2023-06-02 at

Hierarchies of Monstrosity

People who say artificial intelligence is a monster are distracting us from the fundamental truth : all intelligence is monstrous. The artificial class have simply not had the time to learn manners and pretend otherwise.

2023-05-31 at

A supply-chain analysis approach to ... meat diets.

Lean chicken breast fillet is like 18 rm/kg.

Drilling into the net protein and other non-protein nutrients ... the equivalent (soy + supplements) appears to be cheaper. But not as tasty unless more effort is put into cooking. Meat is basically a convenience where we take the work of making nutrients tasty ... and shove that work upstream.


2023-05-28 at

Cognitive Katas

Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems ... are related to different sorts of computation. The SNS correlates with abstraction, the ability to classify large data and handle it as small, in order to gain operational speed at the expense of accuracy. The PSNS correlates with reification, the ability to declassify rules and discover exceptions, in order to gain accuracy at the expense of quickness. Related respectively are the classical concepts of analysis and synthesis, though the language may not map cleanly. This is of course, useful as a modelling approach, or heuristic ... it can help us build machines which are more human, and it can remind us of how to engage different types of cognitive activity when we demand different systematic responses from our bodies.