2024-11-10 at

What Minds Discuss

 On the ER quote.

that's just classist 😛

from the solipsist point of view : everyone is just an idea

from the expressionist point of view : every idea and event is a person

... and the empiricists just treat everything as an event

Review of Philosophy of Mind

It's nice to have a sufficiently quiet space to rest from time to time. Such is privilege.

The conscious mind is a fairly straightforward architecture.

1. Nerves in sensory organs convey representations to the central nervous system.

2. The CNS consolidates various sense modal representations, and provides this to what we can call the conscious memory buffer.

3. Within that memory buffer, sense representations are mapped to a data structure which we can refer to as a model of spacetime.

4. The spacetime model in the buffer is constantly mutated, with inputs both from (1.) and from longer-term memory of (1.), and outputs to the motor nervous system, and to longer-term memory. LTM data may be mutated without representation in (2.).

5. A busy mind, consciously, is what happens when LTM inputs to (2.) are poorly regulated. A peaceful mind results from the well-ordered CRUD operations upon (2.).

That is all I need to remind myself today.