2024-09-04 at

Sets of Knowledge

  • Set A : the universe of entities, that you believe exists
  • Set B : a subset of A, which you profess familiarity with
  • Set C : B' = A-wise complement of B

SOPHISTRY is concerned with popular acknowledgement of one's maximal BA-ratio. Today we call these trainers, politicians, and influencers.

Consequently, PHILOSOPHY evolved as a concern about the checking of A and B. Today we call these skeptics, risk managers, and public intellectuals.

Consequently, SCIENCE evolved as a concern about the checking of A and B under narrower rules. The narrower the ruleset for checking, the lower the cognitive accessibility of science to the untrained person. Today we call them scientists, but it is an ongoing challenge to get anyone who is not a scientist to understand what scientists do, and what rules they follow.

Around all of these, are the untitled technicians, and more formally the engineers, who do not necessarily seek to be acknowledged ( except in the formal cases ) and whose focus lies in PRAGMATISM.

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