July 15 to August 8
I just did something approximating technical charting analysis on our cashflow..
War for the Planet of the Apes : So a white chick is Harriet Tubman, Santa Claus is YHWH, and every single military formation makes the Roman Legion look like a covert ops team. Back to my own little war now.
Not healing super fast. But ok. Tracking diet and sleep. More care required.
Something about full stomachs doesn't go well with dreaming. Eat, sleep, wake, drink water on emptier stomach, then dream... a reliable pattern.
"You're not jumping ship?"
"I am the ship."
I really hate eating. But it is the job I chose because it is commercially and intellectually interesting. So off I go to work. But first I have to talk myself into it, as the cohort of people like me which I have access to appears to be tiny. Usually I'm surrounded by people who like eating, or those who find eating to be commercially and intellectually unstimulating. But that is the nature of studying hard things. You always end up in strange company.
Does anyone know Tealive / ex-Chatime franchisEEs whom I can interview to understand the pros and cons of taking on such a franchise? ;)
So I've been pumping ad-$ into "dinner time branding" to try and fix the 6pm-trough that happens EVERY DAY. Instead... we seem to have developed a 5pm spike instead... #sadface
How do you communicate with people? What is the nature of communication? To many people it is purely verbal. Others process body language. But forget not that speech as an aural medium rests on a few layers, analogous to the way that network data in IT rests on what has been called the OSI model. First there is meat, which moves (how, is beyond the purview of this post), the shape of which causes sounds to move through air : a musical object is produced, and on that signal rests word choice, syntax, and more. And this is just one vertical. People tell me that they don't believe machines will ever understand humans. I laugh because most humans I meet don't even see these aspects of humanity which are bare before their ears and eyes.
Putting high speed Wi-Fi in a restaurant, and insisting that patrons behave like restaurant customers... is precisely like putting on sexually enticing apparel, and insisting that pedestrians behave like civilised people. We like it hot. Grow up.
Morning: a lot of comms work. More comms work later today, but for potential investors instead.
On shift, and planning to be bored. Focus spocus.
This is not the right time for anyone to be making comments about (500's) Pollock's taste in women...
Not sure why happy, chatty, people are inherently valuable. Sure, they're good tools for creating business value. But personally, I'll take a measured conversation from a sad, angry person, over 95% of the flap I get from people who appear to be happy and chatty, but otherwise pointless. :P Are you all really so very lonely out there? I guess it works as long as everyone's happy. :D
(Food > Sleep) > (Physical Conditioning > Work)
Or something like that.
Now, the hard part about writing this business summary, is articulating:
- the plan as incepted
- the plan as adapted
- the operation as encountered
- the seamless integration of all the above
24-7 Donutes SS2's blue ceilings and naked air-conditioners: I wish they did this a year ago. Also we're now officially ID trendsetters, as absurd as that might seem. Hahaha...
Really happy that Valerian didn't disappoint. No unnecessarily heavy dialogue, just lots of detailed art.
Sleep is improving, on an emptier stomach. Still not healing fast enough. Time to get up.
I spend way too much time trying to decide if this investment prospectus should be ordered in pyramid, or reverse-pyramid style.
I'm starting my day by saying aloud to myself, repeatedly, "I don't have my shit together," in the hope that I will scare more easily. Still horizontal.
Enforced waking and enforced feeding: huge tactical error.
[Work, Food, Work, Food, Caffeine, Workout, Food, Work, Sleep, Wake], [No Caffeine, No Food, Drink Water, Sleep], works a lot better for REM sleep generation.
Doing investor pitches is a huge context switch. Can't do it. Going back to chores until the staff who needs help with chores is done. #unproductive
Someone sent me for an interview... hmm... pre-call notes included this disclaimer:
Firstly, I am curious to know what you are looking for from your direct reports. Secondly, I am curious to understand if there is a specific cultural profile that is demanded by staff at X. Based on the public marketing communications put out by X, it feels like the culture there is very cheerful and exciting. Whereas, I am not an excitable person - in fact, a core part of my personal brand involves generally being the most pessimistic person in the room, who is also willing to commit to delivery of work despite cynical expectations.
Current Mood: ISTJ
Well, that was a painful week of writing. Back to other priorities....
Tried to nap to accelerate context switch from grandstanding to ops. Got woken mid-nap by some kid who turned up unscheduled for an interview. Told her to go away. Body still confused - still blood sugar level appears to be in that funny space between high yield from digestion and high storage from insulin. Probably will get up soon and enforce a strength training session. So confused.
