2020-11-03 at

Yawn 67

 2020-10-04 - 2020-11-03

Oct 5:

Wondering if my focus on work is an excuse to distract myself from loneliness, for example, you could imagine then when my girl left for an internship in 2012, I was sad, or when my girl left for college in 2015, I was sad, or etc. But the reasonable argument is this: few intimate relationships will pay for industrial projects - whereas industrial projects often pay for intimate relationships. So one picks the richer mommy.

There's a lot of complexity to wrestle with these days. Today, I am going to focus on the design pattern of referential transparency between user-interface, and data storage layer.

"I'm all about hospitality. I'm very pissed with myself when my partners are offended by me - I try to please them. I don't need them to acknowledge me - but I do need to know that they are happy."
"Why would they be offended??"
"I'm generally offensive πŸ˜› Talk too much, say the wrong things, etc."
(I was talking to a lady about other ladies, so business partners should ignore this.)

Against cargo-cults: it is wrong to associate with REST, the notion that API URLs should "follow an intuitive pattern". In fact this is opposed to the "Uniform Interface" constraint ... because the uniformity referred to is not supposed to be in the syntax of URLs, but in the application of the "HATEOAS" heuristic, where the client always asks the server for the server's required syntax. This is a constraint requiring a low-context assumption about URL syntax, in fact opposing a high-context assumption. A priori knowledge of URL syntax is an antipattern.


What's your tiktok username?


"Eh, you think this profile real ah?"
"Confirm real lah."
"Bit too standard, eh?"
"Only a dumbfuck amateur would put one face photo followed by two photos of a latte lah ..."


I am at the police station. Updates may or may not follow. Business is currently on hold.


Oct 8:

Pantai got cluster. GG


I had a good morning. First, I went to imigrations enforcement and they said there are no side-channel agents who can fast-track jail stays for my friend - which implies that there is at least a veneer of formal process around all of this.
And second, while driving I figured out what my defense would be if I were to be hauled up to the judge. Basically I would plead no-contest, and ask for leniency for conscionable objection on a utilitarian premise. The most productive workers were hired, and all value was passed to customers, as the business has made a clear loss so far - we helped more Malaysians than we hurt, and our social contribution has been measurable and publicly commended. So it is then up to the judge to decide if my money is better spent paying fines, or building more businesses, and if my time as an educator is better spent coaching in prison, or outside. Deciding that transfer of value is the judiciary's job, and I will take ten years for this, if it comes to that. This should take two minutes to present, and I will offer to add any qualifying details on numbers. I guess that's it.


Many people have asked me if our shop was targeted, and if I have enemies. I cannot tell you, because I don't know. I mean, you could suspect literally anyone - back in 2017 before we were attacked at least two parties were sus. A stakeholder threatend in Facebook messenger to burn the shop down. A bunch of cybertrooper customers gave me dirty stares when I told my British friend, I had lived almost my entire life in a country devoid of rule of law (Malaysia). Why play guessing games? There are so many better games to play.


Please remember to get your expat staff tested, individually. Or you may end up in the lockup! 


"Siow tried to kick the victim, swinging her arm at him a few times" - perfect description of why I like being sober


It's rather heartbreaking to hear that people believe that going to jail must be a bad thing. It just reminds me that we live in a culture where people are so dissatisfied with their limitations that they'll emotively do just about anything to avoid having more limitations. Such greed is largely disgusting. But hey, what the hell ... basic people will do basic people things ... and those of us who are perpetually bored by the diversity of options around us, will seek to have fewer options for our time. And that's totally ok, because you know, freedom, lol.


Thoughts about going to prison:
1. Finally honing in on ikigai. I never thought political activism would take this form, but I guess life is what it is. You find out along the way.
2. My balls are going to be so itchy. Not in the sexual sense ... I'm just expecting a perpetual state of unmedicated fungus.


