2023-01-26 at

The Crypto Revolution is Fundamentally about GovTech

1. Cryptocurrencies are not about replacing fiat - they are fiat.

2. Fiat is difficult to govern without either trust/faith/love, or guns - cryptocurrencies are also hard, but they introduce a technological alternative to the aforementioned.

3. Cryptocurrencies will not guarantee justice, equality, loyality, peace - but they reduce the cost of governance for anyone ( UI layers added over time, continually reduce the cost barrier ). Chamath was recently excited about "the cost of energy going to zero", and maybe someone else should get excited about the cost of governance going to one.

4. Hence every organisation which is not in a predominant position of power, naturally benefits from comprehending and utilising cryptocurrencies as a variety of governance technology.

/ Caption over news that El Salvador paid its debt coupon. /

2023-01-25 at

Biology informs Business

Biology provides a simple heuristic, for business strategy. There are four Fs and then some ...

- fight : disabling of threats to future security; expends resources; sympathetic 

- flight : evasion of threats to future security ; expends resources; sympathetic 

- feed : acquisition of resources; parasympathetic 

- ( fool ) around : diversification of risks to future security; innovation; expends the greatest resources, highest long term priority, lowest short term priority; parasympathetic 

- between ( feed ) and ( fool ) around, there are also ( digest ) and ( rest); parasympathetic