2024-02-03 at 3:39 am
Time Dilation Demonstration
One of the simplest demonstrations of (informatical, not relativistic) time dilation in consciousness, is to watch fans (or wheels) spin. Every observer sees a different strobe pattern. In fact, each person sees different strobe patterns, as the rate at which their subconscious optical processes occur ... is in flux. We thus simply observe the framerate of our minds changing. The wheels out there are not changing - they spin constantly.
2024-02-02 at 12:07 pm
Seasoning your coffees
Seasoning your coffee. Have you added different salts to your coffees to improve balance, AFTER calibrations? I keep KCl and NaCl in my kitchen at all times. KCl is punchier and adds a bit of brick wall to chocolates and other light aromas lacking strength. NaCl ... well you all know how that works.
2024-01-30 at 1:40 pm
My Campaigns
1 : 1992-2001 : get into college
2 : 2001-2005 : get through college
3 : 2005-2007 : commercial initialisation
4 : 2007-2012 : software engineering
5 : 2013-2022 : commercial decade
6 : 2023-2032 : post-commercial decade
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