2022-08-23 at

Trust, Respect, Adaptability


Trust, respect, and adaptability are the themes of my current company annual retreat.

I think about it, amused, at the end of the first day. Here's roughly how I find it funny - it is because I usually apply these exercises in a practicum which would be disgusting to certain people.

As fundamental values, I trust no one, require no respect, and take adaptability for granted. In order to integrate with society, I manage my days like a deck of cards, bartering tokens of virtue for my counterparties' states of mind. Tease a conversation here, counsel a sorry soul there - each trade executes within a market of political-economy. 

Some days are more tiresome than others. In order to maintain long-term strategy, emotional vunerabilities established throughout the day are categorically pruned before bed. If I care about anyone, I make sure I do not care too much, before letting myself fall asleep. There are few passive revaluations in my expenditure of time on social integration.

For the most part I engage with people out of curiosity, otherwise human are typically boring from head to toe in the Maslov Hierarchy. Neither sensation nor virtue strikes me as novel, and mainly I dwell in a world of simpler and stranger things than those ... some might call those concepts, or functions.

Ah, to each their own form of virtue.








2022-08-21 at

CSR, Citizenship, Civics, Civil Society

Every so often a new friend will try to explain to me that I should have more empathy, and I have to adjust their perspective to understand that I make a lot of effort to reduce empathy, so it is an active strategy, not an accident. If they keep going, perhaps about how I shouldn't quantify everything ... I simply point out it is a matter of cultural values : I do not value for example, humanism, or filial piety ... and I don't try to make the people around me discard those values, even if I think my culture is the best culture for civilisation. So we leave it to history to decide what is good, by waiting to see what is proven to be bad by eventual extinction. This is the model of good citizenship, I think you should die but I do not kill you, because I believe you must have a fair chance to kill yourself.