2024-11-15 at

Ensuring Merged-entity Accounting Policy Harmonisation

 - Minimum of one board member must have end-point / EP responsibility.

- Cross-functional working group / WG at the executive level reports to the EP.

-  WG must document all communications with regulators / R.

- WG must produce on-beat status updates and risk management, besides the main project timeline itself.

- WG must have designated comms person / CP with ready 30-second briefings for each of many internal and external stakeholders, on each major contingency, at all times.

I'm sure this applies to anything else, of equivalent importance, really ... 

Summary of Architectural Style Jargon

Structuralism : "systems design"

Classicalism : "anything too old to challenge, but structured and pretty enough to keep"

Modernism : "minimisation of classical forms, maximisation of equivalent structure, moderation of prettiness"

Art deco : "minecraft modernism"

Streamline : "curvy art deco"

Post-modernism : "fuck structure, fuck pretty"

Expressionism : "whimsy"

Baroque : "maximalist expressionism within a structural context"

Rococo : "foamy baroque lite"

New Formalism : "modernism with moderate reintroduction of non-functional, formal classical compliances"

Brutalist : "minimisation of any non-functional formal compliances"

Corbusian : "wear anything you want, pick up a potted plant, and hold it over your head, then squat"

Prairie style : "replace the pot with a broad hat, squat deeper"

Miesan : "lose the pot, keep squatting, more glass"

2024-11-14 at

Diatribe Against Tribal Education

 I'm in a FB group for education. There is good LOL-value in some of the posts, but it is a depressing reminder of how education functions for the masses.

  • 1. The mode citizen is taught to be fearful, and to have no fear is criminal. This is generally called morality.
  • 2. The mode citizen is taught to be distracted, and to have no distraction is disordered. This is generally called autism. ( The popular version, not the medical definition. )
  • 3. The mode citizen is taught that their individual experience, and local networks are important, and the needs of their few outweigh the needs of the many. This is generally called self and family.

Can you imagine if the mode citizen was fearless ( amoral ), focused ( relentless ), and constantly seeking to be aligned with the species as a whole ( atribal, anational, aracial, acultural )?

Yes, you have seen it before! It is like the borg. That is the sort of civilisation I think is ideal. But to get there, there are many, many, many, little wars which shall be fought among many, many, many little groups of people. 

And that is purpose of capitalism - to formalise the jungle under law, and to bring about the evolution of our world from past to future.

Maybe the future will be bright, maybe it will be dark, but there is only one way to find out.

2024-11-13 at

Explaining "cascading stops are a market risk" in Malay

Order types in Malay : 

Kemungkinan bukan masalah technical, tapi risiko pasaran yang tidak diurus baik oleh peniaga. Kita cuba menterjemah sendiri ya, sebab BURSA dan DBP macam tak cover istilah ni ...

Carta (exchange) tu kelihatan macam 'lata hentian' di mana 'pesanan hentian terhad' tercetus berurutan. Contohnya : 

[ pesanan1 : pada hentian 370, pesan jual terhad pada 350 ]

[ pesanan2 : pada hentian 350, pesan jual terhad pada 330 ]

[ pesanan3 : pada hentian 330, pesan jual terhad pada 310 ]

Jadi bila ada jualan pada 370, semua pesanan ini jual sekali ... boom 😃

Saya baca orang kata luno tutup pasaran : mungkin ada pemutus litar pada had 15%

Explaining "market dominance" ( a cryptocurrency's share of the asset class' capitalisation ) in Malay

contoh agak-agak ...

Kalau semesta "TOTAL" ada stock X, Y, Z saja : 

  • : X 10 unit, [ X/MYR = 10 ], [ X_capitalisation = 100 MYR ]
  • : Y 10 unit, [ Y/MYR= 20 ], [ Y_capitalisation = 200 MYR ]
  • : Z 10 unit, [ Z/MYR = 100 ], [ Z_capitalisation = 1000 MYR ]

TOTAL_capitalisation = 100+200+1000 = 1300 MYR

  • : X_dominance = 1/13 = 7.7%
  • : Y_dominance = 2/13 = 15.4%
  • : Z_dominance = 10/13 = 76.9%

Jadi, ada inertia : 

  • : kalau nak tolak harga keatas/bawah 1% ... "biasanya" diperlukan MYR yang lebih-kurang 10x bagi tolak Z daripada tolak X
  • : oleh sebab itu "small cap" iaitu X, Y, harganya "biasanya" bergerak banyak lagi daripada "large cap" iaitu Z

Tetapi : dalam keadaan kecemasan, TOTAL boleh tiba-tiba mengecut/mengembang, ikut perasaan dan bukan atas faktor asas

Recap : How to Value Cryptocurrencies ( and a note on International Political Economy )


Cryptocurrencies are currently weapons of mass enfeeblement, implicitly allowed by states, in a passive strategy of mutually assured vulnerability. There WILL be a time in the future when international treaties are signed regarding the use of cryptocurrencies, but I think it has not yet happened in a very structured way yet.

