2019-02-18 at

Yawn 46

Jan 20 - Feb 18

Defaults on my left, inflation on my right... here I am, stuck in the middle with whiny consumers. ;)


Defaults on my left, inflation on my right... here I am, stuck in the middle with whiny consumers. ;)


Start judging people by the way the smile. Well done, dumb-dumbs. :)


Today I had a short business development meeting with a new player in the industry, an A-type personality - we joked about what a useless business I run. Then I dropped a note to another slightly anxious friend to remind her to be happier with having less control over her environment, as it might free up her resources for improved adjustment of her environment. Either B-type I am the sage of small things or the most useless fart to descend upon the realm of commerce in my small part of the world. I also posted a photo in my series of unilateral love letters to a ghost. Then I told her friend, I wish them well. I chastised a staff, with guidelines on improving delivery and avoiding the false sense of security which accompanies a slow business day, and then I coached his colleague on the purpose and design of meetings. We also talked about sausages. And I reminded myself, amidst this, to make more attempts to free up my short term memory on a daily basis. QED.


/comment on children complaining about condescending adults/ Child rights used to be the only social cause I'd take an interest in. But the way I was interested in it was, not that adults should be prescribed a set of limitations while dealing with children, but that children should be prescribed no limitations that are not prescribed to adults. But I do understand that on average people want to decide what's better for children, and children just have to wait to grow up and change the laws if they disagree. Well I grew up (or never did, if you like to word it that way) and disagreed. I do worry that people think I'm trying to take advantage of children, even though I'm simply applying policies I would have advocated for as a child. Lol


Studying fridge recharging technique today. Please talk to me mainly about this, and assume that I will be incomprehensible on other subjects for the duration of study.
Also this is why I have no friends, boo hoo.


TIL: #cfm #pumps
- can refer to shoes, or to a vacuum


Tough love ain't what some're lookin' for.


We require stronger women. They require stronger men. Round, and around, we go...


My friend said, "you aren't happiness." I said, "why would I be happiness? I make a profession of unhappying happy people :P"


Everyone who feels pain by reading into this photo deserves their self-wrought suffering. :)


Today, I surveyed the toolchain for the construction of refrigeration systems, explored local supply chains, and a made shortlists of suppliers and supplies to purchase. I also coached staff on the design of extended menus, and storefrontage, which will be their little project in the weeks to come. Then I exchanged notes with a lesbian friend on the risks we take, and the precautions which we employ, and the terminology used by Malaysian doctors, with regards to sex. And I chatted up an old friend, attempting to draw her out of self-loathing, by expressing a cavalier attitude towards her self-inflicted sorrows. That is all I did today, which I am able to speak of freely.


It's that time of day again, when I enforce a review of the day's memories in order to reindex them, and to clear short term memory. Today I coached an old staff on modus operandi which had been forgotten, unfortunately, it appears that the rate of forgetfulness will result in their dismissal by their colleagues - we shall see how this concludes, shortly. I was able to procure a new tool at a good price, for measuring the quantity of gas in a refrigeration system - more tools are on their way by mail. Plans to work on advertising have fallen through, as I rush to rest while a colleague covers a shift dropped by the forgetful staff. I also circled back to iterate business development discussions with two parties. In one case, I did the routine song and dance of demonstrating our design patterns. In the other, I tightened up expectations slightly, for pricing future work.

Again, my colleagues outside this business discuss the false promise of AI. They do not understand the structure of human intelligence in the first place, which is why they are not able to see how general artificial intelligence will soon be solved. It is not a matter of promises, only a matter of time. Thus ends another day. I have much health to recover, and I look forward to meeting some regular dates this year. Social life in 2018 was a quasi-write-off, thanks to the censorship which continues to impede my efforts at work, resulting in significantly less time for recreation, rest, and repair. Perhaps 2019 will be dryer, perhaps wetter. Ho, hum.

My close friend continues to be sad, refusing comfort. Perhaps it is no longer my role to comfort her. I am only good at providing advice, and sending hugs and kisses, but if cuddling is removed from the equation, my advice will remain just as spartan, and such speech is not useful to people who need to be told that their angst is mirrored in minds outside their own. I offer very limited facilities of this kind, and I am not* interested in the development of those traits in the species, or in general society, or in civilisations (* relative to the degree of interest found in other members of the population around me).


