2023-02-22 at

Variable Assignment in Spreadsheet Formulae

I ... just prototyped the spreadsheet hackery required to count invalid values in a column of CSVs, and report the first offending row number ... all in a one-cell formula.

The hackery : three to four bits of code are completely redundant. The missing feature here is the explicit assignment of intermediate results to a variable, allowing in-cell code-reuse ( the intermediate results are probably already re-used, under the hood, implicitly ... I hope ).

So, if spreadsheet formula semantics included assignment operations, we would probably see an uptick in spreadsheet utilisation, and a reduction in code length across the industry.

Maybe the feature is banned because it would just make spreadsheets even more complex than they are already. But I would see it as a marginal improvement overall.

Being in Formation

Many do not realise that information refers to being in-formation. Technology for being in-formation, services for being in-formation, sciences of being in-formation, the commerce of being in-formation. The opposite of being in-formation, is being out-of-formation. 

2023-02-21 at

Pounds for Flesh

I used to say, I lack the inferiority complex which provides the drive to prove oneself, that makes the richest rich. 

Flip it around, I guess, and it just means I have a superiority complex which is destined to keep me poor. Hahaha.

We were discussing pay ( of course ), and I've tended to say that whatever I get paid ( it goes up and down with every job ), I am just grateful not to be fired. But symmetrically, I expect that employers are grateful that staff have not quit ... I don't think either party should entertain nonsense.

2023-02-19 at

Disambiguating JK Rowling's Position on Transexual Rights

I had to check myself, read her 2020 statement, and refresh myself a little on Wikipedia while engaging in a comments thread. Here's what I got ... in a few minutes ( erring on the side of brevity ).

Categories used in discussion :
1. sexual genotypes
2. sexual phenotypes
3. sexual category
4. sexual* gender

Roughly where JKR gets off** the safety of polity is :

- JKR wants public toilets to be distinguished based on male/female sex categories, and she wants a rigid binding between { sexual genotypes, sexual phenotypes, and sexual category }; no need to mention sexual gender here

- the plaintiffs want public toilets to be distinguished based on male/female gender, alternatively they are ok if the distinction is by male/female sex category, ONLY IF there is a loose binding between { sexual genotypes, sexual phenotypes, and sexual category }

So that's all there is, pick a side or engage in mediation 🙃

Footnotes :

* Had to qualify sexual gender, as sexual, because now gender is used for asexual genders and non-sexual categories of self-identification too ...

** It is regretable, albeit understandable, that JKR's personal trauma creates for her a difficulty in engaging with mediation, hence she is known for having picked a side in this linguistic debate

Style as Performative Immunity

Everything people spend time, thought, and money on, is a coping mechanism, which reflects their personal handicap. Styling is a matter of performative competition about coping mechanisms. It's immunology all the way down.

Dopamine Teardown Time

I think, I need to spend time daily calibrating my APM. Which also means checking my sense of whether I have dopamine feels or not - and if I don't, to then manually load them into memory.


Relatedly, I reflect upon my undived studies of meat-correlated chemicals which have nutritional functions, like choline, taurine, anserine, carnosine, carnitine, creatine, etc. The recent items in my supplement protocol have been creatine and beta-alanine only. 

Beta-alanine is interesting because its circulation results in tingles on the skin. Something called TRPC3 is involved. Tingles of course stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, which dopamine works on, but I am not sure of exact mechanism yet. TRPC3 is part of the immune response, being downstream from IgG triggers.