2024-03-02 at

Calibration of Social Asset Allocation

Class 1 : people whose hobbies mainly involve spending money ( examples : eating out, travelling, collecting infrequently used items, soliciting services with no durable consequence, drug consumption ) ; subclasses ... has too much money \ has just enough money \ has not enough money.

Class 2 : people whose hobbies mainly involve designing and constructing ( examples : engineering, commerce, art, politics, activism, craft, academia, athletics, research, development ) ; subclasses ... has too much money \ has just enough money \ has not enough money.\

I need to start massaging Class 1 folks out of my schedule, and acquire more Class 2s over time. I did think about this a bit last year, but I didn't act firmly on it, as I spent many hours helping friends. Maybe I need to be less helpful.


Addendum, as some readers are not getting the point :

Some people think that enjoyment is the point of life. Enjoyment is a device in individuals, which carries the function of getting individuals to do what civilisation needs them to do to get civilisation to where will end up. When civilisation reaches the end, the device will not have its uses, and so enjoyment has no place in the long-term view. Some people like to live in the present, wonderful. Some people like to focus on the future - also wonderful. But that probably means these types will not get along in the present, so much.

2024-03-01 at

Disambiguating Sex, Gender, Attraction, and Behaviour : introduction

1. Crossdressing
2. Which gender one is attracted to ( if any ) ( informal, private language )
3. Which gender one identifies with ( if any ) ( informal, private language )
4. Which sex local regulators identify the subject with ( formality, varies by local government)

These are all different categories. Hope it helps.

WTF is Governance?

regulatory environment -> 
financial + ESG objectives -> 
customer experience -> 
available talent -> 
bespoke process -> 
quality control -> 

2024-02-27 at

The Generalist's Opportunity Cost

The opportunity cost of being a Generalist for Hire during my first vicennium in the workforce :

Compliance work : 
- I dislike it
- I believe my competency is high
- I avoid doing it, because there isn't much more to learn here

Salesy work : 
- I like it
- I believe my competency is high
- I avoid doing it, because there isn't much more to learn here

Technology work : 
- I dislike it
- I believe my competency is moderate
- I do more to learn, because it is a structural priority

Talent work :
- ditto Compliance work

Finance work : 
- ditto Sales work

Taking a step back, I would probably agree with others that I am actually better at technology work than sales and compliance ... simply because I have put more time into studying it. But that is the opportunity cost of being a generalist. Everyone you meet thinks you are best at something which is not what they themselves have specialised in ... ergo, everyone thinks someone else should hire you, but they shouldn't.