2023-02-19 at

Dopamine Teardown Time

I think, I need to spend time daily calibrating my APM. Which also means checking my sense of whether I have dopamine feels or not - and if I don't, to then manually load them into memory.


Relatedly, I reflect upon my undived studies of meat-correlated chemicals which have nutritional functions, like choline, taurine, anserine, carnosine, carnitine, creatine, etc. The recent items in my supplement protocol have been creatine and beta-alanine only. 

Beta-alanine is interesting because its circulation results in tingles on the skin. Something called TRPC3 is involved. Tingles of course stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, which dopamine works on, but I am not sure of exact mechanism yet. TRPC3 is part of the immune response, being downstream from IgG triggers. 

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