Hmm... now the Tax Department says my personal was over double what I filed (A), and that I owe more taxes: what would come to 28% of my annual income of RM42,000 (A). So I suppose I must go and ask them where they imagined any other income came from. I already know what happens if it drags... they block your passport from leaving the country. I suppose that just adds insult to injury if you're running a lossy business and subsidising it with your own income. Haha. Another day, another drama, on the ease of doing business in Malaysia.
After moping about this for a couple of hours, I remind myself to remind myself that have been insufficiently pessimistic, and must increase my levels of concern about how things will err more greatly than anticipated. It is difficult to do this, when constantly surrounded by people who loudly believe the opposite. :)
Resolution: the warning was out of date
Reflecting on recent events. I've been in risk-on mode for five years, have I? How do I count, from 2011, or 2008, or 2005, or 2001? Probably full-throttle from 2011, since 2009-2010 was pretty cushy by certain standards, and since 2005-2007 were pretty basic for the sake of cultural anthropology, and since 2001-2005 was pretty much the best I job I thought I would ever bother to hold down - after which I thought it best to avoid scholarships for a while: too much ease makes one soft, and already during scholarship I was training myself for solitary confinement. But still, I fear landing on the wrong side of the law, only because it is normal in the circles of power to not venture into prison, or away from civilisation in general. Ah, all these cultural trappings - what shall we do with them?
In any event, I am tired. And I wonder if I should begin putting my affairs in order: does one at once contact a lawyer, a doctor, and a crematorium? Spiffy, it sounds. While public health mandates that it is unacceptable to target death with volition, I have generally maintained that to target life for its own sake is either equally or more despicable: a pillow fight of scorn results between folks who fear death, and those who cannot be entertained by staying alive. Haha.
So now the hours while away. That one must wait for the great mass of normal society and its office hours, in order to get things done, that is a regular tragedy.
No one works near me these days, and so, I must reflect on this job by myself, for the most part.
Jobs this strange, are not for everyone, it seems. But if everything else bores you, hell, why not do it just so.
So a customer pointed out to me that the tax departments takes credit card payments. Brilliant, net national income is subsidised via national debt, with an bureaucratic overhead cost in between.
This is very interesting - I actually support the availability of credit facilities to the public, however, I intuit that there must be a more efficient way to execute this at the macro level, rather than sending fees to credit card companies. If you already know a lot about this subject, please chat with me about it.
McCain vs. GOP Healthcare bill: TIL a lot of American journalists still don't understand the difference between a motion to debate a bill, and a motion to pass a bill. #facepalm #goodoldstudentgov
IVr: Why are you so intense?
IVe: I don't know how to answer that. (Thinking: are the people here more vapid, on average? Probably just unusual, the candidate.)
IVr: What motivates you?
IVe: Simple things, really. I think for work, I like to sum it up in one word - I'm mercenary. (Thinking: I thought the generalistforhire message was clear. Probably just unusual.)
IVr: What do you dislike?
IVe: Timid people. I can tolerate slow people, but I find shy people difficult to work with. But I think I do alright, as in, I can get by with them.
IVr: What are you looking for in life?
IVe: Wow. I think I'm pretty much settled. But for work, I tend to approach the task by finding out what other want, and then I give it to them. I like being an accessory to desire. My own desires got taken care of a long time ago.
IVr: Which fictional character are you similar to?
IVe: Okay, recently the MCU's done me a big favour by painting some vivid caricatures... I'm probably Drax... or Deadpool... something in between, maybe. Overall just pretty loud when I'm not busy, or sleeping.
IVr: Try again.
IVe: I'm Tony Spock.
I hate interviews.
Taking a break from money problems. Time to wunwun. (run, not GoT)
Not healing fast enough. This is an old story. As with many others. Not enough time to go around. Conversations to engage in, and to selectively argue against. Predictable fatigue. Nothing interesting to report. Trying to be polite, and to not make fun of people who are looking for an emotional reaction. Also those who stare aghast at what I do. Remembering not to turn of emotion completely, as it required for various business functions. All in all, a lot finesse is demanded, and perhaps a little of which is discussed. Ho hum. Off to work, soon.
Called it. :P McCain delivered as promised.
Bitcoin and crypto : I must say, so far, I have been of a similar view. There is no national economy behind this currency. But still, I believe the currency is useful, albeit risky. :P
"Please check quality on x, y, z, as usual."
"Please read this guide on how to get your baristas to not quit."
I wish I had more to offer. Haha. (I borrow against my credit card to pay wages, for a company where my ownership is limited.) We have some 300% barista time availability versus we have shifts to give baristas. In fact we are busy worrying about how to avoid contracting operations and removing more shifts altogether. We aim to convert non-entities into solo-FoH agents including the barista role within fifteen active shifts. We are designed to replace baristas quickly - these are the lowest demand roles, both in theory and practice. What we lack is just about everything else...
