2024-04-13 at

Buying out emotional volatility

 I guess, when I'm on salaried jobs, I can afford to hang out with emotionally volatile people. Any issues they have are easily bought out with money in the short-term.

But if I am living my own life, without depending on a salary, they simply don't fit in my budget. Good study, this 2023.

(social) business development

Participation in society defines each individual. The degree to which an individual decides to participate, or not, tends to vary. An individual with clear directions about their business ( not referring to commerce, here ), will selectively participate with others who are involved in similar businesses. The degree of participation between individuals comes down to an advertisement of one's own business interests, and an inquiry about the businesses of others.

2024-04-12 at

Short-term memory - and data collected on edge

My friend was not sure why I said I had trouble forgetting a TV show we watched. I explained that the TV show being several hours long, contained a lot of data, which remains in my short-term memory. Most of this data is not relevant to my hourly work, so I have been trying to forget it.

A tv show such as the one we watched would have

- a number of cinematographic composition decisions

- a script

- a cast of actors

- an art director

- a set of real world artifacts reflected in the movie

Each actor would further have : 

- a vocal timbre

- an accent or capability to mimic other accents

- a kinesthetic profile / posture

- etc.

Of course, most people dont notice, process, or retain this information about TV shows ... in the way that most people don't deconstruct the design decisions behind the clothes, food, machines, administrative processes, and places that they interact with a on daily basis.

Some of us do, however. We just have different training. One way to illustrate the mode of thought is, if you look at some movies and a character doesn't see ordinary objects, only the formal representation of those thing as "code". There's an earlier reference I can think of which motivated me to train myself in this way ... in a children's book from many years ago, a character would automatically see the accelerated aging process of any item they looked at.

I thought that was generally useful, so I was always looking to have a similar understanding of the world.

staying out of trouble

 Life seems to be a continuous effort of avoiding troublesome people ...

... people who bring uninvited expectations

... people who learn only for other objectives

... people who are themselves troubled and cannot express it rationally

Half my time is spent avoiding troublesome people. The other half is reducing troublesome behaviours in myself.

2024-04-11 at


Inability is the absence of ability to do X.
Disability is formalised inability.
Pervasive but informal dis\inability is culture.
It's just statistics.

relationships are simple

Relationships are simple. Two parties decide that they want to label their unison. The label has no significant meaning beyond this, at a minimum. If either party assigns further semantics without consent of the other party, then asymmetry arises. If both parties consent to added semantics, then the relationship is symmetrically understood to be richer. 

That's all. It's not fucking complicated...

2024-04-09 at

Not : Ready, Able, and Willing : to Translate

Yes. So two people using different protocols - by definition, incompatible hehe.

One may have the complexity level of a small car.

Another may have the complexity level of a thunderstorm.

It is possible to interact between two such systems, but a protocol would be quite complicated.


Towards building a tiny IaaS for individual users that is also FOSS.

Reviewing the past few days' readings. OpenStack and Kubernetes are doing a great job, but they're very, very, fat. I mean they're oriented around big-people problems, and are quite OS-oriented in their approach to fundamental units of governance.

I just want something like a HomeStack ( don't google it - the brand is taken ) or GarageStack ( this brand isn't taken ), which would basically be an IaaS deployable on anything as small as a home router, USB drives, a NAS, and obsolete laptops - but robust enough to scale up to a public cloud, if needed. (If it scales that well, getting it to run at scale on bare-metal shouldn't be the hugest problem, but thinking about that right now would certainly be a premature development concern.)

I guess given my limited background in this area, I'll probably end up trying to see if I can get ErlangOTP to handle the control plane.

But then, I still have this niggling feeling that I should check out the newer V8 runtimes like Deno and Bun, to try and implement a JavaScript version of whatever OTP is doing. But maybe this too is premature optimisation.

IDK, we'll see.

Maybe related : https://ferd.ca/a-pipeline-made-of-airbags.html

2024-04-08 at

TIL : Disambiguating the main Lifecycle of a Kubernetes Operation : by using "Cluster API" as an example : with a note on the Separation of Concerns addressed by Knative

Executive Summary

  • - kubernetes is software that manages software - but it doesn't provision or deprovision hardware
  • - kubernetes HAS an extension / sub-project called ClusterAPI that DOES de/provision hardware ( but it runs as ... surprise, its own kubernetes cluster, so it requires a bootstrap to provision the first hardware, for the first cluster, which then manages all the other hardware and clusters )
  • - ALL of the above is basically a super complicated replication and load-balancing framework ... to get from there to anything that remotely resembles a PaaS or FaaS that developers can use ... you might consider the Knative framework for Kubernetes

