2024-05-25 at

Life is parley with fools

One treads about the world, lightly.

It is a dangerous place. Many people identify with incompetence and cannot be improved consensually. Values are allocated within ignorant contexts. Many act without thought. Many think without reason. Many reason without an understanding of how reason is executed by conscious and subconscious memory processes. Many dream without a comprehensive reflection about the fabric upon which imagination occurs. Many act without knowing how dreams translate into muscles. Many do not know how muscles and bones come about. No one really knows the entirety of these things, at this point in history. The best know maybe, half a percent of all processes in the body. The worst, unfortunately, then know only a ten-thousandth part of what the best know. And most of us, are closer to the worst than the best.

The world is truly dismal to live in.

2024-05-24 at

Most things that people love, are legal vices

Business legality, ethics, and aesthetics. Broadly, these all refer to the same thing. But the terms are used to demarcate different magnitudes of consequence for the contravention of norms in the struggle between individual interest, and the interests of other individuals. I was thinking about this recently, in discussion with a business owner whose public copy was that they love their products, and that they love doing their business. I think, it is reasonable for someone to love doing their business, without loving their own products. The ethics of all that is subject to aesthetic review, but at the end of the day, we draw boundaries based on what is legal, or not.

2024-05-22 at

being altruistically affected

Empathy for dumbfucks holds society together. Whatever the cost, we will think it is worth it. How could we not? We reap the benefits of charity. From this, follow many sentimental myths about honour, loyalty, and virtue, without quantification.

Social Justice & Mental Models

Social justice & mental models : "X treats each Y with the same amount of effort", clearly does not imply, "each Y feels the same as each other Y". In fact, the latter phenomena, is the reason why the former policy is enacted for risk management.

2024-05-20 at

angerless life, may be an angering notion

I was thinking about people who get angry on a regular basis. I think, anger becomes a part of their identity. So, the notion that it is possible to live a life absent of anger for months or years, is not just foreign, but even offensive (angering) to them. Well, there it is, quite clearly, I suppose. Not fixable ... with consent.

2024-05-19 at

Altruism and Robbery

At least 50% of the population normalises a belief, that you give certain people more privileges, to a degree that the receivers have some power to hurt the giver. On one hand, this trustful assumption provides good infrastructure for commerce ( visible or invisible ), and on the other hand, it depends on a mass of individuals to broadly compromise personal security. So altruism sets a stage for sudden robbery of the masses. It is legal - but whether it is ethical, depends on whom you ask.

I have friends in the altruistic camp who are often handing out bits of their security, and crying when they don't get it back. I am not sure how to counsel them, except that they should take fewer risks with themselves.

In the cases where one party loses security, but no party gains any, it probably counts as net value destruction for society.

Oh well, protocol wars abound.