/comment on deployment of the tactic of extra-politeness (sincere or otherwise) in order to discombobulate the emotions of a counterparty, and how this tactic has different effects when delivered by a member of a dominant clique, and when it is delivered by a subjugated clique/

Actually, I quite enjoy being rude like that when I am a minority. It gets me in a lot of trouble. I agree with the view that rudeness is read into the stance. :P

I have had privilege of being able to weedle myself into dominent cliques a bit too much, so yes I do miss many points of view. That's partly why I made a point to work in the developing world, and then after than in the minimum wage sector... but the inherent confidence doesn't leave me easily. I enjoy drawing fire too much. Even as the one person large blocs of stakeholders disagree with. Now I talk too much. I know this entire post (OP) is not about my experience in the world...


/commented on the notion that "cash flow is king"/

That's Groupon's game for pitching growth while profit is negative. At the end of the day, profit is king. You can always borrow cash.

(Update: because there are too many people liking this comment and I am afraid other readers will take it too literally.)

To some degree, OC is right, you can pull an Amazon and keep nominal profit at zero, keep free cash flow high, and expense all investment in long-term assets without overtly adding them to the balance sheet... but this is just artificially hiding profits. At some point the intangible/non-assets get realised as earnings and end up on the P&L.

You can reword the whole thing as, "profits are zero, but we are gaining in intangible value," but that's actually just being modest. Of course, persuading readers of financial statements to acknowledge intangible value is a completely separate problem. Lol.

But that's what smart money is for... businesses hide earnings in intangible assets for strategic reasons. They then depend on smart money to recognise the intangible assets (creating an inflection in tangibility) by providing the business with enough cash to operationally maximise the ROA of the assets (thereby maximising the opportunity cost of hiding retained earnings) at the moment when explicit valuations pop during an up-round of capital.


On Musk's description of cooling a rocket:

He wants the rocket to sweat fuel? First thing that comes to mind is a reentry flame trail lol. Second is, what's the latent heat of fuel anyway?


Can anyone sell me 20g of powder? Valrhona cocoa powder...


/commented/ I need to point out that this is one of those milestones of AI which has yet to be properly achieved.

Humans model the world as obejcts in space, which is why you and I can rotate buildings in our head, and imagine what people would look like wearing this or that. Once AI incorporates that mode of thought, it becomes a lot more human.


Found a RM14,000 mistake. Pats self on head.


/commented on startups/ Food Delivery isn't about a human touch - it's about convenience. However, the way the human brain is wired, the same food served at the same temperature is going to cause different experiences to be registered in the eater just because it looks different, is plated on different materials, and is eaten in a different environment (smells, noises, sounds). The UIX for restaurants is complex. The UIX for food delivery startups includes having to figure out how the food is finally being eaten, and figuring out how to make it great, at a distance.


Addendum 1: /commented/ BOTS for logistics, yes. i don't understand putting more meat on the problem - meat is expensive

Addendum 2: summary of business case (user story) - "Explain to me why I should pay more for food that tastes worse? Can't I just wait to eat later?" Maybe the problem is volume, and the real game is Uber for catered events. Unless it's AWS for catered events... but then we're getting back to improving B2B services for restaurants, not B2C services that sit between consumers and existing B2C businesses.

Further comment on another post: here's a problem statement: there's no proven revenue in the space these clowns are surging into... and there's so many of them. So they ALL have to hard-sell. 🙃 Red puddle anti-strategy...


/comment to staff/ You know why it's efficient for me to do all this clerical work for you? It's because in five years, you'll be talking to a robot. That's why I get to pretend to be a robot, and you just tell me what you need, and I give it to you. You'll throw a bunch of stuff at the robot and say, "figure out the schedule," and it'll be done in three seconds; you'll just tell the robot, "I'm out of tea," and the robot will tell you when it's coming; "I don't know how to do my accounts," and the robot will take all your invoices and give you a balance sheet (you don't know what that is, but that's ok, for now). Big companies already do this. The question is how do we figure out how to make all small companies do this.


/On people who think that animals are foolish./ Given that I find humans by and large to be dumb... I'm going to reserve judgment upon non-humans. Why even bother?


