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2017-09-01 at

Yawn 30

August 21- September 1


Economics will prevail. If you want it, own it. If you don't want to lose it, don't do stupid shit. If you don't want it, do whatever the hell you want ! :D


Oh my friends, with all your baubled comforts, what fragile webs you live in.


People who need to have their sacrifices acknowledged are like people who need to be patted on the back for breathing.

Actually my point is broader - the nature of economics is compromise. People who are in position X, who feel that they need special points for that... I'm afraid it doesn't work that way, unless you want to get into a battle of histories - really, who has time for that... moreover if they overcommitted themselves in the past due to some expectation that the future would deliver karmic justice of storific value, perhaps, they might just now cry about it, silently, please. But oh well. What do I know. I was born lucky, and I'll die hopefully without too much reason for noise.


Hitman's Bodyguard: "Life without Amelia." Well this is a working man's movie. Actually, I haven't seen such a historically significant new movie in years. But what do you care about history? Just watch it. Triple A! I just love a good pun. (Production quality seems to fall off towards the end, though.)


Time to fix the cakes.


Therapists: friends for hire. Really!


Feeling a bit sad today, because the environment appears to be full of creatures that celebrate mental-emotional vulnerabilities. It will probably always be a hard slog to drive the flow of work against them. But we must be the change we wish to see in the world. Hahaha.


Income inequality: This is why class matters. And when you decide to forego class for other interests, you consciously forego the top of the curve. :)


RM4,258.02 - 6 monthly butter expenditure... maybe we should stop doing RM4 scrambled eggs with Lescure.


Prostitution: I've definitely considered it, but I'm not sure that I could/would do it. Too privileged... but it's not entirely off the table.
I'm not sure if my clients would be men or women. But I would prefer women.

(Consequently, while one is still in a position to have preferences, I think the presence of privilege is undeniable. LOL)


no one expects the unexpected. Anyone who can afford to have expectations is already doing pretty well for themselves.


Wanting to and having to are different. Doing it for fun is another option.


Ok. Fess up, kids. Being woke is a class marker. Social and intellectual capital. There is no sense of moral intuition attached to it, for many of you, is there?


Language skills: I need to listen to more Malay and Chinese news.


Many things done; many left undone.


Time to do spot checks.


Not enough sleep. First things first, take over shift. After that, back to getting shareholders out of this mess if at all.
Caught up on sleep.
Mild headache, so, wondering if physical conditioning will exacerbate the flu symptoms, or the opposite. Optimising around risk of operational failure, as usual.
Risk on, so going for a run.
Refreshed. Perhaps, oversalted breakfast contributed to earlier headache.


Time for the third meal of the calendar day. Then maybe writing for work.
Encountered severe professional deficiencies in a staff. Advised staff to block time on my calendar for structured remedial training. I believe such formalities are somewhat beyond the interest of most kids, but that is the bar set for them.


Thanks for killing the brunch crowd, Mayweather-McGregor... LOL


Done with write-up on client project. Haven't had time to write up our own prospectus. Hmrph. Juggling thoughts of various kinds. Various hook-ups done for now, time to feed... before further work.

I think my hearing has deteriorated further. Crap. :P


疼你,而不是关心你... work is work, bitches.


Just learnt how to rivet things.
As much as I want to do more work, I think I should put myself to bed early to hit the 5am target.


We're cleaning an air conditioner blower unit's coils at 5am, in case anyone wants to learn how, just drop in. Wear protection.


Performing artists needing certification: it's not that you're a shitty performer, it's that there is limited inherent demand for performances. But there is much demand, relatively, for class markers. So it turns out, it is easier to sell associations with class markers than performances per se. :)


"Today, I present you... a clot."
"Isn't it huge? It takes up half the cup."
"Not going to chug it."
"I made it with my body!"
"I wish my other customers were as funny as you."


Depression sans emotional attachment is like a case of blue balls... fatigue means you know where all the work is, you just can't do it quick enough. Not the best metaphor, literally a refractory period, really.