Tired. Still looking for a fungible work-rest balance.
"We want to discuss the effect of robot interactions with humans."
"Don't forget that robots are people too."
"We don't care about the robots for now, we're concerned about the humans."
"What intersectionality you talking?"
Later I'm taking a shower and thinking about why this amuses me. Another disenfranchised demographic I have enjoyed arguing better treatment for, is children. In a non-trivial sense, many traditions (including contemporary law) treat children as second-class citizens, and therefore a parallel becomes visible: in disenfranchising minors from decision-making responsibilities, we treat children in similar fashion to how we treat animals and machines.
I don't know what the world will look like in the future, but all three demographics are going to get smarter due to technological and economic progress. So how should we discriminate, judge, and sentence sentience in the future? Do we just have a standardised test for intelligence, including a dimension of civil/social intelligence by which any information system may be admitted to the class of sentient first-class citizens?
OK. I want to sleep. But I need to work. But I should enforce feeding and exercise, and I am very confused. So I'll take a deep breathe, and get right to it in not-so-random order...
I punish myself too much? Oh don't be daft. No one else is going to do it for me 😉. Look, it's just business. The problem is that I don't really get motivated by this kind of work... so I have to gamify it. That is why it has to be interesting. LOL. When you are losing at Dota, you swear. It is the same. I do not really punish myself - I just do what is natural for players of the game.
On some entrepreneurs not caring that they piss others off: Of course not. We're only worried that it gets in the way of operations. Lol.
I think recent fatigue has been due to improper pipelining of priorities. Due to staffing emergencies, I start thinking about multiple contingencies, and then productivity just goes out the window. Will probably have to murder more darlings.
MBL's nasi lemak burger: It's a great comms campaign. Doesn't get better than this. You will see it hit global news networks soon. MediaCock knows how to pour gas too. Can't wait to find out which gwailow outlet will be the first to start poking fun at two Asian runts clad in McDonalds garb hahaha. Wendy's and BK already trending this month.
Spending a few minutes practicing the imposition of gestalten, identification, and deprioritisation of sounds in my environment. When this cognitive function goes out of whack, trivial sounds take up wayyy too much short-term memory. Towards the end of a 45 minute period, subconscious control of aural processing appears to have warmed up and is admitting fewer items to consciousness, so the exercise moved to haptic processing which is the next most distracting modality. Probably visual processing was already warm from having tapped on a screen trying to fix mundane IT issues for an hour before that.
The quitting economy: This is a secular trend. So by the time we opened for business in 2015, we already positioned ourselves reactively to this: we don't encourage passion either.
The dominant trend in hiring itinerant workers is to focus on passion, allow a good amount of process drift, and scale out the workforce to compensate for that (increases in headcount). We go quite the otherway, preferring a smaller workforce that has higher scale-up capability (smaller teams, smarter people).
Theory versus practice? Too long to write here lol.
OK - we managed to have a worse July than June. Got to clean up some accounts, then back to product...
Health up. Work down. Brilliiiiance.
Later, I am sitting at my newly reactivated office desk thinking that however brief, it is welcome, the few hours of reprieve from fools other than myself.
And then in preparation for shift work in the morning, while under the sheets, I take the collars off my imagination, just sufficiently to enable lucid dreaming. I suppose it's called day dreaming if you can control it.
Further study required
Drink promoters: Do you think this would work at (office)? How many pestos can a doorbitch sell? I know it's not the same thing but everyone wears multiple hats around here. I don't mind putting on a mask and being the bouncer as long as some haute chick yells at the space hoggers... (HR) write a job description, quick... I'll post it...
Too little work done, and too many silly fuck ups. Past two months I think quantitative measures of productivity e.g. sleep hours, vs work hours, vs types of errors made, would make a strong case for clinical depression. But since I'm pretty stoic about it... I guess I just treat it as fatigue. Lollers.
Reviewing portfolio of time management:
Best done while fully alert:
- physical conditioning (x)
- modal analysis and pipeline optimisation ( y )
- wage work
- other maintenance
Not enough fully alert hours in day. Economic problem. Inputs:
- sleep
- nutrition
- x
- y
Possibly relegated to semi alert hours:
- socialising (but not sex)
Psychopathic occurrence is society statistic: 1% really? Now I'm starting to doubt everyone. Lol.
I really, really dislike timid people. Like my dad. A horrible waffling experience. But business is business, so off we go... (Update: he didn't pop by to discuss business, but he didn't make it clear until the meeting started. Typical.)
But I think my tolerance for things I dislike is high. And for that training, I can thank my parents for my upbringing, I suppose. Hahaha.
(Grossly summarised. Dad is a Methodist minister.)
