2024-08-18 at


Fears and how I manage them:

1. Fear of running out of money

I don't actually mind, but for the sake of gamification, I make myself anxious. I have had incredible runways, I have taken huge risks which bet the whole runway, multiple times. Won some, lost some. I do need to avoid making myself unproductively anxious, so I will need to further my tactical review here.

2. Fear of not finding love

This is more a burden of empathy with the people I fuck, than the sort of issue I bring to their tables. It is important to understand the demands of clients, in order for good business to proceed, and for some sorts of business, understanding the client requires becoming the client.

3. Fear of boredom / nothing learnt

Ah, that's more my flavour. My entire adult career has been planned around managing this risk. On we go.

4. Fear of annoying other people unintentionally

This is mostly mitigated via intentional acts of irritation. Better the devil you know. Also, no better way to learn than to practice.

5. Fear of tactical error

This is basic minute to minute situational awareness. See 1.

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