2024-05-14 at

Social API

I keep leaving food in the rice cooker and forgetting to eat it. And this is when I only cook 25% of a day's carbs at once. Such a doofus.

I worry about my friends. But some are chasing dreams and hurting themselves in the process - and there's nothing we can do about that.

I wonder if my social API is too complicated - the underlying resource is hella complicated, but the point of an API is to provide useful abstractions. Perhaps with some friends I should just expose the following :

1. Here is the API available to you.
2. This API is available to you only, and is not the same as the API available to anyone else.
3. If you don't like it, don't use the system.
4. If you send non-API calls to the API end-point, the end-point will reject requests.
5. If you don't like it, don't use the system.

Actually, this is already what I do ... I just sometimes introduce a lot of customer service around the endpoint when clients complain.

Oh well, business is business. Just keep rollin.

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