Given that I find humans by and large to be dumb... I'm going to reserve judgment upon non-humans. Why even bother?


/commented on school children taking responsibility for their own digital data-integrity/

Funding one computer per student is fiscal stupidity. Computers are not that dumb.


I think at the federal level, we should be talking about how to use contemporary technology efficiently, for taxpayers. MDEC as the federal IT business partner should be partnering with MOE to accomplish workflow automation across all levels of schooling.

This should begin at the bottom of the pyramid, i.e. in Standard 1 students, where the academic conceptual complexity is most simple, and where there are most users. As we move up the education pyramid, the student body declines in size, and so there are less users. Moreover, as the student body graduates, you simply develop the next year's workflow automation based on what the student already knows how to do from the previous year. This is a minimum effort approach which essentially guides the education system through a 12-year change management process (this can be shortened, of course, if you launch parallel programs for Form 1 and University kids at the same).

The ability to interact with computers is regarded as a hard skill - it's quantifiable, and it's self-grading. You can call it digital literacy or computer literacy, whatnot, but it just boils down to using available tools (machines).

Back to workflow automation. Just look up that field of work in commerce. There are entire listed companies built around the trivia of helping other businesses to digitise receipts.

Everyone carries scanners in their pockets these days, with modular software (app stores).

Optical character recognition is already a SaaS.

Trainable machine advisors are already a SaaS.

You just need to pay someone to sit down and stitch it all together, from the bottom up.

Oh well - don't you wish philanthropy was better targeted these days?



1. Students do their homework as always, on analog media.

2. Teachers do their grading as always, on (1.)

3. A subset of (2.) is determined by teachers to be representative of the student's abilities. So far, no machines are involved.

4. Each student is then responsible for digitising their own (3.) This can be facilitated by ONE clerk or teaching assistant, at minimum, but as much work as possible is pushed back to the student. By (3.) the teacher is responsible for determining the quantity of documentation to be put through the system. At minimum, each child builds a life-long portfolio of work; the over-achievers will have gigabytes of crap volunteered by the time they are in Standard 3 but you know, (3.) is supposed to filter this properly.

5. Centralise the machine facilities when they are expensive. Move as much storage and computation as possible to the cloud. Move as many input devices into students' hands (phones, for example.

6. [1. - 5.] This would be a basic start to nationalise data literacy, and computer literacy.

7. Based on 6. as a foundation, further means to automate the evaluation of students can be examined. The low-hanging fruit are MCQ evaluations. Eventually you can move to evaluation of optically recognition of mathematical formula. It's not long before you get to text recognition, and spelling/grammar corrections. After that, the sky's the limit...


Today I stepped through the routine dances with wolves. Some think of themselves as pets and puppies, others as peers, others still as parents. I consider myself fortunate to have them as partners. Tomorrow, as all days may be, maybe none of these will be more than past lives.

Following a brief period of firefighting, babysitting, and storytelling, I watch the night pass, in artificially cold air, stretching on then floor, weakly, for I have not been practicing, while one ward sleeps, and another tends a space for work.

I wonder what will become of us all. I am only here to find out. I must find one a lover, I must find one a job. Off they go, to places fitter for them, in this world.


Time to start cutting back on fried stuff again.


Babysitting is tiring. But such is life.


:) - I don't understand people who keep hoping for success on the absence of evidence of market demand. My general interest since college in 2000++ has been (cognitive modelling), and I had a lot of success figuring out a model within a couple of years. But I don't find it commercially exciting because I think it's not a hard problem - eventually someone else (actually, lots of people) will figure it out, and I'm quite sure that they will. Not sure why I should put myself through this much trouble to persuade the world of an inevitability. LOL.
As for interesting commercial problems... I ended up working on meat hacking because I find it more politically difficult to control large quantities of ordinary people, than to work on a single machine - so that is more fun for me, as a businessman... to work in a really messy field where the long-term outcomes are likely to be unforeseeable, and the day to day developments are more concrete. Then again, I guess, without turning this into an overly long elucidation of motivations, I'm doing the same thing as this guy, just without putting my hopes on it.
I guess I'm generally predispositioned to laugh at hopeful people.


