2024-11-14 at

Diatribe Against Tribal Education

 I'm in a FB group for education. There is good LOL-value in some of the posts, but it is a depressing reminder of how education functions for the masses.

  • 1. The mode citizen is taught to be fearful, and to have no fear is criminal. This is generally called morality.
  • 2. The mode citizen is taught to be distracted, and to have no distraction is disordered. This is generally called autism. ( The popular version, not the medical definition. )
  • 3. The mode citizen is taught that their individual experience, and local networks are important, and the needs of their few outweigh the needs of the many. This is generally called self and family.

Can you imagine if the mode citizen was fearless ( amoral ), focused ( relentless ), and constantly seeking to be aligned with the species as a whole ( atribal, anational, aracial, acultural )?

Yes, you have seen it before! It is like the borg. That is the sort of civilisation I think is ideal. But to get there, there are many, many, many, little wars which shall be fought among many, many, many little groups of people. 

And that is purpose of capitalism - to formalise the jungle under law, and to bring about the evolution of our world from past to future.

Maybe the future will be bright, maybe it will be dark, but there is only one way to find out.

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