2020-09-03 at

My Life as a Programmer

I don't particularly enjoy programming - I think it's tedious and boring. But it's like cleaning toilets, if you want a clean toilet, either you pay someone to do it, or you clean it yourself.

Perhaps relevant: I get paid to clean toilets for a living.

Generally I do find tech stuff interesting, but tech is a lot bigger than programming. Did a lot of sci/tech related stuff from 8-17yo (1991-2000), then didn't do much in college because the college was better for other subjects. After that just picked various jobs in banking / online social networks to get paid to learn on the job. After that did a few months of home study in FP (2012), then some programming/CTO work in 2014, then in 2015 opened a cafe for the tech community ... 2017 got banned from corporate social media by shareholders, so had to pivot into things like Google Ad Script. 2019 refocusd on our web assets ... started building our stack. Still working on it ...

2020-09-02 at

Work-Life Balance, and the Exponential Cost of Generalisation

Choosing to participate in physical conditioning and developing social relations has fairly modular trade-offs. I figure that I have about four (4) productive work sprints in a single day. Each takes say 2-3 hours of time.

Working out, feeding, washing, laundry, and reloading information after working out, basically consumes one sprint.

Recalibrating my memory to interact with loved ones basically consumes another sprint.

Given that within each day, later sprints are usually superior in productivity to prior sprints due to memory locality, there is an exponential cost to physical and social conditioning.

Yet we all do it anyway. Sometimes. Sometimes we do not. 

That is the economics of it.

Leadership in Malaysia

 In general, when I think about what it would be like to demonstrate exemplary behaviour as a Malay leader in Malaysia, it would simply be to rub race equality in the faces of my Malay peers. But I am not a Malay (and have not yet applied for a change of status), so that is purely theoretical.

Instead usually, when I think about how I can demonstrate exemplary behaviour as a non-Malay leader in Malaysia, my judgment has always led me to rub racial inequality in the faces of my non-Malay peers. I think so far in life, I have done so, proudly.

2020-08-31 at

FY6 operating direction

(part 1: strategic framework):

Given the limitations of my current business, one year ago (EOY FY4), I wasn't sure what to work on, while waiting on some slow internal talent to develop. So I thought maybe it was a good time (after four years) to spend some time repairing my personal bodily weaknesses and diversifying my personal housekeeping activities. After a year, I wonder if I have spent too much time worrying about my wellness. I think 70% of the reparatory progress I wanted to achieve is established, say about 80%-of-80% ... and so it's not quite at Pareto parity but perhaps only one order of distance away from that.

Many days now I wake up at an odd hour, knowing there is much work to do, and telling myself to stop rushing into getting it done. Then instead I spend an onerous time swiping through my quotas on dating apps - my profile is designed to filter out as many bad matches as possible, so it always a matter of shovelling as many candidates as possible into the top of the funnel, as the top is rather constricted. Good work has been achieved here, but again, it is incompete. But given the length of this season ... a year of diversified infrastructural investment, I think it is now time to deprioritise meditations on personal wellness, so that I can return to swatting corporate issues with a little more vigour.

Now it's EOY FY5, and I am planning to reenter a mode of practice that is more focused on iteration rates, and less on iteration quality, once again ... just like in FY1's GTM to build the first funnel, and FY3's shareholder initiated termination of social media which resulted in our emergency restructuring around a new funnel. I guess FY6 will be about new funnels, once again. The landlord has just informed me that we will not be able to afford the price he is asking for an expansion upstairs, so that takes one bag of variables out of my calculus for the time being. I could always bid more to rent that space, but I am never sure if that is wise, given our circumstances. What is wise? Nothing we know in any field is ever certain, and it is only those who grasp for certainty who seem to enjoy such charades.

(part 2: quality framework):

Operational metrics which shall now need to be reinstated in practice:

- upon waking, check neural tone; proprioception;

- what is the available resolution of live data from all musculoskeletal structures? Adjust pipelines; reevaluate until a high enough bandwidth, and a low enough variance in bandwidth are achieved throughout the fabric of meat;

- what is the available rate of response between ideation and actuation? How large are gaps in consciousness between points of kinesthetic reevaluation?

- have conscious memory spaces been adequately groomed? In each sense modality, can the mental stage be fully cleared of artifacts, and redrawn at will? How many actions per second for how many sustained seconds, with how many rests, of what duration, over minutes, hours, and days? Anything longer than a day stops being a major concern when the focus is on intraday executions;

These are the rudiments of my self management during operationally critical periods.


