2024-05-18 at


Ok, I just noticed, there are a few definitions of the word narcissist.

1. Technically, there is the disorder diagnosis algorithm, from the DSM. There is little ambiguity here, besides the arbitrariness of the algorithm.

2. The literary analogy, of Narcissus, who fell in love with his own likeness.

3. A selfish person, who is self-aware, and intentional about their practice. So I have been quite confused by the common usage of this definition, as it is not the same as the first two.

I am certainly the third sort of person! Whether it is correctly labelled narcissism or not, is a separate question. I don't think I am much of the first two, but that is also a separate question.

2024-05-17 at

don't be bored in bed

New rule : don't be bored in bed. This is not about sex. I mean, if I have the luxury of being in a bed, I should either be 

(a) losing consciousness
(b) pleasured

b1, thinking about something interesting
b2, ( ok the sex part goes here )

So, the point is to never be lounging about without interesting mental activity, unless ahem, or falling asleep.

I probably got conditioned to normalise boredom in bed due to too many TV socials last year.

Perspectives on Prompt Engineering

 Junior Non-developer : "Prompt engineering will replace programming."

Junior Developer : "Prompt engineering is an important supplementary skill."

Senior Developer : "You don't prompt engineer your friends."

Senior Non-developer : " oh ho ho ho ... "

2024-05-16 at

A Middling Day, in Middle-age

A socially busy, but otherwise unproductive week. Today I thought about being middle-aged, while driving down Jalan Kepong in a traffic jam. Jalan Kepong was jammed-up thirty years ago. It's still jammed-up now. I rarely drive here, but there were errands to attend.

While driving, I listened to Goldman Sachs Exchanges on the US Treasury auctions and related markets. It's something I haven't had the priority to study, but as I follow my career plan into its middle-decades, I have to learn this for the purpose of asset management. The market is currently in a moment of confidence, since yesterday's CPI data dropped right on target. I don't have the energy to deal with more risk, right now, so my main investment portfolio is pretty much 100% cash. Sad. But true.

Earlier today I was helping my friend with a visit to the tax office. I was there just for hand-holding, they have not paid taxes for years since they retired, but had to attend to an administrative matter. They discussed a bit about how their childhood trauma from parents made them anxious about authority figures. After the visit to the tax office, we went for a walk in the park. We also discussed physical conditioning, and estate planning. As time passes, one tends to see more friends pass away, whether by accident, or by their own careful design. It is the way things are. 

Later I also synced up with a friend over the recent demise of our child - a potted plant they had gifted me. I think it is funny how people can have different values about things ... some will slap their kids and tell them "don't be so rude", others will slap their kids and tell them "don't be so polite". Others will do the same without the slapping. I like how my relationships improve as I age - but perhaps it is just the increase in my sample size, and not a change in my parameters of quality. Instead of friends who simply ghost because they think we have protocol differences, I now have some friends who will explain that they are averse to friendship because of protocol differences ... unfortunately, still, such friends are typically not quite composed when they reach these decisions. Some of us treat friendships as short-term investments, some of us use them for the long-term.

Such is middle-age ... there is nothing new to think about. But if you speak about the same old things, people hear it differently, because you are of a particular age.

I nudged 14,000 lbs on the gym machines today ... I have barely gained any mass since I set a target of 22,000 lbs/day ... and I already hit north of 26,000 lbs after a few months of training last year ... so I will need to raise this target much much higher in the short-term. After dinner, I surveyed my flat, and was grateful for the luxury around me. As much as I live in a garage with a view, it's a lot fancier than much of the stuff I grew up with over the years. I guess I should remind myself of how I would have appreciated these spaces as a younger person, in order to maximise my enjoyment of the present. I certainly don't think very highly of my present, in the present.

This leads me by supper time, to the form of meditation which is to look upon things as if seeing them for the first time. It is mostly a focus on live data from the peripheral nervous system, rather than from the field of memories which form those massive graphs of context that judgy people have when  they look upon things. The light from the banker's lamp casts long shadows from the leaves in the noodles in my bowl. It is pretty, and the colours are amazing. I should do this more often.

2024-05-15 at

Form : instinctive centering of motion

This week I have reacquired a standard of kinesthetic fitness, that may be referred to as "instinctive centering of motion". This is when the subconscious has assumed an imperative upon the movement of the limbs, such that movement of any limb is mechanically counterbalanced by movement of at least one other limb, resulting in a sum of movements that pivots around the core.

I am writing this note in order to describe a form, so that I have an explicit classification for this weakness whenever I regress off form.

the Economics of Interference

The economics of interference as a service :

- people that enjoy interfering, are compatible with people who demand interference
- vice versa, people who do not enjoy interfering, are compatible with people who do not demand interference

Paraphrased : "pushy people date needy people; busy people date self-reliant people"

2024-05-14 at

Social API

I keep leaving food in the rice cooker and forgetting to eat it. And this is when I only cook 25% of a day's carbs at once. Such a doofus.

I worry about my friends. But some are chasing dreams and hurting themselves in the process - and there's nothing we can do about that.

I wonder if my social API is too complicated - the underlying resource is hella complicated, but the point of an API is to provide useful abstractions. Perhaps with some friends I should just expose the following :

1. Here is the API available to you.
2. This API is available to you only, and is not the same as the API available to anyone else.
3. If you don't like it, don't use the system.
4. If you send non-API calls to the API end-point, the end-point will reject requests.
5. If you don't like it, don't use the system.

Actually, this is already what I do ... I just sometimes introduce a lot of customer service around the endpoint when clients complain.

Oh well, business is business. Just keep rollin.

Ridiculous Outlook on the AI Industry

At the moment, I have a ridiculous outlook on the industry's second decade following the founding of OpenAI ( 2025-2034 ). See, I've been living the past two decades with an understanding ( call that also ridiculous, if you will ) that people are much simpler than they believe themselves to be.

And so, I've watched the current trend in AI take off, with much glee - at least, now, we're out of the winter decades. However, the models remain bloated, because we still maintain a bloated understanding of human minds. At some point in the future, this bloat will flocculate, and communal comprehension of what a mind is will be simplified considerably from both, the numinous romantic model, and billion wheels of fortune model. In fact, I think we'll finally end up with algorithms which are different from the currently popular ones, running on highly supervised training data of several million data, tops. If such smaller systems aren't "perfectly human", at least they'll be pretty damn close. ( At which point, we may or may not be looking at a market crash such as the world hasn't seen in a while. )

Most people I've met are incredible simpletons. I don't see why a machine should be more complicated than that. The machines which are will ultimately be smarter, thank heavens.

Call me ridiculous. I've generally found myself to be such a thing.


AGI : what people get right - productivity rises. What people get wrong - everyone gets richer. Yes, in the long-run. In the short-run, we have to do this rearrangement of commerce because there will be no moat on talent. Do you understand what happens to businesses, when there is no moat on talent?

2024-05-12 at

Politics and Emotional Governance

CW : ableism.

At some point in cultural progression, one has the option of classifying the majority of fear, anger, and sadness as disability. These are regulated, monitored, and disposed of as waste, with a very minor fraction extracted for refinement into useful things. 

But in such cultures, you cannot escape the economic environment of being surrounded by lesser cultures, essentially governed by rules which celebrate what you would classify as disability.

Therein a political situation, which bears strategic planning. Appropriate goals must be established, coherent with the underlying values, and then intermediate structural plans, with proper logistical and tactical SWOT management.

Ah, yes, I guess it doesn't make sense to talk about risk management as a thing in itself. Describing the game as SWOT management, seems to be a more balanced semantic.