2020-09-10 at

Communication is Calibration

I was contacted by an investor today. An old one, not a new one. The news wasn't good, but it was a welcome point of contact with someone I hadn't heard from for most of two years. I suppose distracted business partners are like lovers who are busy elsewhere. That's generally why I view these as the same sort of thing. 

It's good to be contacted by those closest to you, from time to time, even if you're not a favorite party.

I find it exciting. Back to work, then, that is what this is all about. 🙂

2020-09-08 at

Sensitive People => Stratified Societies

I prefer transparency, so I prefer that everyone stares at everyone all the time, and that people who don't want to be stared at shouldn't be in public for their own ease (no one else minds). But with any community of sensitive people, they will begin to build their own defensive infrastructure which befits their needs - that is how conservatives lead class stratification. 

2020-09-07 at

Aligning Siloed Teams

 My preference for aligning siloed teams (where siloes may be vertically or horizontally integrated) ... is to have siloes share a bottom line, while giving them competing top-line responsibilities. It puts the screws on people to cooperate, and it brings to light people who value trivial personal interests over the objective good. It's also WAY too much of a pressure cooker for people who are used to being told what to do, so it helps weed out those as well.