Note to self, recap of business direction

(timely, since I was introducing a friend to Chamath's interviews, yesterday):

Small businesses (00,'000s of companies) as a sector are inefficient, due to a large volume of redundant administrative and operational hubris (IT, HR, compliance, bookkeeping, retail merchandising, mechanical and electrical engineering, art and copy, etc.) which is largely reimplemented within each company. It should be possible to abstract away the common elements of such business functions into an infrastructural fabric that serves all small businesses. This is the long-game, and the short-game is to maintain operations of a brick and mortar operations which serves first to establish a testbed for R&D on the long-game, and second to internally finance the first item.

R&D has proceeded over the first five years over various items in this pursuit, mostly in terms of studying what can be achieved with a skeleton crew in such businesses, how to integrate IT with upstream inventory and downstream productisation, and where built-environment technology is lacking in advancement (HVAC, as an energy concern, mostly). However the past year has been spent drilling into the software stack, and seeking to establish tooling suitable for the next decade. 

- an open source framework;

- on Node, Lambda, DynamoDB;

- hence portable to Scylla for lock-in concerns;

- implements a WYSIWYG RDBMS using Dynamo as the backend; hence low project startup costs, but will have high per-API call cost; optimised for small data ... really a tool for (a) rapid prototyping at minimal incremental cost (b) anyone doing small data work (personal projects, SMEs doing mini projects or systems like IT for a single cafe);

- v1 missed the boat on REST compliance ... I only learnt about REST in detail after I started work on this, so v1alpha is going to be a massive hack;

- v2alpha will aim for REST compliance; 

- additionally the framework is meant to be a language agnostic design pattern; Node/Lambda just happens to be the development environment for the reference implementation;

- the bigger concern is this: every web framework in various languages implements a different subset of IETF's allowances ... and implements similar subsets in totally different ways; this is ridiculous ... I don't want to have to rearchitecture my thought process every time I switch to a different language; so the goal in this vertical is to develop a platonic web framework which I can implement in any future language I care to work in. Too much work for most people. but it's what I think needs to be done for the ecosystem 😛 if we succeed, the labour savings for any users of this tool will be immense.

Anyway, that's just my self-reminder about what this business is about. We've been mostly focused on R&D instead of growth, since we ran out of cash in FY2, and entered turtle/roach mode. 

Now to the final quarter of the decade ...

Yawn #64

2020-08-11 - 2020-08-31

Recent problems acknowledged/addressed:


- people have no place to work late at night

- people invest in companies but get no returns

- people have no employment

- people want to help software developers find better paying jobs but can't hold a conversation on ethics without blowing their tops

- people want to be x-ism activists but can't carry a conversation on ethics without blowing their tops (ok, this is really true of all x-ism activists 😛 across the political spectrum)

- people want to build websites but the global organisations which set standards are too loose in their standards

- people want to build friendships but can't stop themselves from becoming jealous of other friendships

- people want to find spouses but can't hold their shit together until they find one

- people want a well-governed political economy but refuse to acquire the ability to read and form opinions on existing laws

- people want to evangelise the latest legal news, but can't write a headline that is accurate

Trying to be a good citizen is exhausting. #iamverytired.


waP: On a lighter note, please watch this video to help some deserving celebrities make some money, before they are banned by MCMC ... #isthisclassism?

Bonus points: dig up the lyrics and #spotthecoke

How much did Coke pay for WAP?




Woke, haircut, food, wash, slept. Head check - not yet in ideal cognitive position: of course, it's not ideal to wait for complete recovery from fatigue, but when to just fuck it and start grinding? Ah, there's the rub.


Ran. To the office - caught up with a staff. I am not fit, but it would be nice to get back to where I was 14 years ago. Even push-ups are hard. Adjusted lacing on my new runners - forefoot lacing tightened. Washed. Ate. Realised that I'm particularly sensitive to social behaviour ... was listening and watching driver decisions, and pedestrian activity, while on the run, and also while eating. So I hypothesised that I have not had enough social stimulus of late, and I decided to go on vacation. (Logs support the hypothesis.)


Wasn't sure if I needed to drop off chocolates later, so I bought some before the shops closed.


Then I realised I am still on a tight budget, so I decided to spend my vacation time at the office where I can get staff drinks. So here I am, with a coffee, listening to the people around me.


After pushing myself through three espressos on water, and providing relevant QA advice to the duty staff, I feel sufficiently dumb again to press on with bookkeeping.