Violence is a pure virtue, not to be confused with masculinity. Please stop giving men credit for a biological process which has evolutionary precedence over gender, and even over sexual traits for that matter...

/commented/ My own point is quite superficial. I think masculinity matters very little, and we can have societies that have no masculinity, toxic or otherwise. But violence will always be present. So when we talk about V as TM, or V as embedded in M, or M is the issue, I am generally amused. V is the issue. M is a distraction.

/commented/ I agree that we disagree on which side of the fence is disingenuous. Lol. But disingenuity typically implies intentional bias, whereas I think both sides of the fence are legit perspectives.

Reiterating my key point: masculinity may be intetwined with violence here and now. You can separate it, you can remove the violence, you can put violence under a third gender called the violentinity or something, but at the end of the day, violence is a much more fundamental property of biological systems than sex or gender. Lol.


/commented on billion$ app ideas/ Facemash but with only colours, not photos. Actually, Facemash for X, where X is like Reddit and can be user-defined.


"Can I smoke outside?"
"The ministry says you have to go to the edge of the building, then go another three meters out."
"So I can smoke outside?"
"If you are too close, the fine is RM3,000 for me, and RM10,000 for you."
"So if I stand three meters from the building, can I just throw my cigarette bud there?"
"The fine for that comes under a different ministry. One is for health, the other is for the environment."


Swastikas: If you see me wearing this, I assure you it it would be a test to see if people prejudiced against the symbol can ignore it. 😛 I would expect some to fail.


/commented/ I think the moralising cuts both ways. But morals are a variety of aesthetic, and at the end of the day, each person does what they like. What the law should handle, is groundrules for building a society with (not without) people whom we consider evil, as long as they are willing to be civil. This is because anyone can be considered evil by the moral / aesthetic preferences of someone else. Lol. Civilisation is not built on moral absolutism. Of course, this is a moralising statement in and of itself. That's what makes it all so interesting.


I suppose there comes a time in life, when a guy must learn how condoms are sized. #notasbadasbras


Epic day: currently on my 25th hour awake. The usual coaching, QA, and housekeeping aside... disassembled a leaky pipe problem which I had monkey-patched with a towel and tagged "July 2017," reinstalled insulation on that section, retagged all the pipes, ripped out water-damaged ceiling boards, and put in a new board with a service map written on it... took a mid-day pool break... started installing radiative and conductive heat shields on a fridge, and ran out of supplies, so did an extrordinary supply run... did a bit of B2B pre-sales with a local business owner... got monthly HR chores out of the way before the holidays... sent coffee to a sick friend. I have ONLY ONE SEWER LEFT TO PLUNGE WITH A SCREW today. But first, food. Also I already literally shat my pants once in the middle of all this, and I'm amused that it's no longer unusual at my pace of work. Well. Food first, then sewers, then rest. Then more fridges... ciao ciao... oh, let me not forget to mention: either someone's been DNS poisoning Google's My Business Sites, or we got attacked and falsely reported as malware, or I actually did something else wrong (our site is on Google's CMS, and Google's hosting). This has apparently resulted in our ONLY active online sales funnel getting shut off right before the holidays. Two business days response means, middle of next week, I guess, lol. (Ok - I get it, it's great self-pwn... the name of the business is identified as malicious software. LOL.)


Up 28 hours. Time for more food. But first, a shower.


Up 36 hours, fairly productively. Best friend comes to visit. Much privilege.


It's a really bad law. All public facing corporate and government agents should wear mics and cameras. The laws should be on data management protocol.


The plan for the next few hours is to... eat and increase physical stress levels. Then shower, and get back to work.



Mid life crisis? Not really, I'm pretty much the same person I was when I was 14... (lifeisisoboringomg ooo, let's invent something new to do). I'm quite a bit smarter, given the added R&D, but not a lot of motivation has changed. I've never had a phase where I was strongly averse to any of (a) dying immediately (b) being nil in material and political capital (c) being disliked. Given the privileges afforded by such wide degrees of freedom, I simply find new ways to rearrange the world to see how it reacts. What are your end goals? How do you all strategise to make short-term activities meet those long-term goals?I find in my counselling of kids who apply to college... that a lot of people are quite absent in terms of picking a program specific to their long-term goals.

