2022-06-20 at

Yawn 86

20 May

The human mind can be modelled as

- a sensory array

- a top-level memory buffer for sensory data (the conscious imagination) (maybe Kantian apperception)

- lower-level memory buffers for sensory data (the subconscious imagination)

- miscellaneous operators on sensory data between buffers

- optimising algorithms regarding avoidance of certain sensory data types and approach of other data types (roughly the 4+ Fs of biology) (pleasure and pain avoidance)

There's literally no need for anything beyond this. I still don't know why AI professionals spend their time fussing about impossibilities regarding the construction of models that don't take these fundamental components into consideration. You can't get anywhere without any one of these bits, and if you have all the bits, the rest is trivia.


Default dead or default alive : This was published the month my first company shipped its product. I pitched the company to investors as a high-risk play in a red ocean industry where the rate of death was 70% within two years. I also didn't have an explicit DA mandate, so I always ran it as if it would be DD. I would do it again, but someday it would be nice to run a business with an explicit DA mandate. Or did I? It seems like I made a point of edging back into DA territory ever so slightly, but avoided derisking from DD because the largest gains we seemed to have were from studying the DD-escape scenarios.

21 May
More fartlek required. I am not sure that this is an adequate repair for brain damage from drinking, but at least it works in the other direction.
22 May
BDS : I guess 21 years after starting to hang out with people deeply concerned by this, it is time I familiarised myself with this geopolitical issue 
I think I am aching enough to say, I have reacquired a sufficient degree of exercise, but now I need to work on sleep and personal development, before housekeeping. So framework development is next.
Holy crap some of these instagram swing gurus are bringing back the scammy seventies in full force ...
Spilt a bottle of cooking oil that I had lying around the room for moisturiser tests ... FML ... cleaning it up, and giving up on work for the day. Back to coding. Need proper mental exercise.

23 May

Holy crap some of these instagram swing gurus are bringing back the scammy seventies in full force ...

23 May 
break time
26 May
break time, again
Study : 
(()=>{}).prototype === (()=>{}).prototype // true
(()=>{}).prototype === Function.prototype // false
28 May

"critical thinking is still difficult for machines" -In the long-term, this is a hopeless pursuit. The human as an information processing system is not fundamentally mysterious, and what remains to be done is for industry to catch up on the implementation backlog regarding what we know about how humans thought is modelled.
In the long run, the only irreplaceable quality is the novelty of encasement in this biological meat. 🙂

29 May
I should configure my first name as "Kant", totes onbrahnd

30 May
Many things done. Many things undone.

1 June
Thinking about the huge tax that people pay when they choose not to develop children by themselves (due to shortage of confidence, skill, or time).
DIY : cost of time
Outsource : millions per child

June 2
Ellison : I wanna make TG2
Cruise : one condition
Ellison : name it
Cruise : Iet me run
Ellision : ok whatever
Skydance : you sure this is bank
Ellison : we got it
Skydance : what you mean we got it
Lucas : hi guys
X: oh look, a Harry Potter party
Y: cool. do you know what house you're in? [ discussion ]
X: well, Ravenclaws are rather absent from the narrative because the book's heroes are all Griffyndors and the villains are all Slytherins
Y: Ravenclaws probably doing their own thing on the side; fuck this war, we're trading the market and making a profit come what may

JUne 4

X: oh look, a Harry Potter party
Y: cool. do you know what house you're in? [ discussion ]
X: well, Ravenclaws are rather absent from the narrative because the book's heroes are all Griffyndors and the villains are all Slytherins
Y: Ravenclaws probably doing their own thing on the side; fuck this war, we're trading the market and making a profit come what may


Here are two F&B social media strategies I have been wanting to try:
1. no social media, and no/minimal online presence, but everything in-store is noteworthy
2. online presence encourages customers to only vote 1-star out if 5 if they like the brand

June 5

Henceforth shall I name the Peanut of Pandan, that which is formally known as Bulatan Kampung Pandan (tak bulat pun ... )


Working on the problem of how to attribute profit to parts of a team in a complex value chain (read : any company). Wondering about an internal central bank, which issues fiat based on units of expected profit, distributed equally across all team members - teams then price their internal services to each other based on this fiat, and we see what market results.


've noticed that many people are traumatised by the concept of being judged. This is an interesting aspect of social psychology that's probably coded for at a pretty low (fundamental) level. I suppose we have to pay special attention to this neurosis when writing AIs. Questions :
1. Do you worry much, about what other people think of you?
2. Do you expect others to care, about what you think of them?
3. What do you wish you cared less about?
4. What so you wish you cared more for?