An unusual day:
I spent most of it talking to new people - pitching my body to two, and my business to seven to twelve others. It was fun, and easy, and not challenging, and I am totally reminded of why I don't like working in sales ... it's too easy for someone who is unmotivated by social outcomes to just slide into social activity and enjoy the process of social interaction. That's why I much prefer harder problems like research, and quality assurance, and risk management, and logistics, and service continuity, I suppose.


Copies of my keys and the location of crucial documents will be given to key individuals in my network. No update from cops yet. Just making preparations in case of sudden confinement. Now for food, and back to the office! Sell sell sell ...


I am disappointed with my friends who believe that the cops are always active only when they are looking for bribes. In the same breathe, it should be noted that my neighbours who run traditional businesses are still in the habit of providing festive angpaus to the cops.


I am not feeling well. My head is a little slow from all the tactical complexities, and every day I find new issues brought to my attention by troublemakers. But friends have been helpful, so net net it is just another day. On with work, but with a little more attention today for diet, exercise, and socialising.


Drove some coffee machines to Seremban and came back with a sewing machine. Maybe it's an omen.


In office all day cleaning, sorting, throwing, selling, writing, and fund raising. Drop by before CMCO! But, I will be here during CMCO also ...


Super busy couple of days. Between administering a sale of goods, some potential sales of shares, and a physical campus, plus trying to eke out a non-zero social support system, I am tired and under-slept. However, some of my work from yesterday is undone, so I shall try to do it now.
I am reviewing business risks before the day begins. Then I will examine my  social anxieties, and probably organise them before heading for breakfast near the office.


I will focus on doing accounts today. Do drop by if you are in the area, for business talk.


I've been getting some private messages expressing concern for my current situation. Please note that my current situation is okay. 2020 is probably hitting everyone pretty hard, but frankly, this year is not particularly shocking given some of my past experiences. So I am quite bogged down by tedious housekeeping work at this time, but generally in good spirits. I may write about things in a sad way, but that's what one does when one lacks for social life, I suppose. πŸ˜›


On dealing with investors and vcs:

Simply commit to not worrying about what you do not control.


Ran an IP R&D operation for five years. Then we get a proposal to de-register, and then I'm told people don't know we have trademarks. FML


Yesterday ended up being spent more on cleaning and talking to people, such as the landlord, curious parties seeking to help, shareholders, and customers. So today is still, for pricing and sorting.
My sympathetic nervous system is still dominant, as I wake up most days focused on the urgent priority of safeguarding what is left on our balance sheet. In order to balance out the parasympathetic functions, I do some controlled exhalations. 
Pricing sorta day.  I don't like 4D chess, but business is.


"So there's no coffee?"
"I recommend you check out, X, Y, Z, W, nearby."
"But I only like the coffee at two places, here and one place at Pavillion (14km away)."
WTF - even I don't know how this happens. It's not that we do anything particularly different from our peers. So I guess you would call it intangible value ... πŸ˜› not that this is worth anything until it's sold, I suppose.


My neighbour, who has legitimate foreign workers: "Oh, I just checked with immigrations - it's not currently necessary to have your foreign workers tested for COVID."
I guess this was only relevant in May after all.
Just our luck.


Most clueless Malaysian comment I heard in the last week:
"Why was Jerng locked up for so long? Was it because he tried to pay a bribe?"
Addendum: not clueless lah, I am sure commenters simply hate me.


"25-30 is stressful because you worry about hitting adult goals"

Wow. What is wrong with you people? I was just focused on figuring out how to learn something useful from the dearth of intellect which is Malaysia.


There is this company I have shares in. Every now and then, someone comes to me and asks if I can help them buy some shares at a good price. I always ask them to get a lawyer, because I can't represent their interest. My job is to get a high price for the people on my side of the table, and your job is to get a low price for your people. I'm not "trying to be complicated", because those are simply the rules of the game - either play by the rules, or don't play the game. Take your feely bits, and fuck'em ...


Ah, Amos is trending again. To be fair, non-criminal pedophilia simply involves following the law. No one stops you from being a pedophile as long as you don't do any of the (list of things).


I wanted to write something to the groups, asking for advice. Maybe tomorrow.


