2024-05-26 at

Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Personal Identity

Most people are not aware of how their identity was created. For the most part, individual humans are programmed with just enough capability to conduct a piece of meat for sixty years through a set of rules which enable the accumulation of capital in the classes of meat which make those rules.

A few of us have the privilege of knowing how to tear down our minds to zero and rebuild them as necessary on a daily basis, in a sandbox. But for many, this is inconceivable. For some who have a grasp of the basic concepts of it, the mere thought of doing this is horrifying as they are aware that the risk of deconstructing their identity carries the risk of an unacceptable reconstruction. So few people destroy themselves frequently. Some do it a few times in their lives.

Well, that is the nature of natural intelligence at this point in history.

People would do well to study it more.

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