2023-11-18 at

What Makers should Expect, from Managers

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Graham used the maker-manager language in 2009. Let me write a bit on a common question that makers have ... what the hell are the managers doing?

I have done both kinds of work. 

As a manager, one essentially does a lot of pre-science. The bulk of one's cognitive load should be data-capture. One watches events, more about humans than machines. A good machine comes with a manual. Zero humans do. The framework for evaluating a human is therefore, a matter of myriad hypotheses, none of which are useful without good data.

There are hypotheses of both the macro and micro kind. In economics, microscale refers to individual people ... but we have to go lower, and smaller, in daily life. We can refer to individual appearances as macroaesthetic, and the lower scale then as the microaesthetic ... perhaps a way to get into this is to say, we refer to body-language. We look at fashion choices, word choices, muscle tone, tics, habits, finger to finger coordination, posture, eye movements, poses, rhetoric, speech strategy, and ... we try to statistically infer, by intuition, except when there is time to spare, whether any words spoken, actions taken, conscious or unconscious ... whether they are as they seem, or deceptions, or mistakes, or suggestive of opportunities.

Similarly managers zoom out from the microaesthetic, and regard the microeconomic, and the macroeconomic orders of things.

This is what makers must expect of managers.

The influence of forgotten dreams

All the things we think, have iterated through dreams we cannot remember. It's not a matter of romance, but of hormones - mostly only the dreams dreamt near waking are bound to short-term memory. But it seems, those dreamt further from waking, may still graduate into long-term memory, and pop up in future recollections.

That being said, we also do some processing subconsciously, while awake. But I was particularly curious about the mechanism above, today, as I ate my rice and kimchi.

2023-11-13 at

The Business of Eating for Pleasure

Generally, I try not to think about this too much, as I regard the people who eat for pleasure to be a sort of plebeian sub-class whose whims are to be manipulated for my commercial gain. Things get interesting however, when I have social partners who do prioritise eating for pleasure.

One of the protocols I worked out with one partner today was, that we should save both our money on buying me HORECA food. Of course, we are going to spend some of out money buying THEIR horeca food, but since they seem to appreciate my company when they are eating horeca food, I can bring my company, and save money by ordering less. Meanwhile, I have an adequate protocol for nutrition at home, so I can pre-game before accompanying dates to horeca events.

I do eat for pleasure, as I do sleep, exercise, and have sex. However these are not end-goals, as I ultimately find them to be repetitive and boring tasks. While sensory data can be organised in a variety of fascinating ways, it is ultimately, still just sensory data ( or what we call, experience ). Maybe it is a matter of alignment with the Maslo(w) hierarchy. But whatever.