2316, laundry is hung, and I am back at a desk.

Map check. First activities to exercise should be grooming, feeding, and public listening.
I am listening in the common area of the house where I rent a room. It is quieter but not completely devoid of social sounds, from traffic to machinery about 200 meters away.
Sensitivity to an aural field is part of the operational requirements for cafe work, which I have had to focus on over the years. I have been reminded of this programming as I tend to prefer to walk and analyse my hearing while going on runs. Usually I will run consistently only as a social activity, or if I have already exhausted my capabilities to listen.
So part of my routine preparation for desk work now, which includes little listening, may be to begin the day by exhausting my capability to listen first, so there are fewer distractions later.
Walked a 10kg rock, and resumed splits training, a reintroduction to my schedule, of analytical haptics in the form of physical conditioning.
Recalculates protein intake: should probably be suppementing 3-4 times a day ...
Made friends with the final housemate.
Figuring out my life. (1) Framework-v1 uses a storage layer optimised for low initial costs, but deoptimised for storage space, cost-per-space, speed of development, etc.. This is the long hard road - becoming familiar enough with this idiom in order to understand how to further its development. That settles our tech direction. (2) In order to have time to work on tech, I really need to haul ass on keeping our books in ship shape. So that's a reminder and structural priority. (3) In order to do dumb desk work efficiently, I need to manage my subconscious' rate of distraction generation, using the balanced scorecard which I mapped yesterday. (4) I'm really enjoying free weight without bars workouts, so I guess that settles my physical conditioning direction in the near term. (5) I seem to be able to get decent meals at MYR7 near my home, so perhaps two of those daily, and 2-4 doses of protein supplementation (1.6-2.2g intake daily per kg body weight). (6) I need to tell my lover to hold me on a regular basis, at least for a while. But I'm not sure if I need to put dates all on a schedule yet. (7) I should try to get my old flat back into shape by end-2020 ... but this has been postponed for years, so I am doubtful about progress.


Perhaps time to revert to sleeping with a light on, for stimulation.
Extra sleep, exercise, nutrition, and a quieter home are helping, perhaps. This feels like we've gotten from first to second gear, and I need to ramp up further. Going for a cleanup of noise in the nervous system, towards more work, yeah.
Breakfast. And cycling through sense modalities, looking for things I've missed in each field of data due to lack of attention. Every now and then I am reminded that I have forgotten my training - but that just reminds me that my training needs to be improved.
A spot of social work, and some bookkeeping done. Break. Maybe time to walk the rock.
Moral support check at the factory.
Kicked along a survey of sentiment about space expansion for the factory.
Started working on framework code; got locked out of bathroom again; broke in successfully; complained to landlord; resumed work on framework code; breaking with WIP.


Downed the first 7RM meal of the day. Time to supplement protein. Need to get this habit down as early as possible in the woken day, because supplements need to be spaced out to reduce complications. Eating is such a chore. Laundry also iterated. Off to the office for aural conditioning. (Ended up doing a bit of QA.)
I wonder if I can redeem my Maybank treatspoints for food. I think so ... supermarket vouchers ... hahah
Networked with the housemate. Sent of nominal July EOM reporting. Now time to tidy up claims and stuff ... oh dear.
Followed up on customer behavioural issues and filed a police report. Breakfast time. Well, spitting took the cake. While federal rules require tobacco smokers to be 10-feet out from the BUILDING edge, we generally just lump the vapers into that under house rules. 
It also seems that throwing fags on the ground is "normal" for most Malaysians, and I'll get around to banning that after I have some stability of operations. Busy writing software atm.
Trying to fight the IETF's lack of structure and the casual plebe at the same time is wearing down my mental faculties 😅


More practice needed, on letting the autonomous nervous system balance its control of breathing. Freezing up in F/F mode is detrimental to cognitive stability. Since I'm generally overstimulated with epinephrine and norepinephrine from to caffeine intake, my body tends to experience effects equivalent to an overstimulated SNS; so manual activation of the PNS for more acetylcholine seems to be the way forward.


Shit. Now I need to learn about bike technicalities.
While I have gotten a good amount of sleep over the past two days, the newness of stuff in my short term memory is thrashing my mid term memory. I think mid term here refers to something like database indexes ... prepared structures which allow rapid access to frequently used portions of long term memory.

