2024-09-06 at

Forum : Heuristic for Monthly Savings

1. Pay off debt with largest negative consequences first ( usually that means highest interest rates, but there may be worse things that interest rates )

1.1. Bills are debt, and the ones with no consequences are paid last.

2. Survival : bit of a balance between eating just enough to stay awake, and eating enough to grow. Definitely do not eat for fun, unless fun is in such short supply that it stops you from waking up.

3. Save a specific % of income each month.

4. Use the rest to have fun.

4.1. Periodically review the balance between 3 and 4

Electrolyte Calculations

Let's see. "it's estimated that 2 sodium ions and 1 chloride ion are necessary for creatine transport." but I also want a 1-to-1 molar ratio between my sodium and potassium - we need about 2x more potassium than sodium, but we sweat sodium faster, or something like that. Bicarbonate ion buffers are recommended in insanely high doses per kg, so that is a limit I am not going to hit. Magnesium losses via sweat seem to be minimal so I'll also leave that out for now. Hence,

for ONCE-DAILY PRE-WORKOUT ONLY ( excluding further consumption normal feedings ) :


creatine monohydrate : pushing about 0.1g/1000g body weight, I'd be dosing 5g as a 50+kg guy ( creatine monohydrate absorbs atmospheric water on-shelf, beware )


potassium : winging this at about 4g RDA, say 25% is ( 0.025576559594663 = X ) mol, and if the salt is potassium chloride that's 1.90675809 g 

sodium : X mol of sodium chloride is 1.49451511 g + X mol of sodium bicarbonate is 2.14861004 g

So that puts us at :

- X mol potassium, K+

- X mol bicarbonate, HCO3-

- 2X mol sodium, Na+

- 2X mol chloride, Cl-

Totaling ~5.6 g salts + 5g creatine + some amount of water.

Hm. Right, time for some drinking games ...

Anecdotally, people have tried something like thing with one quarter the salt molarity, so I may knock it down in future tests if I survive this one.

Next test should be for

- Y mol potassium

- Y mol chloride

- Y mol sodium 

- Y mol bicarbonate

- Y = X/2 = 0.0127882797973315

- 0.95337904717 g potassium chloride

- 1.07430502093 g sodium bicarbonate

- totalling ~2.1 g salts 

2024-09-04 at

Casual Prejudice in Malaysia

Well, our constitution is quite clear, there are at least three, maybe four classes of citizen, with different rights. These are fundamental.

Then, you can study how our two-party political environment developed from the 70s, and see how executive policy shaped specific polarisations between specific classes of citizen. This is quite simple to summarise, but better over coffee or you can trot over to Wikipedia.

The commercial environment of Malaysia, on the street at least, if not also in boardrooms, is that there are prejudices towards counterparties of different citizen class, moreover non-citizens of different colours.

The intelligent Malaysian, and therefore the intelligent tourist, understands this landscape, and acts tactically towards specific ends. For example if i want better service, i switch accents and slang and dressing, and even that moves the needle by 500% in some cases.

Unfortunately, racism is de rigueur .. or classism, etc.ism

Review of Studies, first 525 days of Sabbatical 2

Housekeeping. Review of the last 525 days in the context of the last 15k days. Today is 4 September 2024.

I've been alive for less than fifteen thousand days, a drop in the ocean, or an atom in the drop. 

The domain of my primary studies :

- the comprehension of how human cognition can be modelled, such that it delineates the relationships between meat, language, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and so on and so forth to the fuzzier languages of various social spheres

- the comprehension of individuals, their motivations, instincts, coping mechanisms, herding tendencies, body language, adherence to ritual, cultural tendencies, fears, and excitations; broadly how their experiences as subjects can be quantified from their own perspectives ( thought not many try, I maintain it is achievable if one tries carefully ) ; how to negotiate with them ; how to change them ; clearly a BIASED perspective ; everyone thinks they understand what it means to be human in general, though everyone is ever only one human ; generally I don't spend enough time empathising with commoners, so I often forget why they are so terrified or excited always

The domain of my secondary studies :

- the comprehension of information technology, its architectures, tendencies, trends, its modes of creation, passage and destruction

- the comprehension of gross commerce and sundry, the materials of built environments, tools for living, food, and fashion, the administration of governments, methods of locomotion

The domain of my tertiary studies :

- the comprehension of physical conditioning at a biochemical resolution

- the comprehension of finance at a global macroeconomic resolution


... broadly in my program of study, from the ages of 40 to 50, I am seeking to promote some of my tertiary skillsets to a secondary level ( more important  ), and to promote some of my secondary skill sets to a primary level ( less important ).

These days, my anxieties stem from juggling the piorities of what to work on first, in any hour, on any day. Some of it is market driven, of course. 

The only reason to study information technology, for example, is to implement models of language and cognition for further research and development.  ( I lie - it is also because in commerce, information technologists are difficult to govern, unless you are literate in information technology. )

The only reason to study gross commerce and sundry is for operational security.

The only reason to study physical conditioning, for example, is for opsec, and maybe occasional philandering.