Dad: "I think it's time you reconsidered your relationship with God."
Me: "Well, I can think of God as a person too, so like here I'm having a conversation with you. If God were to come down here and have a conversation with us like this, I think we would have a swell conversation. Whatever. But the difference between you and I is probably in how we relate to people in general, deities or otherwise. Like this being superficially nice to each other is great, we can talk, we can laugh, we can get dinner. Great! But how much do I really care about it? At the end of the day, probably not much."
Dad: "I still think there's more you should be doing with your life."
Me: "Look, there are people are happy with what they have, and there are people who are not. I have been very happy with what I have, for a very long time already. People who are unsatisfied, will be unhappy, and people who are satisfied will happier. I think you'll eventually become happy with what you have, or you'll just have to accept being unhappy."
(Why do I feel now that I'm the parent?)
Dad: So this gap in the drain, when I was younger, I would just leap it, but my knees are not so strong now.
Me: I think it's a matter of practice - do you still get many jogging hours in every day? No? But I think anyone who practices will get healthier. If you start when you're 70, how old are you exactly?"
Dad: How old am I? I'm 69 today.
(Explains why he's reaching out and emo. There were other motivations discussed.)
Me: Right, so even if you start when you're 80, I'm sure you'll be stronger when you're 90. None of us get enough jogging hours in... it's a matter of prioritisation, isn't it?
Me: "Sad that you'll lose tons and tons of money on (her business). "
She: "Are you really sad about the money part? I didn't think it would be something you cared much about."
Me: "Sad for you. Sad for my shareholders. Not sad for me - I don't really need it."
Mahathir strikes back: Better a clever despot than a foolish one.
Just paid for a GST fine personally - my fault :P
Hwa YangJerng shared a link.
How to get to a world without suicide: I would prefer a world with publically funded euthanasia programs, which admit any citizen who subjects to a voluntary test of sentience. LOL. #suicideasaservice
May be stuck on shift for next 12 hours. 😏
Post-nups: So much yes.
I don't understand people who disagree with their bosses, on professional targets, who also don't quit their jobs. It is a waste of everyone's time. Lol. But it appears my lot in life to turn peasants into an army, so on with it. I don't actually anticipate success, but we lost our options a year ago, and are committed. Heheh.
Not sure which is worse, watching big budget movies with loose scripts, or working with plebs on a daily basis. Lol
If humans are filth, the foodie is the filthiest of all, celebrating in the present those systems evolved from the beginning of life, without consideration for the future, or for systematic transitions at all. But maybe humans are not filth... maybe it is only the foodies.
After the foodies, come the tourists. Devoid of the capability to generate lucid experiences from secondary sources, the self-styled traveller roams around the Earth writing primary experiences to memory...
Woohoo. Night potatoes leave mess. Morning potatoes on MC. Cover the shifts. Kitchen potatoes illiterate, must receive demonstration on scrambled eggs, plating, other concerns. Not enough sleep, so physics engine not working - lots of kinesthetic fuckups. Ok. Night potatoes don't know how to attach hose to hoover. Make training video. Other potatoes moving the furniture around. Need to lock down furniture. On we go...
Gonna measure everything anyway :p
Shift thrown! Standby for cover. Enforced shower, nap, etc.
I find that I mostly operate on two emotions, boredom, and sadness. Boredom inspires action. Action is limited by economics. Inaction inspires sadness. Sadness inspires boredom. There is no room for excitement by action, that is foolish. On we go
Silence is not consent. Silence is not discontent.
Confident body language: Lol. These are things I avoid doing because people find me intimidating.
I may need to schedule daily checks on all major muscle groups. I could swear I spend more time on daily checks of our toilets.
According to this study, my college's alumni have relatively low early-career salaries, and relatively better mid-career ones. LOL #notintherelevantpool
#kicktest ing a new business idea. I happen to use MBTI notation (a descriptive, not predictive framework) pretty well, so someone asked me to help find them partners using such heuristics:
Person #1 is an INFJ woman, looking for, men, "XXTP, XXFJ, maybe XXTJ; possibly more inclined to N types vs S types."
PM if you have leads.
Professional ornamental hermit: Found my true calling.
Fancy cake glazing: Basic B stuff I wish I had time to do. Not happening soon by the looks of it :P
East Asian women looking for husbands that don't cheat: If you can't keep contracts, don't take contracts. Geez, it's like this is a difficult concept to understand, or something.
Sugar babies: Meanwhile I've been wondering how many of my already posh friends really just do it for the thrill and sense of validation. I envy some of them very much. Haha. I don't think they need the money, some of them, but, who couldn't use more dough?
Reboot reboot reboot, quick quick quick... #everyendofproject