Defensive cycling, US: carry a pool noodle. 
Defensive cycling, MY: cycle on the curb opposing traffic and assume that drivers are incapable of seeing you.
Tire spec: Nakano 57-559 (26x2.125) min 40 PSI max 65 PSI; day 0, I fill it to 65 PSI and there is a very obvious bulge in the tire, so I send it back to the shop.
Shop keeper: we will void your warranty if you fill the air to 65 PSI; replaces tire with a WD 53-559 (26x1.95) 50 PSI spec. EWT EWANTA (?); so far 50 PSI seems like an OK ride, but I will seek harder and narrower upgrades in the future.
Next project: get the biggest most annoying LED blinky light backpack I can find.
Learnings / updates : long pants need to be rolled up for GG. The only reason I can see for adding a helmet to my kit is that my responsibilities today are greater than they were in 2008 when I rode on the Federal Highway - now I can at least have plausible deniability of having tried to improve my protection, even if most bicycle riders suffer from neck injuries, which normal helmets only partially reduce. Buses today are a lot quieter than the mini-buses on the 90s - so the streets are more dangerous, as with increased acoustic and vibrational insulation, and stability and braking technology, drivers move a lot faster than they used to.
Met up with a friend.
Did data entry, wrote a couple of cheques, paid the electricity bill. Thought about recent errors in the previous commit of my code from a few days ago. Premature optimisation.
1443 the next day.
Dined. Soon to bed. Laundry needs to be hung.


A lot of people fail to grasp that "being philosophical" and "having principles" are opposites. The whole point of wisdom is to: not pull things out of your ass, and then expect people to take you seriously. LOL

Day begins. Find food before shops close.
Cleared about 150 expense claims. Down to about 45, but there's no way we can afford the rest for now. 😛 As usual.
You know what would make HTML really fun to use (and slower to traverse) ... multiple parentNode support. #treeToDAG
Off to bed. Thinking about many old things. My web design preferences seem just like what they were in 2004. I miss a girl who hasn't been able to talk to me in a while - more than others of the same class. 🙂 B12 and creatine and fish oil.
After a bit of music practice. Off to enforce feeding. Then a social meeting over food. Purchase of safety lights in between.
Need to spend more time on work.
Too much carbohydrate intake at the evening meal. Blood sugar seems to have restabilised. Time for a coffee and to iterate on work.
Did some bookkeeping. Did some grouting. Did some programming. Nap.
Late for a social, but I hadn't committed to go, but made it anyway, so that was ok.
These two months, I am that loser trying to write a better rectification of CRUD, REST, and HTTP verbs than what has been provided by our standards organisations.
Given competing priorities, I think I will die of stress.
Poked at code. Finished grouting the bathroom floor. Time for a coffee and rumination on architecture.
I wasted a lot of time gambling on social activities today. Catching up with old friends and relatives may be interesting, but objectively they don't add value to my portfolio in the short-term, and there is a good track record of this over decades. Oh well. One should never rely on stale data, so reiteration is the name of the game.
Up. Need to get food before shops close.

Oh shit - we can actually provide F&B 24-7 under an office space license, as long as we don't register the premise as a restaurant. I'm such a moron ...


On the trope of the longing man: 🤓🤠🤡😈
Commented: Guilty. Wait, no, guity at too young an age ... the senior cringe is figure out how to tread the line between cringe and creep and criminal. Too much self awareness becomes a comedy


I realised I have this bias. The word "bitch" is divergent in meaning, in one context it refers to a strong woman (negative connotations) and in another context it refers to a subservient woman (negative connotations). Both of these contexts are sexist. I think I programmed the first connotation out of my vocabulary a very long time ago, so I was always confused when women would tell me they go to job interviews and tell the hiring managers that they're "good bitches". Following a few in-depth conversations over the years, I am less confused. But probably not less sexist. Let me see if I can fix this ...
... aside, there are other contexts which I do use personally, some of which are positive, but that is not the point of this post.
Personally, I prefer another idiom for the strong role, which is more gender neutral. Adopted from parliamentary language, I refer to my tactical QA people as whips.

I need to spend a bit of time thinking about what happens if we implement an [HTTP server] in every [user agent], via client-side scripts, and then tunnel [HTTP requests] from a data-centre to [user agents] over the WebSocket protocol, HTTP Server-side Events, or just over plain old [HTTP responses] from the data-centre.

A recent friend calls me 'puppy' - this is going to end like the #wasiagoodboymeme, isn't it ...


