2019-06-26 at

Yawn 52

June 13 - June 26

I am considering the time on my hands. As always it is time received from others, and granted to me for reactuation. Various variables have been stablised. Others now require further attention. It falls upon me to do what is necessary. We proceed as usual. Nothing exceptional. Only the ordinary. Through human trivia. A billion disposable families. A trillion stories. A quadrillion images. More data than is worth mentioning - nevertheless, only data, flowing through fingers, eyes, skin, stomachs, necks, knees, lips, and other parts of ye. On and on, with mundane propensity.


People complain about their lack of success in online dating. But I'm pretty sure my dating interest is probably some 0.1 to 0.01% of the population... online dating just helps me process the candidates faster. lol


Paternity benefits:

I'm not even concerned about dads, specifically. As soon as moms get new statutory benefits, I have to benchmark ALL single, married, childless, etc. staff to the same standard. This means reducing some other benefit, and renaming it as "statutory maternal or equivalent benefit for non-mothers."

What people spend their time on outside of work is not really our business - whether it is their parent, child, pet animal, pet plant, or video games, it is their free will. It will not be allowed to matter more or less than other people's time.

This pretty much means that I'm going to have to start planning for extra non-statutory compensation for non-parental staff, if and when statutory parental benefits become the norm for parental staff.


I think the main takeaway is that eventually any policy to assign benefits to X group will have to be provided to non-X, resulting in a net minimum wage increase across the universe


I am not well today. This note serves as a record for personal reference, but will undoubtedly attract other (mostly annoying) attention. I suppose, constant exposure to human fallibilities will cause oneself to unnwittingly copy some of those. Nevertheless, it remains a traditional practice to practice moderation in activity and so I tend, more often than not, to engage with those whom I consider problematic in the world. That activism is in some semantic sense a civil war - one of millions of civil wars ongoing in our broadly civil society. Here are the outraged, I deem them foolish, I seek to modify them; here are the empaths, I deem them foolish, I seek to modify them; here are the celebrators of specific forms in art and fashion, I deem them foolish, I seek to modify them; here are the filial and pious, I deem them foolish, I seek to modify them. Here is a reflection on my work, I find it a burden. But I have found no other work more interesting, so I pursue only these little things. And they tire me. Here is my record for the day. Unless my constitution fails completely, I will soon return to work. On, we go.


"Need to practice more X so that I can X better," is back to athletic, physiological limitations. X can be,
- deploy a mathematical tool
- remember certain things
- control musculoskeletal system a certain way
- feel a certain way
- imagine a certain image (any sense modality)


"Hey, do you work at /parlour/?"
"Do you have a minute to talk about business?"
/ half-an-hour or so, later /
"I think I've seen you before at /parlour/... a long time before /this office/ opened..."
"2015? Was it at Taipan with someone?"
"Yes, there was someone there."
"Oh, haha, that was the love of my life. Haven't seen her in four years."
"Aww, long distance?"
"Nah, she pops up every coupla years for a coupla days, and then disappears. We may never meet again."



4yo restaurant. We do not want to use any electronic payments or delivery software as it adds to our workload with considerable brand dilution and negligible guarantees of quality.

Here's how I'd advise you to help - some delivery services already do this.

You set up an independent social network by cloning 4square or Yelp, which critiques the shit out of F&B outlets. Dissect everything. Have a gamified framework for comparing the quality of mayo used, and for counting how many times servers touch their noses without washing their hands. Then you hire delivery riders. Your workflow should have zero interruption of the restaurant's normal workflow - no ipads, extra call-ins etc. Just your riders PLACING orders, paying cash, and taking away food like any other walk-in customer

You win the market - people can order from the best hawkers etc. and the hawkers don't even need to know you exist.



Awake. More presence of mind, to actuate the world. #commerce


Social media monitors: As someone who has trained to deal with this perpetually, I think the account in the article reflects a lack of preparation of the troops for this kind of operation.


Coffee is a soup. #changemymind


Kota Kemuning just feels... lively...


So I finally Googled the opposite term, to 'power bottom,' and apparently I'm a straight 'sub top'.


Petitions against anyone becoming prime minister: While this is something I agree with, I shall highlight that it is the wrong place to file petition. Whether individual citizens wants this chap is not really relevant to the process. The law only requires that he has the support of parliament. If you want to apply pressure to his support in parliament, the petition should be targeted at your local Parliamentary Representative.