I had a friend in college who said it was intense if I allocated a day off just for thinking. Recently I've had a stupid volume of random work from different projects spray itself all over my schedule. I think the main benefit from "time off the clock" is actually to plan how I should structure "time on the clock". More a matter MALLOC and FREE than anything else. Some research projects are unpredictable and require a ton of RAM, like this question about how to model profit attribution across each staff in a business.

Allocating the whole day to thinking about work.


Let's talk about capital. In the fictionally efficient market, all capital is returned in proportion to its risks, and synonymously all risks make their respective real rates of return. So in such a fictional perfect market, the perfect business of the same profile make the same margins (%) as each other ... and the only businesses that make a higher margin are [ the luckier/more-skillful of [ all businesses which adopt profiles which take on higher risks ] (the unluckier/less-skillful businesses in that same profile, pay for it) ].


Laundry done. Time to feed, a bit.


worrying about all my friends


Malaysia as a failed state : Failed? No, but damn well mediocre as it has been for decades. My whole life, really. (I mean Malaysia has been mediocre my entire life. That's why I'm still here - it's pretty easy being a 70%-er in a 50%-pond.)
I had a friend in college who said it was intense if I allocated a day off just for thinking. Recently I've had a stupid volume of random work from different projects spray itself all over my schedule. I think the main benefit from "time off the clock" is actually to plan how I should structure "time on the clock". More a matter MALLOC and FREE than anything else. Some research projects are unpredictable and require a ton of RAM, like this question about how to model profit attribution across each staff in a business.
worrying about all my friends
Reading up on pre-nups in ASEAN :
- malaysia : judge can acknowledge or ignore a pre-nup
- singapore : similar to malaysia; post-nups are explicitly in the legislation
- indonesia : pre-nups are more enforced
- thailand : pre-nups are more enforced
Reading up on child support :
- in Malaysia, men pay first, regardless of marital status

Jun 6
Break from work. Time to read.
🔔 hey, looks like SBUX started putting maitre'd/hosts called "hospitality specialists" in premium outlets since OCT2021. I recall staff making fun of me for telling them that hotel service levels were the cafe target in 2017 lol.
Let's try to get some work done.
Jun 7
Super Pumped is a really cheesy rendition of a rather silly stereotype (type-As who get emo about winning), but that being said ... they really should collect all the movies about startups and federate them into a SVCU ...
Singapore 377a repeal : Once Singapore becomes progressive, more reason to emigrate.


 hey, looks like SBUX started putting maitre'd/hosts called "hospitality specialists" in premium outlets since OCT2021. I recall staff making fun of me for telling them that hotel service levels were the cafe target in 2017 lol.

June 7

Super Pumped is a really cheesy rendition of a rather silly stereotype (type-As who get emo about winning), but that being said ... they really should collect all the movies about startups and federate them into a SVCU ...

8 jun
Yesterday I figured out how to do Balanced Scorecarding for a breach team. Breach teams are new teams that inflict heavy changes in a short time, and so exhibit very little repetition during what is essentially a demolition or development phase. Most of the gen1 KPIs end up being metrics with a measurable but binary outcome ... zero-to-one, or pass/fail, and then you string them up in a critical chain to get the gen2 strategy map, which effectively amounts to a gantt chart or dependency graph of milestones.

10 jun
Recently doing this thing, black coffee for breakfast, protein and fibre for lunch but no starches, then a bit of everything for dinner. So first starches slam into the evening and post-dinner is mentally lethargic. Interesting format

11 june

Oops. My mum has passed away! I'll be in and out of Seremban to spend time with my dad. If you know him, please get in touch to offer your support. Thanks peeps.

13 jun
In general, I value my business relations over my family. It was a LOL moment today when one former business partner who has to-date failed to fulfill contract obligations ... wished me condolences on account of my mother's passing. A living person, who lives an evil life, worried about a dead person. Hahaha. Maybe I should make another poster and put their name on it and the names of all their counterparties outstanding. Let me make an exception for you. This kind of business partner is worse than family ... and that's saying a lot. Beware of fools.

16 june

"what is your checklist to start a brand"
1. Why bother?
2. Who are we conning?
3. How do we explain the con is better than all the other cons on the market?
4. Can we deliver on con? What is the supply chain?
5. Who is ensuring delivery?

17 June

WTF Raco is cheaper than Shopee ...

18 June

Apparently Mazda decided to shadow the Mustang, and that is the essence of its visual identity pivots over 2015-2020


Was thinking of all my sad friends, and their friends who caused them sads, and wondering if the unnamed entities are actually the same. Haha - hopefully everyone finds someone to love.