2023-06-09 at

Portfolio Review

 4:19 am. Half a pack of curry ramen. 200g of cheesy tofu. Half-shot highball. My friend is right - I'm basically turning into an old Japanese man.

The dopamine hit makes up for the absence of sensory stimulation. I spent the earlier part of the day helping friends with analytical problems, and sorting documents, mostly analytical work. Cognitive synthesis is thereby enforced via diet. 

In a few hours I must meet my son for coaching on his career. He's not really my son - I just make fun of myself when I say that my staff are my children.

After food, I sit on the balcony and look at the lights from the highway. I just reoriented the cloth chair to face outwards - it's nice to have a bit of a bench to lean on. I wonder why I spend so much time doing social stuff, instead of being a kiasu investor like many of my friends, then I quickly remember that we care about different things, and I am just more fortunate to have easy access to personal happiness - the sort which eludes most people.

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