2024-04-05 at

Cholesterol x Hormone Production

Quite speculative :

I've been studying a supplemented soy-based diet. Concepts of interest to date have included : protein, minerals, vitamins, nitric oxide precursors, creatine, and carnosine. 

Next, I am considering the role of dietary cholesterol in hormone production rate. 

If any nutritional biochemists have a related research program going on, please ping me.

2024-04-04 at

the Wandering Word

Up five hours earlier than the day before. Good reset, but probably just an anomaly. I feel great, but that just makes me wonder who doesn't around me ... someone's always lurking around, bound to mess up my day.

The nature of most lives is moderated suffering, and moderated pleasure. Sometimes it is also amusing to engage in unmoderated suffering, and unmoderated pleasure, with moderation. Well, people who talk like that, probably know nothing of either, or any, extremes.

The world continues exactly as it did, before anyone wrote, or read, these words.

The nature of words, is to wander across minds.

2024-04-01 at

Introduction to the History of Computing

 In commercially oriented academies, an introduction to the history of computing, should be framed as a history of war. The 5-minute philosophical underpinnings of which should be something like, "why are we here? to get rich", where richness is defined as "happy > healthy > wealthy" to illustrate the structural domain of power referred to by each term.

Emotional Hygiene

 I found a good analogy for how I think about emotions. Emotions are like fingernails. They are going to grow, regardless. They can sometimes be useful. Some lifestyles maintain unkempt fingernails, other people just routinely groom them. 

It made me think, while men are generally stereotyped as being messier about grooming/housekeeping than women, it may be said that women have messier emotional grooming/housekeeping than men.