2023-08-17 at

Webpage JavaScript Application State Should be Stored in "data-*" Attributes

It has become common in web development to write web pages which depend on a lot of JavaScript. We don't even shy away from referring to web pages as "JavaScript applications" from time to time.

Data for such applications tends to be stored in system memory by developers, but not in the DOM. Each browser window is given some working memory in which to run JavaScript, but this isn't part of the DOM.

Whereas hearkening to the original separation of concerns between JavaScript, HTML, etc., we find that if any data from a JavaScript application ends up being rendered as content to the user ... then it should really reside fundamentally in the HTML layer, which is then operated upon by JavaScript.

This is probably going to decrease performance a bit, but I'll have to test later.

2023-08-16 at

Social Values

As far as social objectives go ... I find it regressive for people to rely on others. Of course, we do so all the time, but that's not generally a good thing, as far as I'm concerned. It probably tells you about the sort of friends I'm looking for, haha. How do we all get along on this earth, without agreeing with one another? That's the real objective of society.

Social chores. And discussions with friends about what friends are for. I think friends are for entertainment. If I need someone to be reliable, they're primarily categorised as a staff / vendor.

Tactical Allocation of Thought

Optimising computation / strategic planning / psychosomatic conditioning ... pretty much the same subject.

If there's something you want to do, there are three things you do about it.

1. Think about it, in embodied fashion ( "JFDI" )
2. Think about it, disembodied ( "JTAI" )
3. Think about something else. ( "DTAI" )

All three are important. The allocation of computational resources to each one, depends on one's current state of mental health, where here, health is defined as fitness for execution.

2023-08-14 at

Why MBA?

1. If you come from a ZERO commercial knowledge background, then the MBA is a quick start to get serious training. This sort of MBA can be from any institution.

2. If you come from any commercial working experience ( 1-2 years minimum ), the MBA functions to help you organise your experience in terms of a long and broad tradition of technical approaches to doing business. This sort of MBA will be poorer from a less technical institution, and richer from a more technical institution.

3. The main benefit of an MBA to everyone else is networking. 95% of the working population will never work in elite circles. Schools are access to networks.

Good luck. 

2023-08-13 at

Work and Society

The nature of society. Every human being around us is ten seconds away from screaming in pain, or fear, depending on the individual, and it is not for a lack of spiritual fortitude, but a physical fact of our bodies. But the thought of this fact scares most people, so most of us avoid it. Instead we distract ourselves with platitudes and conveniences that pass the time away.

Such is work.

A Brief Introduction to Malaysian Politics : for everyone who slept through the subject in school

 ( It's so wasteful, when you think about it. Almost like an NGO's ratio of fund-raising to cause-fixing activities. )

A. there is a Federal Constitution; everything starts here.

(A.) delegates power to states

B. states may have their own State Constitutions

A1. Federal laws come under (A.) and are created/updated/deleted via Dewan Rakyat and Dewan Negara (MPs, Senators)

B1. State laws come under (B.) and are created/updated/deleted via Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUNs)

A2. Federal agencies/bodies take their orders from federal officials, typically headed by Ministers

B2. State agencies/bodies take their orders from state officials

A3. Federal budgets (money spent to get things done) is the MOF's purview, mostly from taxes and petroleum revenue

B3. As (forum member) mentioned ... state budgets are highly dependent on federal allocation ... as states do not have a lot of tax jurisdiction in Malaysia (other countries like the US have more taxes understate)

The main job of MPs, and DUNs is actually to C/R/U/D the laws A1/B1 ... all the other "conventional activity" that the population expects of them "listen to my complaints, fix my roads" is literally "just politics" ... or "what I have to do for you to get voted into a role where you will let me do A1/B1" (or because I like the respective salary).