(Whereas, whenever a person says they are unconcerned with X, it is likely they are innately concerned with X, and make efforts to train it out of themselves. Eh?)


Pretty much the same with managing anyone.


A slow day. It needs a wattmeter.


/commented/ Enforcement is one. Education i.e. practice in looking up, making, changing, debating, evading, and complying with laws is not highly emphasised in Malaysian 11-year education. Usually it's only "compliance" that is in focus - so we raise, angry sheep.

(Originally someone said, Singapore has many laws, and I said Malaysia has many laws too but the citizens are legally illiterate.)


10pm - Today - Bangsar - Discussing the Tinder metagame (or similar platforms). Over coffee and drinks. Holler.


Oh botheration. Screwed up again.


"You're missing a sausage metric."


A slow, boring, day, with some chores done, and some new problems addressed.


The state of the world is this, which follows. We observe a boiling war, where spirits are functions with arbitrarily assigned domains in the world. At any time, in any place, injustice can remove us from society. Many are ill-prepared to be treated unjustly. Their notions of justice may be naive.


Dedication means staying up at 3 a.m. to design "smokers please fuck off - by law" stickers. Update: done and back to pillow by 4:15am. 😪

If anyone is discarding their stocks of Haus, please let me know so I can try one and be judgy.


"Malaysian State"-tribes as races: YES PLEASE
Because if we allow this, then every tribe in Malaysia gets to register under the Bangsa field... woohoo!


Is it racist if I wear blackface, but in different colours?


Stop entertaining the distraction. Just suspend thr perp for X weeks, and give all civil servants X weeks to update their resumes, with a threat of Y suspension from duty for future offenses. Stop wasting press time, run the damn country.


Commented on personal finance.

/On VC./ I have very low expectations. I look for money the same way I look for work... rarely, with casual cynicism, and facetious optimism.

/On defining financial freedom./ Being happy with minimum wage (11+). Or ensuring that every day is a good day to die (15+). These have been my practiced strategies for (x) years respectively. Everything else, I consider a bonus. Low benchmark, high alpha. 🤓💪

Of course it's cheating. What I spend my days wondering about is why others find it so hard to give up attachments like this.

/On defining it as being able to take larger risks./ What you said. I agree. I did not come from a business family, and had no direct experience of managing tactical financial risks, but I wanted to learn how to do business without being traumatised by the loss of money. So I practiced burning money. Pretty much sat on a 220% portfolio and didn't liquidate it till it was around 17%. Killed time learning a new programming language to take my mind off the money. Watched BBTV everyday to get a feel for what other people were doing with their lives. #throwback2012 Excellent life experience - nothing like it since. Currently just applying the skills I learnt then. #riskon!!


Software development as blue-collar work: Been looking at this for a decade. Rise, plebs, rise.


/commented/ [most people's] answer to the problems I propose, are "trust your workmen," and my general [view in] all fields of work is "a trustable workman is more expensive than a trustable architecture, at the level of city planning," and I direct all my business ventures towards demonstrating that humans are disposable.


When is Google Suite to let us embed Sheets in Docs and Slides?


/commented, on being results- rather than learning-oriented/

... given that I'm basically a librarian by nature, I'm probably going to put learning upstream in the critical chain for expected results :P

Learning events:
- manager must cognise a target
- worker must recognise the same target
- worker must recognise when op reaches target
- manager must recognise when op reaches target


Can we modify the law to allow animals in restaurants also?


"Are we going to date?"
"Don't be so categorical."
"So, no. If it's a yes, I'll stop bugging you."
""I like to be chased."
"I don't chase, I negotiate. Chasing is irrational, and unreasonable relationships are a waste of time."
"Sorry, I like to be chased."
"So you will get an inquiry from me every so often, as far as I deem reasonable, unless you blacklist me. Thanks! "


I can't believe I took organic chemistry #1 seventeen years ago.


/commented on the fake degree scandals/ Hi everyone, I just want to say that to the best of my knowledge, my degree from Bates.edu is real, like for real. I did consider burning the cert before I walked off stage, but my mother had threatened to kill herself if I did, and I didn't want the liability.


Conversationally reminded that most people are inherently boring. Not amused. Moving on.


Word vectors: Bawring. Hurry up, the bawts still suckk


All my loves, wherever you are, I love you.