It was a good day. A girl explained what she didn't like about what I said.


It's a good day, I shall dutifully go to the office and make it a better day.
Sorting and organising rubbish are the order of the day.


TFW: on reflection my notion of a massive personal loan is less than what some Malaysians make per month.


Well, if I had to think about why my existence is aligned with migrant welfare ... my dad did after all come to Malaysia when he was seven-years-old or something like that. So the immediate children of immigrants are literally my subset of Malaysia.


I have not had so many conf calls in a day for a single project in my life ... finally getting to grow up and have fun, I suppose.


Oct 19:
Court date tomorrow!


The past night's sleep was punctuated with just one break, for water and urination. Upon waking for the day, I find that my subconscious has been ruminating on the sensory experience of yesterday's events, from courts, my own case and our investigation into the case of my friend, to social networking, and to business activity which followed all that.
That is good, meaning that these are experiences my subconscious seeks to learn from - otherwise they would be as trivia and quickly forgotten. So I work through the queue of concerns as received from my subconscious, and find that queue pressure is relieved after an hour or so, and I proceed next to log this exercise here.
Next I must wash, feed, and work on various accounts.


All economic activity begins and ends with consumption metrics. 
If SG wants to see wages go up, it needs to subsidise/fund that rise with consumption taxes.


Asking for advice (not for a spouse):
- I have an Indonesian friend who over-stayed their social pass
- friend is a middle-aged lady with children in university back home; generally she is a timid person
- currently they are under court authority, in PJ police station
- I met the friend yesterday while we were passing through the same court holding area on separate cases; she seems anxious, and may be in holding until a December court sentencing
- I was wondering if anyone has had experience requesting for a psychiatric evaluation of detained immigrants, in order to deliver to them any mental health care
I am not particularly optimistic, as this is 'good ol' Malaysia - but any advice would  be appreciated! Thank you!


Quick note on today's exercise:
Yesterday I was passing through the local city court dungeon on my own court case. I briefly passed by a friend who was on her court case. She's a tourist / expatriate and she looked terrified. We were both in shackles - guys are are all tied together, and girls are all tied together. She's a middle-aged mother of university-aged kids, she's been in the lockup for two weeks, and it looks like she'll be in there for another six weeks before her case is sentenced. Our common investigating officer said these delays may be due to workflow interruption due to current COVID lockdowns. Who knows?
I took note of her condition and tried my best to comfort her. After I got out on bail, I updated her family on my findings. I did think it might be pertinent to call in her state of anxiety with a medical professional, but I didn't know how to go about that in Malaysia. So today I found a Malaysia Ministry of Health website which delineated anxiety disorders, and I printed it out, with my friend's case number and name on it. Then I went back to the courts to see what I could do.
Usually, cases such as hers are held in prison. But all the prisons are blocked from entry and exit while the current lockdowns are on. So she's being held in a police lockup nearby. The folks at the court counter told me to look for the police in the room around the corner, and those guys told me there's basically nothing they could do - any request for special attention for a prisoner would be under the prison department's jurisdiction, as the police were only holding prisoners temporarily on behalf of the prison department. 
Going back to the court counter, I was told to try inquiring at the police lockup itself. So I did that, and confirmed that my friend was held there. But the police at the front counter said there was no formal process for requesting special intervention, and tried their best to assure me that prisoners are under daily monitoring, and that they are fed daily.
The end. I just wanted to make a note of what happened today so that I can refer to it later.
Addendum: also I noticed that courtroom SOP for COVID is pretty weak. Speakers tend to remove their masks, and are expected to project speech across twenty feet, as there are no electronic amplifiers. This includes the magistrate themself. At any time there are fifty people present. #sprayallthegerms


I followed through on the concept. On 20 October my charges were read to me, and I pleaded guilty. Sentencing has been set for 9 December.
I had prepared a mitigation plea for reduced sentencing, but was allowed to read the same mitigating reasons for a reduced bail. 
Here is a (better than what I actually read) version of the plea I read in court. Yes, it can go either way ... the PP can of course nitpick on issues and raise more charges against me based on this statement, or they can pull the charge, or they can do nothing and I will simply be sentenced based on the original charge.
Various expert advisors and proofreaders must be credited for their contributions to this essay:


The phrase "hire a lawyer," is starting to remind me of the "I know a guy who knows a guy," approach that Malaysia takes towards blue collar trades - it's just disgusting that people would rather discuss technologists than technology.


