2023-08-12 at

Decade Priorities : Outlook 2032

I previously allotted the decade from 2013 to 2022 for professional work. That is to say, I didn't get much studying done. I am not sure if the professional work was worthwhile - I guess it was just a study of industrial and not fundamental subjects. No regrets. But I need to catch up on fundamentals until 2032, I guess.

investment tactical equation

Investable Cash
+ Invested Cash
+ Capital Gain
Profit Taken
+ Reinvested Cash
+ Investable Cash

This equation helps me to understand a strategic flaw in my investment tactics.


Asset allocation

2023-08-09 at

A Complete Guide to Securing Your Condo : for Malaysians

 WIP : Initialised 2023-08-09

The Great Adventure

In pursuit of elementary studies - today I am sitting my dumb ass down to learn how to automate the manipulation of "submodules" in Git.

Working solo is always challenging. It may seem easy, but the operator has very few points of reference about whether they are over- or under-performing. But that's the nature of life in general, isn't it? The Problem of Other Minds, simply dictates that regardless of how much any individual feels embedded and cohesive with society, the individual simply enacts a fiction and gambles their entire existence on it. One simply doesn't know where one is.

To pretend otherwise, is what plebs do. And on we go, to live with plebs.