I guess I treat all professional work as an athletic activity - I'm not in it to win a competition. I just like playing the sport.
My housemate pointed out that Christopher Nolan has a habit of killing off the wives. Very interesting.
CRUD for desk-schemas is mostly in place except for UPDATE which is contingent on desk-cell integration.
Time for food.
Nap before office machine checks at 1600. 
Planning for the next year. It is year six. I have been firefighting for most of the past five years. So every year we don't expire, we get better at it. I just resettled residences again, and hope to have fewer ex-business expenses for a while. More toast and protein powder in the diet. 
I need to give myself some headroom - right now I'm thinking to prepare myself to feel unproductive for all of FY6. Any demise would be unsurprising, and any progress would be unexpected. Ok, this is a good plan - I can believe in it.
It also reminds me that whichever social and business associates I have that prefer different expectations, none are really contributing to my operations, and so I must manage this on my terms, regardless of differences in ambition. No one else will do the work for me. 🙂 
What's your plan for the next twelve months?
Probably overstimulated by caffeine. Intermittent napping.
So ... we had another room's door locked without a key again. Had to force it. Every time we force it the door suffers. Recommended reinstalling locks (8-10 units) for all doors. Should be RM12-17/lock. This time landowner should keep a master copy of keys? For the record: was woken up near midnight when one of the guys was locked out of their room and *they wanted help*. They were working anxiously on it with an 8-inch chef's knife which was somewhat intimidating. I told them the way I got into my room, and they said to try it on their door - and they said they'd handle their own repair costs, if any repairs need to be made. Just making this note for my protection.
Trying to corale together my various conversations with women, my various divisions at the job, and my various readings of society in general. It is exhausting.
I think I should park programming, and focus on supply-chain, procurement, and general administration on Monday.
Dried cranberries are a source of carbohydrates, which balance out the chicken from dinner. I reduce the temperature of the room a little, in search of panacea.
I guess it took 37 years of growing up, and about 30 residences ... to learn how to design a self-contained hotel room.
Also I just learnt how to tune the spokes on a bicycle wheel, and I am wondering who has time for that - then I remember I grout toilet floors and write software by hand. Oh well. Can't do it all ...
Phasing into common business hours. First order of business: laundry.
Care reseted. Laundry hung. Bike light batteried and stowed in backpack. Dashboard screw loosened for replacement. Trash can rebagged. Floor mat bleached and hung. Off to business.
Bestie's gear delivered, some supplies moved to the shop, some pending purchase, met with landlord, found replacement screws for dashboard, fixed dishwasher with service tech, got blocked by another INXJ, back home for a nap and shower before more of the same.
Slept through a social meetup. Awake. Inboxes clear.
My hand hurts more where it is healing from skin lost to working with a broom a few days ago. Less than the nicks and cuts, and caustic soda dryness from working briefly on that dishwasher.
Perhaps a bit of food and exercise to prime the day. A social appointment in the evening.
I am reminded that empathy is a good slave but a bad master.
Also, to avoid high maintenance conversationalists for the most part.
Light workout with 10kg plate. Washed up. More feeding. Then rumination on thoughts. I have a lot of disorganised thoughts - the business may soon be expanding in complexity.

Things I must do to improve my work today:
- actually do work
- shore up my personal social support systems by continuing to manage the funnel of intimate partners (it's been a long-term strategy to maintain mostly intersected sets of close friends and lovers - it definitely doesn't happen by accident because I make friends way too easily,  and so have generally had to compensate for this by removing most people from the close set and processing them into the set of acquaintances); plus the set of lovers is generally small for good reason (I am not so hot; nor am I simply a nice person)
- shore up my cognitve apparatus by maintaining routine checks on information processing subsystems in various sense modalities; sensitivity, rate of recognition per field, mutative variability of gestalten, geometric transformations on objects of thoughts, rates of retention in various levels of memory
- shore up my physique by maintaining routine checks on motorneural response times, multimodal sensory feedback across the entire physical manifest, strength and agility output, abstract actions per minute output, eating, sleeping, socialising, and generally working in balanced quantities and qualities
- ex vivo infrastructure has been the focus of the past month; so things there are mostly in place; yay new room
I swear I'm a normal person ... I just manage things in to an abnormal degree of detail, because it's fun, and I can. How do you expect to measure profitability here? Feel free to give it a shot.

Feeding and resting after a couple of meetings. Time is short. Much work to do. But I am reminding myself to do it as slowly as is required to maintain clarity of thought.
Gonna breakfast with plebe food - probably a meat bun.