Cleaned two fridges. Cut finger twice. Not yet done V-day campaigns. To the printing press...


Some people are fighting ignorance towards reducing violence; others are calling for apathy regardless of knowledge.


Done with data logging.


/comment on AI vs I/
Actually, manipulaying AI is like manipulating calculators in this day. Learn how to or some other idiot will out button-press you...


"Data science" as a brand name for scientific literacy will soon fade into the annals of history. Except among enterprise plebes where I expect it to last another 20 yesrs or so :p


/On Art Harun believing that he does what is right. / This is the problem with moral intuitions. Your job is not to do what you believe right, per se. More specifically, your job is to do what is legal, and mandated by law.


The real silicon valley of Malaysia, is an island. 😛


"Do you spark joy?"
"No, I don't think so. I'm not designed to spark joy."
"What are you designed for?"
"To get shit done."
"Why are you designed for that?"
"Because, I am already quite content, and don't know what to do with my time. So getting shit done, is good."


Determining the presence of love: My limit is about six dates...


1 A => 179 kWh/mo => 93 MYR/mo
Assuming 744 h/mo, 0.52 MYR/kWh, 240V
So it costs us 19 MYR/mo to leave the grating on the chiller...


Suicide: /commented/
While I agree with most of the article, I find it more difficult to get people to understand that (i) slight mental illness is common in the majority of the population, and (ii) suicidal tendencies are not necessarily an illness, and (iii) the arbitrary pursuit of life "now" is an equal and opposite illness to the arbitrary pursuit of death "now". 🙃🤓


This is a stupid amount of work. Well, that was the plan.


Self-termination in the event of total and complete economic failure : That's always been the plan. I believe in orderly exits. 😛




Let me jump in on the co-founder hunting posts :D

Anyone working on energy recovery in commercial buildings?

I want to study heat pumps, we should study the construction from basic parts... of a fridge operating in reverse. Evaporator coils picking up heat from around (heat source), and a compressor sucks in the hot gas, and liquifies it to a condenser sitting in cold water... or something like that. Rough numbers for you: the dinky little kettles sitting around homes use around 1.5kW; the smallest air-con compressors run at about 10% of that.

Consider me the technical founder, with an existing business, and we want to grow this new product together.

As an example of the next hurdle: we need to figure out the model of compressor, refrigerant, and lubricating oil which can operate normally around 80-110C. :P You should be able to hack it with basic air-cond parts, using low-pressure car/fridge gas, but a proper prototype should get compressor manufacturer approval.


/commented/ Software is generally too easy and predictable for me. Rarely do I come across a software startup that solves a product concern - many are solving marketing concerns.

Facebook is a useful case study. When it emerged I was in the first 10-1000 schools it rolled out to, and it was clearly a better product that Friendster, but it didn't do anything fundamentally different at the time. I expected it to go down boring lane the way of Yahoo.
But the management of Facebook has been surprisingly well developed, and it has continued to innovate well across time.
Now Facebook's product proposition is the same as it always was. But this has been the result of work on talent management, and in bridging funding and marketing gaps.
Arguably, all of these are improvements in the product, but they are a result of work done in business functions outside of the initial widget, resulting in platform effects.
As for truly new products that could come out of software, I don't know... I don't work in software because it's too narrow. Software is a great tool to have, but it is usually approached so far from underlying 4F concerns that the value of software in the short term is in making things faster, not in changing the way things are done.
Interesting software products: Google... empirically better than the competition, and a clean bloody fight to market dominance; blockchains... addresses the concern about mutability of public data.

In conversations following the previous comment, I'm generally reminded that I don't like easy problems. For example, the following are aggressively massaged out of my schedule:
- making people like things
- taking people's money
- agreeing with people's opinions
Anyone who pursues these as core interests tends to strike me as a simpleton.
What to do - my hard problems are more like physics, materials science, algorithms, lol

Print media question: what's the CHEAPEST way to get a 72-150dpi DIGITAL monochrome print transferred to a blank t-shirt?

(1) The transfer doesn't have to be durable, but it'd be useful to be able to wash the shirt at least a few times.

(2) The transfer doesn't have to be comfortable - just black on white is great, regardless of gloss / tackiness.

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