Everyone who disses the 26yo-tax-break is missing the point. Of course it's a weak pitch to voters to flip at the eleventh hour. But if enacted, it will raise employment rates for low-skilled youth across the nation. Haven't you seen this pattern before? (Well I'm not sure what that implies... hahaha...)
Every RM of non-taxable income is greater in value to the issuing corporation, as it commands greater leverage with the receiving staff. In a market which is lacking in skill all across the age spectrum, I suddenly have new incentives to hire staff on contracts which expire when they become taxable. For industrial purposes, if you fish a kid out of school between the ages of 15 and 18, that means you potentially have raw talent that can be massaged into senior management over the course of 8-11 years.
(Hold up. Assume that you disagree with all the above. Now everyone's still using their kids as overpaid staff to reduce taxable profit.)
Here's where I'm going to wave my arms and really start imagining the future: it's inline with facist strategy to reduce education levels, on a broad level, and to empower the less-educated citizenry with economic liberties.
This is why the civil service swells. This is how the civil service will swell to encompass the lower rungs of the corporate sector.
😎 (No, I haven't thought very hard about this.)