/// 1. SOFTWARE ///

  • - - Kubernetes (K8s) is an application which manages other applications in a cluster of machines, but does not de/provision the hardware which any of this software is executed on
  • - - a K8s Ingress is a network point for non-cluster parties to gain access to a K8s Cluster
  • - - a K8s Cluster's Control Plane manages the Cluster's Services ; the Control Plane may run on one, or more ( hardware ) Nodes in their Cluster ... sometimes referred to as Master Nodes or Control Nodes
  • - - a K8s Service is a composed set of applications running in a K8s Cluster ; a Cluster may run one or more Services ; the distinguishing quality of a Service is that it is available, as opposed to ephemeral ; Services may run on one, or more ( hardware ) Nodes in their Cluster ... almost always referred to as Worker Nodes ( the use of the phrase "Data Plane" to refer to K8s Services is a misnomer, badly copied from the domain of networking terminology, from where the term "Control Plane" originated )

/// /// 1.1. Composition of a Service /// ///

  • - - - - a K8s Deployment of a K8s Service specifies a change in a ReplicaSet
  • - - - - a K8s ReplicaSet specifies a number of identical Pods to maintain in a K8s Service, based on a PodTemplate
  • - - - - a K8s Pod is the smallest defineable application in a K8s Service ( Amazon refers to Pod as "Tasks" ) ; a K8s Service may contain one or more Pods ; Pods implement Services ; Pods are expected to be ephemeral ; a Pod's definition is referred to as a PodTemplate ; a Service can also specify Pods without a ReplicaSet
  • - - - - a Operating System Container is a jail for applications ; a Pod may contain one or more Containers ; Containers implement Pods ; because Pods are expected to be ephemeral, Containers are expected to be ephemeral 

/// /// 1.2. Knative : Opinionated K8s /// ///

  • - - Knative is a K8s Extension, and opinionated framework, for resource management in K8s ; one the often cited use-cases is for developers trying to build a Platform-as-a-service, Container-as-a-Service, or Functon-as-a-Service, on K8s clusters

/// 2. HARDWARE "INFRASTRUCTURE" ( physical or virtual ) ///

  • - - physical or virtual machines in K8s are called Nodes ( see Master Node, Control Node, Worker Node, above )
  • - - Cluster API (CAPI) is a K8s software sub-project which can handle the de/provisioning of said infrastructure ; CAPI itself, of course, runs on infrastructure, which needs to be bootstrapped
  • - - CAPI Management Clusters are K8s clusters used to run CAPI
  • - - CAPI Workload Clusters are other K8s clusters managed by a Management Cluster

/// /// 2.1. Bootstrapping CAPI's Management Cluster /// ///

  • - - - - OpenToFu, or something else, may be used to bootstrap infrastructure provisioning
  • - - - - a CAPI Bootstrap Provider ( e.g. kubeadm init ) may be used to bootstrap the Kubernetes (K8s) cluster upon the bootstrapped infrastructure 
  • - - - - ... to close the loop, bootstrapping needs a symmetrical automation to terminate the Management Cluster and to deprovision its infrastructure

2024-04-07 at

Automotive / Vehicular / Car Paint - TL;DR

Car paint TIL ( possibly relevant to any metal substrate, and then some ) : 


- BEWARE ambiguous terms : LACQUER, ENAMEL, RESIN are all non-specific labels which may refer to a very wide variety of formulations

- CURING time : paints require days or months to fully cure, so leaving a WEEK between layers may help for DIY projects, especially if you don't have a car-sized oven

- HARDENERS : anything which requires you to mix two parts ( usually 1-2% hardening catalyst ) is likely to be stronger than a one-part product; but this is not absolutely guaranteed to be true

- DURABILITY : [ ( stronger ) : polyurethane > epoxy > acrylic > nitrocellulose : ( weaker ) ], paint formulations typically have a mix of these chemicals; branding of the product might highlight one chemical over the others; polyurethane (PU) is generally regarded as having the highest durability, particularly against ultraviolet radiation 


- SANDING : always address the substrate before applying the layer over it; wet or dry methods may apply

- 1 : lower layer : "body FILLER" x "putty" : the structurally strongest stuff is a { polyester resin, hardener, fibreglass } concrete ... this method is used to build entire car bodies, in some cases ; otherwise it is usually just for smoothing out cavities

- 2 : lower-mid layer : PRIMER : the main role here is to protect metal from rusting, and to provide adhesion to upper layers ... the stack is usually [ metal OR filler > PRIMER > pigment > clear ], however [ metal > PRIMER > filler > PRIMER > pigment > clear ] also works 

- 3 : higher-mid pigment : whatever ... see CHEMISTRY, above

- 4 : top layer : clear coat ... see CHEMISTRY, above

- 5 : super top layer : clear polymer or ceramic coatings ... are regarded as "not paint" but basically play the same function, and should be regarded inclusively with paint maintenance; these are commonly applied with a cloth, using a special method