I'm sure some of you are logged into corporate software accounts on your personal devices. What is your risk management plan for having to unlock these devices if ordered to by the Malaysian police in (any) investigation? (Presuming there is no specific warrant / court order for information regarding your office work.) 
(A) Non-compliance: obstruction of justice, etc.
Addendum: this really does include "deleting your data in front of the officer" and "failing to disclose encryption passwords"; also arguably, all of the following are also (A)
(B) Remote wipe / reset by your colleagues.
Addendum: I'm almost sure the international leftivist network has some sort of alert system where persons of interest can sign up to have their phones wiped remotely on the first call-home via ping.
(C) Auto wipe / reset if trap is not disabled after normal device unlock.
Addendum: the simplest implementation should look like a fullscreen ad / screen artifact that does a multiple interaction check, and if you hit the wrong area three times, it bricks the device.


WebDAV Properties are Resource Metadata. Not to be confused with Resources. Not to be confused with Resource Representation Metadata. Confused? Start studying.
Why haven't they just updated RFC 4918 (WebDAV) to replace XML with JSON?


All database queries should be cached with ETags ...


Wisconsin shooter: I currently refuse to unequivocally condemn either party in this shit show. You can't appeal to both legalism and good intent in the same breathe without sounding like some sort of clunkyheaded virtue ethicist. There were a lot of exicited, violent, dumb clunks at this event ... some of them just happened to have better tactical preparation. 🤷🏻


Local politics: Well, on this issue I support the Government view. And I agree that international / private / home schoolers should have certain rights forfeited for absence from public schooling. My point of view as an educationist is rather S/spartan, I must admit. (I did attend a vernacular school for five years, so perhaps that's just my axe to grind.)


Web developers should not be allowed to work professionally until they can demonstrate timed disassembly and reassembly of any frameworks they use. The analog is fieldstripping of firearms in basic military training.
This also means that a well-designed framework should facilitate efficient fieldstripping. And it should come with a comprehensive manual.


I almost can't believe that it took this long for someone to "invent shot-based video encoding".
But then you look at the video games industry, and they just went gaga this year when someone talked about "not storing models in multiple resolutions, but rendering scenes directly from a master model" ...
Sigh. Why is such obvious tech, so slow to be implemented?


Thinking about Sweden today, of course.
Anyone who responds to a book-burning by burning a car is escalating the scale of ex-vivo violence. They may be retaliating with in-vivo equal force - so then the narrative response from a society tells you how much that society values in-vivo (including mental states) ontology in relation to ex-vivo ontology.
Personally I think people should just give up emotional ontologies - but what I think shouldn't matter to anyone, so I do not go around telling people who are emotional that they should feel bad about themselves. "Lord," knows they have a hard-enough time dealing with their volatile mental lives already ...
... I would probably err on the side of labelling all people who are unable to detach / reattach themselves to a religion, or unable to detach / reattach themselves to any empathic relation, as being degenerate. What is expected is that they will use these labels on people who are unlike themselves anyway, so tit for tat. 
But in the interest of civil society, it is better we do not simply tell everyone we meet that we think they are foolish. Not everyone is capable of living happily with the self-knowledge that they are a fool.


I don't practice filial piety or have much interest in building a tribe, so business is the most interesting social interaction. Individuals are too predictable, which is why I prefer picking fights with industries.
We each have different values - which is the fun part. Different people can conduct the same activity with very different end-games. Trying to figure out everyone's motivation and end-game, and then the intermediate games ... that's what I find interesting about business.

I use Google Calendars to keep track of activities. One calendar for each partner. A few years ago, I met the love of my life - I mean that with some irony. A few months ago, she said she'd outgrown me. I haven't used Google Calendars in a couple of years, since I stopped having relevant staffing - today I was cleaning up Google Calendar to prepare it for future use. I deleted the calendar I had shared with the grown-out lady. I hope to see her in the future. That would be nice, but no one prioritises nice things - since we are all materially poor, and busy. 🙂


Business networking with neighbour.
Horrible lack of progress at work. Nap time. First, protein supplements.


Probably should double my protein intake. Need to get technical about hacking my gag reflex wirh regards to that schlop I can afford. First perhaps, workouts before food to instill hunger; alternatively workouts immediately after food to capitalise on blood nutrition surges; finally chugging schlop before real food probably helps to minimise the experience.
Next adjustment: possible sodium deficiency. Wish there was a more objective way to test this daily.