2024-08-19 at

Theocracy x Technocracy

 As I read up on the recent history of politics in the Middle East, I'm reflecting on the dialectic between technocracy and theocracy in Islamic countries, whereby of course my own context is Malaysia where I live. Ultimately, we see that both technocracy and theocracy are tools manipulated by individuals to further individual interest. 

It is rare to see political actors moving in directions which improve the material circumstances of a people. In general, any decline in material circumstances is godwashed with copy about spiritual advancement. Spiritual qualities may take both theistic and atheistic forms of course, as spirituality is the bucket of things which elude quantification.

Personally I find that all conscious experiences can be quantified - but that is not the case for most people, which is why politics is always about manipulation of this deficiency in the general population of humans.

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