2024-09-25 at

Risk Balancing

All speculation supervenes upon confidence intervals. 

I am too confident about : operations on land, strategic management, management accounting, talent management, regulatory compliance, communications, mechanical issues, software engineering, verbal and analytical skills, working a room.

I lack confidence in : operations under water, macro asset allocation, software-hardware interfaces, physiology and nutrition, judicial proceedings, math, stats.

So my time allocation for now is overweight on the latter, underweight on the former. Until my confidence grows in the latter, and elements of that set move to the former bucket.


2024-09-28 : Moderately risky things to do, which combine into a total risk which is more than most people appear to be interested in.

1. When the afferent nervous system appears to be insensitive, and the efferent nervous system appears to be unresponsive : increase rate of exercise ( safer to rest )

2. When the central nervous system appears to be uncertain of intent, and lacking in memory agility : increase rate of model building, and decrease rate of model breaking ( safer to increase rate of model breaking, and decrease rate of model building )

3. When communication/control to a social counterparty, increases stress for the counterparty : to increase communication/control on the counterparty ( safer to decrease communication/control ).

4. When financial value-at-risk increases in a portfolio : to increase VAR ( safer to decrease VAR ).

... tbc

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