2024-07-05 at

Traits of Animals

X : Animals hunt to survive. Humans hunt for pleasure.

Y : No, animals hunt for pleasure too. What makes a human, is kindness.

Z : No, kindness is also a trait of animals.

W : Eating and hunting for pleasure are the business of animals. Kindness and cruelty are the traits of animals. Only humans dream of building civilisations beyond their genome, and do so with indifference.

2024-07-03 at

Respect is a Liability

It is rare to meet respectable people. But civil society means we treat everyone respectfully, even if the majority are disposable.

People whose competence depends on external validation are a liability. The sole function of self-respect is as a substitute for the respect of others, so when we find societies which demand much respect from other parties, it means that society lacks sufficient self-respect.

What to do.

2024-07-01 at

How to Budget Manhours for Structural White-collar Work

The information technology industry is infamous for frequently misbudgeting time by hundreds of percent. But really, the superset of this error applies to the entire domain of highly-structured desk work.

The reason for this is, blue-collar i.e. manual labour is typically WYSIWYG, and switching between tasks is easily explicit. However for desk i.e. "knowledge" workers, the high costs of switching contexts in memory is often overlooked.

Therefore, in general : 

A : the time it takes to clear memory before pursuring a task, T
B : the time it takes to execute T
C : the time it takes to reload into memory whatever was being done before T, which needs to be continued after T

A + B + C = the proper budget to be quoted for any task

Effectively, sometimes 5 minutes of button-pressing requires a quote of 45 minutes, for example.

Model your staff like this, and you'll never misunderstand this part of their experience, again!

Compensatory Supplementation of Digestive Co-factors, when eating Tasteless Food

Found a bug. Fixing the bug.

1. Eating tasteless food is fine, as long as it is nutritious. However ...

2. ... the absence of sensory stimulation ( sourced either from external stimulus, or from internal imagination ) fails to activate pathways for the secretion of digestive cofactors ... 

3. ... so, one has to compensate for  (2.) by either adding stimuli, or adding the digestive cofactors manually.

Very cute.