5am air-conditioner cleaning skipped; not in shape; going to collect more sleep.
9:30am open shop for kids. Grab a yoghurt from next door for breakfast with the intention of returning to sleep. Customers arrive before official opening. Help barista ensure quality (or get in the way, depending on how you look at it).
Kitchen guys have called for help with a stuck grease trap exhaust port. This takes two hours to fix (an accelerated solution for future use, is determined by the end of the process). This cleaning is interspersed with coaching of cooks on air-flow control with regards to hygiene.
Along the way a cook also pauses from the handling of raw meat to fulfil an order and has to be reprimanded on this point. The front of house complains that the orders are urgent and is subsequently coached to refund orders that cannot wait, as the raw meat needs to get cleared first. We can't have festering stock.
After the grease trap is done, a bottle falls into the manhole. The operation to recover it with minimal mess involves crafting an extension to the longest net-on-a-stick that we have. Holes are drilled and wires are tightened. Clean-up.
Electric detergent dispenser malfunctions. Test hot spots with a test pen, put warning labels on faulty sockets, tape it all up, and produce aural warnings with eyeballed-hot-spots to staff. Clean-up.
Dishwasher part no-longer half-broken - it is now fully broken. Follow-up with supplier on their missing quotation which we asked for two months ago.
Late for coffee QA with two suppliers.
Shower. Log. End log. Jump in car...
2pm. Yawn.
Taste five espressos from two roasters. Compare taste profiles. Check prices per component. Propose preliminary orders. Respond to staff's request for training and schedule an hour next week. Checking butter supplier on the way home. Wrong turnings and delays all accounted for. 5pm.
Back at the farm. Bookkeeping rituals. Follow-up on FOH messages about items that can't be found. Lunch, of sorts. Back to bedroom/office. Shower.
Compile new supplier information. Perform linear optimisation (manually, because stupid), and arrive at blend proposal for roaster.
Troubleshoot bank statement CSV import - they changed the format - so we change our data digester formula.
Troubleshoot bookkeeping detail - Xero software's state of half-builtness doesn't allow for payslip deductions to be pushed into an internal account. After various tests, give up doing this within the Pay Run module. Concoct a pathway to do this via cash instead. Update staff.
Read email from yesterday on annual audit and tax. Trivial action.
Prepare for bed. Log. End log. 8:36pm.
Over the last 24 hours I think I managed to add half a page of bullet points minuting the key actionable and non-actionable points from the last potential-
investor chat.


Ohoho, not me, fuck that. If you can't work in doom and gloom, you won't survive long working with me. Cheer down, kids. The world is a nasty place, and if you don't like examining it very closely, you're of no use to me.

"...CEO of the startups, since they are the ones who have to be optimistic and positive about the business..."


I still don't get the word entrepreneur, as it is used casually - it never seems very useful except in poetry.


11am. Anticipating going on shift in 34 hours. Working backwards from that, schedule needs to accommodate (sleep, feeding, grooming), (accounting, social media, supply checks, reloading of relevant program into memory). Maybe special projects like machine cleaning can happen after shift. Maybe special projects like proposal writing can happen before. Too many maybes.


Bored. But maintaining discipline. Not too much discipline. Just enough discipline to stick to the job at hand. Now what about R&R... what's a chap with no sense of national pride got to do on the eve of national day? Laundry. Do laundry!


I read the essay of a lover who finds my ambitions insipid. I recall, she strives for great comfort. I used to seek it too... but I found it without needing to involve myself with society. What I now do in society is the luxury of having more time on earth than I know what to do with. The game goes on. And on. No, her ghost would say, in my mind, you never wanted comforts the way I did, and she would be quite right. And I would say, no, I did not, but I wanted you, and I am working on affording it. But it is quite likely, she will as others have, be gone, forever. Well, that just demonstrates my low priority for integration, I suppose... growing up with too much of one kind of privilege ensures that you never worry about lacking privilege for much of the rest of your life. Growing up without another kind, just means that if you have to get into the other kind, it's going to be a slow start. Well it's a good thing that one kind supplements the other. I often felt over the past fifteen years that life has been too easy. But life is not supposed to be easy. So I have found harder things to do... like study commerce, and work in business, just for a 50% chance at courting classy women, perhaps, though that's probably not the only amusing thing to be done with money, if I ever get around to hoarding it.

On "why cool matters," the TED talk: I usually bank on anti-cool. That probably makes me a conservative


Time for the administration of breakfast. Then more noodling at desk-bound items, then either rest, or straight to being on 9pm shift.


On shift at 2130. Don't ask me anything about bookkeeping, menu design, social media, advertising, graphic design, corporate finance, investor relations, recruitment, machine repair, if you have to talk about work... and don't ask me what I want to do outside of work, as it will likely be very disruptive to my thought process until 0430. This would not be such a delicate situation if I didn't have to ensure cognitive integrity to reload and QC all those other bits of knowledge once the shift is over. Not my favourite part of the job, knowing everything, and having to context switch in and out of all technical implementations multiple times a day... but that's where we are, so off to work, I go.

"Do you actually have a formal job description?"

At this point I'm the fall guy. :P

AKA the wingdinging nutjob who two years ago sold 87.86% of shares in a small business and who has been scrambling madly on a daily basis to retain some semblance of its survivability ever since.