The only reason to study global macro, for example, is to be able to manage money, which I am not very good at.

Sets of Knowledge

  • Set A : the universe of entities, that you believe exists
  • Set B : a subset of A, which you profess familiarity with
  • Set C : B' = A-wise complement of B

SOPHISTRY is concerned with popular acknowledgement of one's maximal BA-ratio. Today we call these trainers, politicians, and influencers.

Consequently, PHILOSOPHY evolved as a concern about the checking of A and B. Today we call these skeptics, risk managers, and public intellectuals.

Consequently, SCIENCE evolved as a concern about the checking of A and B under narrower rules. The narrower the ruleset for checking, the lower the cognitive accessibility of science to the untrained person. Today we call them scientists, but it is an ongoing challenge to get anyone who is not a scientist to understand what scientists do, and what rules they follow.

Around all of these, are the untitled technicians, and more formally the engineers, who do not necessarily seek to be acknowledged ( except in the formal cases ) and whose focus lies in PRAGMATISM.

2024-09-03 at

Casual Prejudice in Malaysia

Well, our constitution is quite clear, there are at least three, maybe four classes of citizen, with different rights. These are fundamental.

Then, you can study how our two-party political environment developed from the 70s, and see how executive policy shaped specific polarisations between specific classes of citizen. This is quite simple to summarise, but better over coffee or you can trot over to Wikipedia.

The commercial environment of Malaysia, on the street at least, if not also in boardrooms, is that there are prejudices towards counterparties of different citizen class, moreover non-citizens of different colours.

The intelligent Malaysian, and therefore the intelligent tourist, understands this landscape, and acts tactically towards specific ends. For example if i want better service, i switch accents and slang and dressing, and even that moves the needle by 500% in some cases.

Unfortunately, racism is de rigueur .. or classism, etc.ism

Everyman a Pig

I find that the greatest economic challenge in life is, dodging around a multitude of actors that are scripted primarily with the primitive interests of food, family, and friends. One might jokingly refer to them as cave-pandis in a Malaysian context. Wherever you go, rich or poor, near or far, the wooly herds of this cohort dominate the infrastructural design of our societies

2024-09-02 at

Mineral Review

Mineral review. Roughly needed per day : 

- C, H, O, N, S  ... broadly available, usually unmonitored ;

- Cl is also abundant, usually corresponding to Na ... so in rare cases of hyperchloromia, it turns out one can ingest the economically ever-abundant NaHCO ( baking soda ) to pump in more Na+ to help clear the Cl- out via urine ;


- K 4.7

- Na 1.5 ( controversial )

- Ca 1.1

- P 0.7

- Mg 0.4 ;


- Zn 10

- Fe 8

- Mn 2

- F 1.5

- Cu 0.8 ;


- I 150

- Se 55

- Mo 45

- Co 2

Quality Assurance and Efficiency of Learning

 On shifts, one works regardless of learning capability. I think I am forgetting that off-shift, I should just stop work when my rate of learning is somewhere within the third quartile - crucially, "before it drops to average". Whenever there is no reason to perform at an average level, one should only aim above the average, and preferably only in the top quartile.

It bears remembering that "quartile" means quarter, in general cases, but in statistics it refers to something else, specifically a [ data point which is above some count of data points ] in a [ data set sorted in ascending order ]. Right? Did I get it right?

Moderated Involvement with Plebs

 A large portion of the economy goes to serve those who provide its labour. Many of these are short-term ( sub-century ) attachments to food, friends, and family. In the long-term, many of these details will be forgotten - but the long-term will not concern those whose lives are lived to serve a present need. A question for people who prefer to operate outside the short-term interests of the 3Fs stated here : so how much of the 3F economy do we have to get involved in? What's the optimum amount needed to skim value off the top, and move it to other interests, without getting bogged down by the masses?

Re : Meme - Individualism not found to be Rational

The point of individualism isn't to pretend that one is self-made, but to note that one has the option of turning one's back on, or becoming a controversial irritant to, the masses, at any point in life, and that is a valuable thing.

2024-09-01 at

Built for fucking

Not sure how many people think about the fact that ... all training and development of oneself, familiars, and strangers, towards any personal, commercial, social, or ideological goal whatsoever ... requires operation of brains produced via a PRIMARY filter of reproductive viability.

And it really doesn't matter what you want these brains to DO, for example I only need mine to do math ...you have to work with a machine that was built mainly to get fucked.

Vasopressin and oxytocin system studies today.

The value of disrespect

Respect, in its most common form, refers to empathy, no more, no less. In that context, unconditional respect is problematic for well-known reasons, but only moderately.

Respect, at its most formal, refers to the compliance with protocols. This is least problematic.

A somewhat less formal muddling is when respect refers to compliance with poorly documented protocols. This is the most problematic of respects.

Actors must understand these axioms of respect, in order to evaluate disrespect, respectfully.

Artificial Intelligence - coined in 1955?

One might argue that most culture is artificial intelligence, wrought over generations of craft. 

That is why concepts like "humanity" ultimately do not depend on meat implementations. What it means to be that, is already so abstract that it is no longer dependent on the genome.