2016-11-04 at

Yawn 16

- heart (over years)
- head (recent months)
- tummy (well, just last night it's flaring up again)


Time for some exercise.


Choose academic credentials. Choose an old boys network. Choose purchasing power. Choose first-world infrastructure. Choose over-educated and faux-sophisticated peers at well-branded firms. Choose 100 million dollars by 40. Choose a tech startup destined for success. Well, in retrospect... my current situation is valuable only because I thought some of those things were too easy, and I chose an alternative. Otherwise, the present is somewhat boring. :)


Wake up. Time to die.


"What's next for you?"
"Why do you care?"
"Well, I care about everything."
"No you don't."
(Looks like a pointless argument, so I immediately stop caring.)


Me: Don't take it personally. I mean, the stray is a slut. In a sex neutral sense (Tinkerbell is a boy). All the best bitches are like that (I probably should have added, in a species and gender neutral sense). He love you long taim, but don't know your name.
Customer: It doesn't matter. We are but peasants to the cat race.


Lock and load. Emergency shift coverage.


Partially caught up on backlog of work. Well, better than nothing, I suppose. Still wondering when we burn out.


Here's a patently offensive notion. All these blackface-triggered people need to take their anguish and check their privileged FWP butthurt into the loo hotel of yesteryear. Because, if the hate speech of the past troubles your presence, the hate speech of the present has lost your needed ear. Now, I guess I'm banned from America, and I will never again see my girl. Haha.


Chauffer duty. 0230 daily go go go...


Work: incomplete, requires more
Rest: incomplete, requires more
Nutrition: incomplete, requires more $
Exercise: incomplete, requires more time
Basic optimisation survey. Proceeding to work.


Snapchat's valuation is said to be based on the velocity of its talent, not its product. A rebuttal worth considering.


Chores first.
Then an update of our brand values poster.


My kinesthesia is horrible. More heavy exercise required.


What a painful year. Need to get up and keep working. On alert for new fires. Remaining happy for fictional reminders of solidarity.


Academic credentials.

To play with powers, or not to play, that is the question. I find myself really avoidant of power; some of my friends are quite fond of it. That is one way to lose friends... there are other ways. Perhaps we are all fond of power, but we have picked different sides of a table - there may be many sides.


Heal faster. Heal faster. Heal faster. Heal faster. Heal faster...


I spend a good amount of management time telling staff that their approaches to work are too conservative. I wonder if all the internal conflict is worthwhile. I view the staff as the product, and the product as weak.


I have no understanding of people who pay peanuts and expect more than monkeys. Of course, we can be grateful for overperformance, but expecting it is silly.


On this. The first few examples he gives are actually reduceable to haptics. Balance is the product of computations upon such (?) data - the output is fed back into the imagination (a definitively sensual medium), and some times thereafter (or directly) to the MNS, subconsciously. Imagination in general can be modelled as working memory for computations/operations/transformations upon sense data types. A subset of imagination is consciousness.


Oh what a day. What a beautiful day. To live. To die.


Time for breakfast.


A thoroughly cluttered month.


18 hours up, 15 hours down, nothing is clearer :p

Or so, I lie to myself


Careful stitching. Or not.


Women are meat. Men are meat. Children are meat. Intersexed people are meat. The only non-meats are the metal and plant people. The reason some people find this offensive, is that they have divorced the notion of their mental life from the fact that mental life is an affair of being meat. Meat is capable of fun things, such as consciousness. Don't diss meat.


Is anyone in PJ/KL offering adult ballet classes for men? From scratch. I'm looking for something more kinetic and technical than yoga.


Time to haul ass. Meat trader goes to the office. Meat trader crunk.


Yeasts are fungi.

I must have misread something the last time I checked.


Snoozing for another hour, then back to the fires


There is no reward,
beyond work itself.
That is how we roll.


Why the fuck is the word "revolution" on our corporate copy?


In 2002 I started work on a project I thought might take till 2023. It got done between 2004 and 2006 depending on how you count - and since then, I've been busy with other stuff. It'd be really funny if I got back to extending that project in 2023. It would be quite a lark.


Dear woman who belongs to no one but herself. If you're going to wear thousands of Ringgit on your hours away from school... perhaps you would care to craft a sky blue pinafore of bespoke fitting, optimised cut, and finer materials, to accompany a white dress shirt of stiff cotton, and similarly contoured sneakers of worth. Oh right, the authorities would never allow it... but that's the fun part: how to design this thing to fit within the rules. Maybe someday when I have spare bandwidth. For starters, the back of this thing needs to have some softer panels which allow the cloth to collect when tightened by the belt; and a more functional belt would probably be possible discreetly, but I get too far ahead of myself.


IT, accounts, ads, kitchen ops, in that order.

Stuff in queue. More discipline required.


Fire. Fight. Fire. Fight. Fire...


My main concern at this point: overaggressive vote trading to oust Trump leads to an necessary loss of blue seats in Congress. LOL


Need a kitchen (project) manager. RM300/month for an hour a day.


"The best relationships are easy. They fulfill all lust, curiosity, loneliness, ambition, and if you're lucky, occasionally they may even supplement material poverty."

"Because of sugar gradients?"

"No, because people do things for each other. That's the economic rationale for communal life - for friends, neighbours, cohabitants, marriages..."


Y'all worry about the big blue boy.
I've got smaller problems to keep under observation.

I don't mind if Trump wins, the same way I don't mind Malaysia being a mess. But he won't. And we're gonna be messed up for a long time still.


I guess he did. Whee. On the downside, I guess there are some people I may not get to visit for a while.

Now standing by for a Facebook feed full of butthurt. Anyone who calls this a failure of the democratic process is simply inexperienced with the business of handing power to peons.

Frankly, the most interesting news I've woken up to all year.


Time for a break.


Enforced calisthenics, feeding, and sleep. I hate this shit, but it is the only thing standing between me and greater productivity :p


OK - MOVING ON NOW. Can we speculate / bet on the following:

(A.) 19Dec - electoral college goes rogue and votes for someone other than Trump (this would be cute, if it didn't give HRC a heart attack)

or (B.) Trump concedes interest (least likely - too much business opportunity at stake)

or (C.) At a later stage, all the lawsuits come back and they have to impeach President Trump

or (D.) ......




Enforced physical exercise. Main motivation: too much noise in the nervous system; filters between SNS and conscious working memory aren't working properly.


This should be unsurprising: I'm more surprised by the continued existence of the small business I've been working on, than by the Trump victory. So if little dinky Sudo can survive a year, there's little doubt in my mind that the USA will still be chugging along in four years. It sure won't be the ideal organisation, and surely there will be aircraft carrier loads of butthurt accumulated from pissy parties, but you're probably going to be alive to do something about it on a daily basis. So, as they are wont to say, quit'cher gripin...


Pushups without core activation are a technical failure. Force generation must begin at diaphragm.