Note on physical conditioning. It is going to take a while to get back into shape, but more food seems to be helping. Today's run started with an effortless fore-foot strike, such that heels did not touch the ground at all. This is a sign of increased basal strength. After a couple of laps, fatigue set in and I defaulted to a mid-foot strike. Perhaps I should only run when I am fit enough to maintain fore-foot strikes.


/commented on What is your real passion?/

Telling people that they are fools.

A.k.a. teaching, sales, and general comunications :p


Decided not to add "izakaya" to our list of negative keywords, because that's pretty close to being on-brand...


18 years for assault: Another overkill sentence, with no reasonable benefit. Ain't going to stop the next perp. Ain't gonna make the current perp a better person. Crass waste of taxpayer funds. I hope he appeals and gets sent to rehab instead.


One of the main issues I have with some staff, is that I fail to modify their behaviour to emit a threatening aura. This is not something I consider a high priority, but it just keeps me up at night knowing that I our people are easy pushovers. On with it - "'great' is the enemy of 'done'."


My friends sometimes ask why I bother to work with stupid people. My judgment of the world is simply that smart people who are able to work with dumb people are smarter than smart people who cannot.


I was coaching a potential investor on setting explicit mandates for risk and return, with stop-loss triggers, and VaR considerations. I run a high-risk company, which focuses on R&D for the industry we play in, as this is the largest available opportunity within the current mandate. Most investors are looking for much lower risk, and much higher short-term returns, and so these should be stated in their termsheets.
Reflecting on this, I was thinking about why I personally have a low demand for cash in both the short and long terms. Envisioning a scenario where I had unlimited cash, I would still expect to encounter aesthetically disagreeable people in the world: those with some sentimental attachment to their existence, to their relationships with their peers, and to their ideals for treatment of other members of the species. Having unlimited cash would not reduce the disagreeability of such people, and so I don't see money as a limiting factor in my journey through the world.
Meanwhile I work on projects which fulfill my mission of eradicating such beliefs and behaviours from the species. At least on a day to day basis, I get to engage with the world on improving what I see as a real (aesthetic) problem. Maybe that is what they call 'passion' - which means pain. This is of course, not a mandate of my commercial occupation. But my commercial occupation helps to fulfill the personal mandates which I have for my time left on earth.


I really hate eating. But it is probably a reflection of a lack of exercise. So more work outs need to happen.


[Manga guide to regression analysis] Personally, this looks disgusting. But it is so on-brand for my business that I really should look for a copy to stick in the office...


I guess INTP describes an architectural bent, and contracts are structural entities.


/commented on the notion that is impossible to exhaust the supply of unexplored sexual kinks - which someone else voiced in reaction to the notion that I raised, that if one does sufficient self-stimulation before one's first sexual experience, then there is little that is novel about losing one's virginity to another person; (we were commenting on an article where the author's thesis is that virginity is a patriarchal fetish and should not be greatly esteemed)/
I agree that's true for many people. I'm not one of those people. For example, I don't get a deep sensation of novelty from seeing and being in new beaches after having been in a few... and I do not get a deep sensation of novelty from meeting new people. This is because my memory is structured to retain all the things that people have in common, at the level of both their bodies, and how their minds work. Now some people feel that you can't analyse a mind to basic elements, but I do practice it all the time. And some people feel that the individuality of minds and bodies makes people special. I don't - and I am aware that it is regarded as boring. :) Or worse lol


So how quiet will the crowds be on Putrajaya's bailing out of toll concessionaires due to expire in a decade? What did I miss?


/comments to a VC type/ It was about fifteen years ago, when I decided to put a pause to the pursuit of scholarships. Grandstanding for free money is generally too easy, and then I get through the door, and then I wonder what to do with the money anyway - it always seems like there is someone else who appreciates the opportunity more, who should receive the money instead. That is why I always have my foot on the brakes when it comes to the acceptance of money. If anyone needs to put it here, we should all be clear that there's really no better place to put it.
Now when I pitch a business opportunity, I am typically pitching a view about objective reality - I never want to say that I am attached to it. I only seek to present to the audience a view of what the future could be. But there are costs to any change in the present. And it is up to the audience to recognise those costs, and to see if those are costs worth betting on. The key word is betting, as it appears to be entirely based on chance. I never want to be psychologically inseparable from my investments - I treat all my investments as objects, like people, to be traded in and out of, at any reasonable algorithm might.


Today's challenge for me is to write a letter of demand to the insurer of a guy who destroyed my car. A novel experience.


