2024-09-03 at

Casual Prejudice in Malaysia

Well, our constitution is quite clear, there are at least three, maybe four classes of citizen, with different rights. These are fundamental.

Then, you can study how our two-party political environment developed from the 70s, and see how executive policy shaped specific polarisations between specific classes of citizen. This is quite simple to summarise, but better over coffee or you can trot over to Wikipedia.

The commercial environment of Malaysia, on the street at least, if not also in boardrooms, is that there are prejudices towards counterparties of different citizen class, moreover non-citizens of different colours.

The intelligent Malaysian, and therefore the intelligent tourist, understands this landscape, and acts tactically towards specific ends. For example if i want better service, i switch accents and slang and dressing, and even that moves the needle by 500% in some cases.

Unfortunately, racism is de rigueur .. or classism, etc.ism

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