2024-05-31 at

Crutched couplings

Today on my walk, I was thinking about people who have a demand for "someone who is always there for them". I refer to such roles as emotional crutches, and generally I try to filter out people who need emotional crutches as a matter of urgency, while filtering in people who are okay with having crutches only when their crutch feels like it.  

This is a matter of risk distribution, of course. But I was also thinking about it in terms of, the needy party apparently having a fear of rejection. So a less needy party might submit a crutch requisition, and shrug it off if no crutch was available - whereas a more needy party might break-down or flip-out when their crutch requisition is unfulfilled.

It turns out of course, there are MANY needy people out there, and they happily pair up fairly often, into crutched couplings. Well good for them. 

I guess the stats have it such that the rest of us just have to work harder in finding the other members in a minority that don't want crutched couplings.

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