/commented on a post complaining about senior citizens who had praised the feminine traits of a woman (I presume) in an objectifying fashion/

I'm equivocal between the humour and the need to explicitly decry the costs of humour.

It's more mysogynistic to start calling the (woman (I presume)) a fat cow, who deserves to be raped, killed, disqualified, etc, so I'm generally glad we didn't go there. As for the taste of the people who elected to praise the doctor, well heck, I'm sure people would make fun of my tastes and so I'll decline to make fun of theirs.

Yes, there is a cost to the objectification of gendered traits. But that doesn't mean the costs are universally unacceptable.

A democracy is defined by the rule of masses, and by definition masses are mediocre.

Go on, let the misquoting begin!


I dream of a world where everyone objectifies everyone else all the time. But that is not for everyone...


[on the point of massage being, to turn off nervous signals which flex muscles] : I wonder how many people don't think of it as an efferent signsl control thing :p probably most


Anticipated allocation of wakeful time from the previous sleep, until the next sleep:
- 35% personal maintenance
- 8% non-business networking
- 25% business networking
- 30% business operations
- 2% civilisational issues, philanthropy, social work


The only problem with having life all figured out is that you get to spend fifteen years mmhmm-ing at other people who are simply interested in more volatile approaches.


/girl sits clothed in a bathtub, with a caption on water rationing/
Me: Oh no, no wet jokes.
She: What wet jokes?
Me: Sorry. Just being naughty. I thought of one but instead of posting it, I posted what I posted.
She: Oh, so what were you going to say?
Me: How long can you stay dry?
She: It can be quite a long time.
Me: Of course.
She: Harassment.
Me: Do you mean, I am harassing you?
She: Yes.
Me: I guess I'll unfollow and delete comments.
She: It is ok.
Me: It is not. Sorry to bother you. I'll unfollow and delete comments.
She: Then you do what you want.
Me: Thank you for the clear feedback. And for the brief company.
She: No problem. I think you will write about me.
Me: Nothing comes to mind. You have not told me much about you. It's just a pretty picture in my phone.
She: Good that you have forgotten.
/More banter/
She: You don't need to disappear. But if you feel like it. It is your choice.
Me: But if my normal communications make you feel intimidated, that is not good. So I will take a step back. If you want to take an interest in me instead, you're welcome to initiate.
She: I treat you as friend. As I know you are polygamous which I cannot accept.
Me: So far i think with your (thousands of) likes and dislike of men, you've still got a number of misaligned priorities. I don't curate friendships outside of intimacy much :) Generally just people either to cuddle or do business with.
She: Then ok. There is no point to continue.
Me: And like I said, it's not a necessary practice. I'm generally fine with exclusive contracts. Lol.
She: Understood.
Me: Do you want to be written?
She: You write about the women you meet. Unless I am not a woman.
Me: I don't write about everyone. In the case of today's interaction it would be more a story about how I am shameless, than about yourself... given the limited nature of the interaction...
She: Ok, sorry. I was just joking about the harassment. Please don't take it seriously.
Me: Omfg
The ace, she saved it. She wrote her own story, quite well. Does this mean I should add her back?


/comment on the view that dissociation from impulses is bad, and systems that encourage it are banally evil (e.g. you become able to execute an order without empathy)./
I don't think dissociation is a bad thing. I make a point of functioning dissociated from impulses on a constant basis. It is actually my civilisational ideal. Haha. Given your view, it is a good reminder that each person can easily be the villian in someone else's story. :)

Given the view I have above, I think it's great that the (person) who is defending her organisation's stance is able to perform so well in separating (their) thoughts and feelings from what they need to say as part of their professional commitments.

Furtheron, we can of course dig into what those professional commitments might be, and whether (their) professional judgment is sound.

The actual concern you may have about the policy of no toothbrushes etc. is about two or three orders removed from my interest in this discussion. I might actually agree that this is a bad policy.

However I have only admiration for the (person) performing their profession, whatever state of mind it takes to get it done.

/ whereupon someone else chimed in that I had deflected, and that a longer debate elsewhere was in order /

Well, I agree that a long debate is not fit for this location.

My summary appreciation is that morals are synthetic and we choose whether we believe in killing or nurturing on a completely arbitrary basis. I want to be completely amoral at the bottom of it all, and therein lies our disagreement -- you may actually believe in a higher good. In which case you would rightly believe me to be evil, according to your definition.

I don't share your assumptions about right and wrong. So my view that the (person) is admirable is predicated upon that. :)


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