2021-06-09 at

Autonomous Breathing as the Metric of Interest in Physical Conditioning

At the age of 37.7 I figured out something about physical conditioning ... that I should have figured out much earlier in life. I guess I will now have to teach it as a fundamental skill.

So, in bodyweight conditioning, most of us weaklings are going to be able to hit our training limit just by shifting balance from comfortable to uncomfortable positions. It takes a very strong person to be comfortable in any posture, and then have to actually just jumping for higher resistance. 

The thing I never did was coordinate my breathing with the shift in balance, as the body crosses from comfort to panic. So in my study today, I learnt to focus entirely on the autonomous impulse to breath. A confused student of kinesthesia may freeze their breathing, or be unsure of how to control it - but the simplest approach is to allow the autonomic nervous system to do what it wants to do. Some conscious adjustments might be helpful.  

I settled into a mode of hyperventilation while shifting balance into panic. This struck me as a good work-out, because the training components directly addressed the root of the problem of movement ... the part where the brain distracts itself. So we fix the weakest part of the subconscious, gradually, by placing it at the forefront of our list of training concerns.

Then I came home, and later wrote this down. Also Googled some related readings.

PDF: Where does Breathing Start? Caroli 2015