2024-09-28 at


I miss fighting. It's one of the few things I talk about probably because it's just not healthy, even if it's fun.

I never did drugs, besides keeping friends company. Passive entertainment tends to bore me, I suppose. sex, sure, but you actually have to like the other fellow. Fighting? Well you actually have to not mind destroying the other fellow. I don't meet many people I like, so I don't fuck around too much.

I was just talking with a pal about how I don't care much for people who pay fees or buy special equipment for non-competitive exercise. It's a social thing, after all, or a game. The exercise component is rarely appreciated as a thing in itself. I suppose the market leans towards cocktails, or neat shots, under different conditions.

I do miss fighting, though, it does keep one awake. Not too boring.

Dopamine Supply

Wondering if the association between certain foods and dopamine is mainly a software problem. If so, dopamine will be supplied on-demand just by recalling the appropriate mental state, as long as there is no underlying shortfall of molecular inputs.

2024-09-25 at

Risk Balancing

All speculation supervenes upon confidence intervals. 

I am too confident about : operations on land, strategic management, management accounting, talent management, regulatory compliance, communications, mechanical issues, software engineering, verbal and analytical skills, working a room.

I lack confidence in : operations under water, macro asset allocation, software-hardware interfaces, physiology and nutrition, judicial proceedings, math, stats.

So my time allocation for now is overweight on the latter, underweight on the former. Until my confidence grows in the latter, and elements of that set move to the former bucket.


2024-09-28 : Moderately risky things to do, which combine into a total risk which is more than most people appear to be interested in.

1. When the afferent nervous system appears to be insensitive, and the efferent nervous system appears to be unresponsive : increase rate of exercise ( safer to rest )

2. When the central nervous system appears to be uncertain of intent, and lacking in memory agility : increase rate of model building, and decrease rate of model breaking ( safer to increase rate of model breaking, and decrease rate of model building )

3. When communication/control to a social counterparty, increases stress for the counterparty : to increase communication/control on the counterparty ( safer to decrease communication/control ).

4. When financial value-at-risk increases in a portfolio : to increase VAR ( safer to decrease VAR ).

... tbc

What I Have Always Thought About Children

When I had staff, I used to tell people that my staff were my children.

  • 1. The future is not presently known.
  • 2. It is of zero value to forecast that any individual's genome is of special civilisational consequence.
  • 3. The only reason for any individual to volunteer their own genome to civilisation in general, is ... neurotic to that individual itself. People have kids mainly for themselves.
  • 4. If you want to contribute to civilisation, it is much more concrete to engage in human development activities, regardless of whose genomes the developed humans carry.
  • 5. Every individual decides on their neurotic optimisation : develop civilisation in general via genome-agnostic contributions vs . develop the survival of their own individual genome.

2024-09-23 at

cold and warm

Cold and warm stimuli concurrently result in a magnitude greater than cold or warm alone . Hypothesis regarding the use of cold environments for comfort and productivity.

Otherwise we shall just understand it to be a matter of blood pressure from vasoconstriction 

2024-09-22 at

Caffeine Downregulation for Neuroplasticity

Currently not in a rote or mission critical team role, so, I should adjust my caffeine loading to maximise neuroplasticity instead.

Let's Talk About Wombs

Ok, so hopefully we can move the spotlight off AI now that the markets are somewhat dehyping about it. In any event, the current learning models are way too unsupervised to be efficient, and when they become more supervised they will be more efficient, and we can get to AGI faster, cheaper, and blah blah blah. Moving on, moving on.

Avoiding the terms man/woman here, for simplicity's sake - let's just talk about wombs. From my notes this week, I've been thinking about how feminism, can be framed as a critique of the forced labour of people born with wombs. Up to this point in human history, there has been no recorded production of humans without the labour of a person born with a womb. Such labours may be voluntary or coerced.

All disenfranchisement of the members of the [ synthetic sexual categories ] and [ synthetic sexual genders ] associated with humans who have wombs ... stems from political pressure, from both people with and without wombs, upon a subset of the people who have wombs. This is a brief summary, but you can trace the history of patriarchy over time, and this is basically what it boils down to.

In the past century, globally, we are making more progress as a species with regards to depatriaching many governance structures in society. But we're soon going to hit a brick wall unless we start producing humans WITHOUT THE LABOUR OF PEOPLE BORN WITH WOMBS.

It's a hugely underfunded, and underresearched industry. The amount of work we have to do get from where we are now, to building synthetic organs, and then to incubating fetuses in wombs which are either harvested or synthesised ... that's a lot of work, a lot labour ( not the birthing kind ), and a lot of money.

I'm quite excited to see what we do hereon.

It's pretty much inevitable that [ this will get fixed / wombs will be industrialised ] at some point in the future. Then the tech will go through the usual cycles of "no one wants to give birth anymore", to "giving birth is a rich person's hobby".