Implicitly, nationstates condone NGO-cryptocurrencies, simply by not making non-state currency issuers illegal. Part of this is basic international political economy ... each state has an incentive to destabilise every other state's currency. In short, cryptocurrencies run by NGOs are a hedge against international tensions ... the need to hedge against this goes away when you reach Star Trek-level one-world-order. Not too soon. :)

  • Type 1 : money-supply hedges ( behaves like gold )
  • Type 2 : technology infrastructure ( behaves like tech companies )
  • Type 3 : voting infrastructure ( behaves like vote buying )

How to value cryptocurrencies :

It might come as a small surprise that there are frameworks for valuing crypto. It's generally well-documented, about how nationstate currencies are first exchanged for cryptocurrencies, and the how they are subsequently governed. It's only as arcane ( arguably less arcane ) than figuring out how much any nationstate currency is worth on any day. I avoid using the popular term 'fiat' as both are fiat in my view.

Yes, basically its down to guns/germs/steel. Taxes denominated in fiat are meaningless. Cryptocurrencies are basically international NGOs with their own private currency and central bank.

  • 1. The demand for cryptocurrencies comes from the fact that the governance of money supply is transparent, and in some cases capped. This is less true of nationstate fiat and guns/germs/steel, therefore the cryptocurrency asset class exists as a hedge against nationstate fiat. Above refers to the low-tech cryptocurrencies which behave like commodities. 
  • 2. The high-er-tech cryptocurrencies function to implement governance over guns/germs/steel entities ... and these are basically seeking to displace existing nationstate mechanisms for the governance of physical objects and physical trade. Basically it's a power grab, instead of letting say China and the US govern a business transaction involving 1 MM USD, 1 ton of bricks, and 1 ton of fish, the governance layer is moved to an "NGO" and implemented on a blockchain protocol.
  • 3. Finally, some cryptocurrencies are actually involved in voting power over money supply, and the governance protocols, for example. So that creates a more nuanced model of demand.

To recap, let's qualify fiat as being of two varieties, statefiat and non-statefiat. State/non-state is an orthogonal dimension to crypto/non-crypto.

  • Statefiat : traditionally non-crypto : will inevitably include more crypto implementations. Popular hashtag hashtag #cbdc, whereas the "d" may or may not be implemented using cryptocurrency - there are various use-cases for not/doing so.
  • Non-statefiat : has always existed as non-crypto, but was harder to govern, so crypto technology basically enabled non-statefiat to be taken more seriously. This is/was the current/initial main motivation for cryptocurrencies. The arguments about whether non-state organisations should be take seriously is not new. Is the Catholic Church more powerful, or is China? Is Islam more powerful, or is Singapore?

The dichotomy decays slightly for geopolitical reasons. When every state wants their own statefiat to be the fiat franca, then every state has a non-zero motivation to destabilise every other state's statefiat. This is why states did/have not simply banned cryptocurrencies across the board.

It is a very simple international political economic / IPE situation.

2024-11-10 at

What Minds Discuss

 On the ER quote.

that's just classist 😛

from the solipsist point of view : everyone is just an idea

from the expressionist point of view : every idea and event is a person

... and the empiricists just treat everything as an event

Review of Philosophy of Mind

It's nice to have a sufficiently quiet space to rest from time to time. Such is privilege.

The conscious mind is a fairly straightforward architecture.

1. Nerves in sensory organs convey representations to the central nervous system.

2. The CNS consolidates various sense modal representations, and provides this to what we can call the conscious memory buffer.

3. Within that memory buffer, sense representations are mapped to a data structure which we can refer to as a model of spacetime.

4. The spacetime model in the buffer is constantly mutated, with inputs both from (1.) and from longer-term memory of (1.), and outputs to the motor nervous system, and to longer-term memory. LTM data may be mutated without representation in (2.).

5. A busy mind, consciously, is what happens when LTM inputs to (2.) are poorly regulated. A peaceful mind results from the well-ordered CRUD operations upon (2.).

That is all I need to remind myself today.