things than worrying about money

pedagogical economic development model

Human development model, Ages : Modes

0-10 : You may produce nothing, and learn to produce nothing; you may learn to consume without production concerns.

11-20 : You must learn to produce; you may consume only with production concerns.

21-30 : You must produce, and may not otherwise consume.

31-40 : Investibility begins here. You may once again consume without production, but with contracts for production.

The search for public disapproval

A lot of social psychology discusses the search for approval, and its acuteness in social media where people "post for likes".

Obviously I have a bit of the opposite problem ( whereas, I think I have a balanced lifestyle ) ... a great deal of my social interaction is about "posting for dislikes". I've always been critical of the like-button as a marketing tool, and I've often said the hate-button is much easier to monetise, as it generates a better signal-to-noise ratio.

Trolls. That is the nature of the enterprise. I wonder if we come from backgrounds where we received too much approval, coupled with undesirable qualities attached to that approval - perhaps the approving parties were distasteful, wrong, or simply unprofitable.

Anyway. It remains a constant challenge for all of us ... those who do not interact with others ... those who interact, optimising for approval ... those who interact, optimising for disapproval ... those who interact to seek a balance ... those who interact to obtain information.

You can only seek so much disapproval, before someone starts to ignore you. Then you start again!

2024-05-29 at

the supply chain of living meat : in hospitality

- in the hospitality industry, talent is the main supply chain variable 

- ( talent management is more fundamental than food management )

- food sold is often a distraction from the main product 

- there is almost zero innovation in F&B retail; nearly all restaurant food can be reverse engineered, it is just a matter of deciding to or not to

- we actually use products to monetise talent; food sold is a marketing device to turn talent into money

- we do not use talent to monetise food as much as we do the other thing; talent exists before food, persists after food, and can deliver interchangeable food widgets to the customer

- hence the ironic phrasing, food is just what we put the price tag on, the real business is managing the operations of living meat

"hunger pains"

Apparently some of my recent myalgia is due to calorific deficit. I thought it was just inflammation from working out - but perhaps it is actually just energetic shortages here and there.

2024-05-28 at

Outlook : STEM till 50, Business till 60

I should probably think about my STEM studies as "what I am doing until I am 50," in order to prepare for a focus on business from 51 to 60 years of age. After which, I will have reached the half-life milestone under the reasonable best-case scenario, and can think about pivoting again after that.

When I was about 21, I had set my direction roughly for the time until I would be 40. Now at about 41, I am setting my direction roughly for the time until I will be 60. That seems to be a good pace, and inline with previous operations. Plan, execute, improvise as needed. 

the affine jihad

An affinity with both rich and poor is always easier to maintain with the poor - few doubt this. An affinity with both smart and dumb is likewise easier to maintain with the dumb - but do we doubt this? An affinity with both caring and hateful however is generally regarded to be easier to maintain with the caring.

What does the segmentation and interference between categories look like? Do we find that the poor or rich are more hateful? Do we find that the smart or dumb are more caring? (There are studies on this, which I leave you to.)

All I care to assert today, is that maintaining an affinity for all, is a tough business. So, I am never really free ...  and there is always too much to do.

2024-05-26 at

Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Personal Identity

Most people are not aware of how their identity was created. For the most part, individual humans are programmed with just enough capability to conduct a piece of meat for sixty years through a set of rules which enable the accumulation of capital in the classes of meat which make those rules.

A few of us have the privilege of knowing how to tear down our minds to zero and rebuild them as necessary on a daily basis, in a sandbox. But for many, this is inconceivable. For some who have a grasp of the basic concepts of it, the mere thought of doing this is horrifying as they are aware that the risk of deconstructing their identity carries the risk of an unacceptable reconstruction. So few people destroy themselves frequently. Some do it a few times in their lives.

Well, that is the nature of natural intelligence at this point in history.

People would do well to study it more.

Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Correlates with Learning

Reflecting on the modes of memory management correlated with SNS and PSNS activity - I will be thinking today a bit, about how to co-ordinate SNS and PSNS activity to optimise one's rate of learning. I am quite sure different types of learning are more efficient under different conditions. For example, the SNS-correlated learning is probably going to be associated with a lot of stress hormones and anxiety, whereas the PSNS-correlated learning is probably going to be associated with more pleasure and trust.

The OKU State

Affirmative action, poverty eradication, social security, and disability rights, have a common mode.

Sometimes a community starts out by having a lot of poor people, whom everyone wants to help.

Sometimes the help goes a bit sideways, and turns the disabled into bigoted Nazis, causing social duress.

That's how you go from being an OKU state, to being a state of hate.

Now you have two problems.