The past night's sleep was punctuated with two water breaks, etc. Last night I worked out a bit, and also stumbled upon more legal devices in my general readings and social networking about my and my friend's outstanding cases. Much to think about, now.
But first, basic accounting work at the office.


Update on obtaining legal aid for my friend:
Tenaganita, Selangor Legal Aid Centre / Bar Council, Embassy of Indonesia, are all dead-ends. So the remaining option is if anyone wants to finance a private lawyer to look into the case.


Some of my friends, are anxious. But I am not so anxious - I can only say I am a little anxious. I am not going to lie and say I am very anxious. So I leave it to my friends to be very anxious. Sorry. I have work to worry about - that will persist regardless of my physical environment.


Oct 5 arrest;
Oct 7 release;
Oct 20 pleaded guilty - Dec 9 set for sentencing;
Oct 23 all ducks in a row ... deployed succession plan planning : 
"Folks, 🚨I just wrote a multiverse map and emailed it under the business continuity thread.
PLEASE READ IT or LET'S meet and read it together, because: if I am raptured on 9Dec, someone else needs to take over administration of the multiverse. And we need to PLAN NOW if this would be you, or if we need to assign another agent of administration."


Currently learning how to self-represent in a criminal case. Just walked into the DPP's office and got advice on how to write a LoR (thingy asking for DPP to pull the case). This part is a good experience as the DPP seems affirming in the accused's ability to navigate the system by current customs.
Meanwhile, the Selangor Legal Aid Centre said that by Yayasan Bantuan Guaman Kebangsaan guidelines - they would not provide any aid  for a case where the accused has pleaded guilty - so I have to self-represent (or hire a privateer) until 9 December, then plead not-guilty, then only refer the case back to YBGK.


Despite any sensational statements politicians make about "making a country attractive for startups" - my understanding is that startups are just ordinary businesses, and so the underlying problem is what is commonly called "the ease of doing business" factors within any given country.


"Hey, which mukim are you in?" #CMCOdating



Copy/paste but change what the bunny is holding.
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So it's now the wee hours of Sunday. Most of Saturday was spent playing used-cafe-equipment salesman, and touching up September's bookkeeping. I met a beautiful lawyer and a famous musician, but had to Google each of them separately as I evidently know nothing about good music or beautiful lawyers. The later part of the evening is spent catching up on the excitement of COVID statistics both domestic and international. A bit of physical exercise. Another drive to the office to measure planks for a quotation.
Finally my thoughts return to the letter I have yet to write to the city's Deputy Public Prosecutor, requesting a cessation of prosecution prior to the delivery of judgment upon my case, the charge of which I have already pleaded guilty to. I have not yet put deep thought into this; on one hand I must maintain the coherence of my guilty plea, and on the other I must present a compelling account for why I should be forgiven, not by the magistrate, but by the DPP. So here's what I have after thinking it through one shower ... 
first, I shall commit to not withdrawing my guilty plea;
second, I will recount the events of the day of arrest, narrating how the routine enforcement operation for COVID safety protocol which resulted in our arrest on non-COVID charges ... involved zealous and well-meaning officers who failed to find any legitimate fault with our implementation of protocol, who then booked us on an issue which was external to COVID safety protocol compliance; !!! DANGER - this section needs review !!!
third, I will indicate that the issue we were booked on is an issue which is rampant in the city and on our street, and within the universe of this issue we were found to be non-compliant at the minimum possible degree (one offense); wherein if equal zeal were applied by enforcers to our neighbours and other peers in the city (sorry, neighbours and other peers), they would probably find that many premises nearby are guilty of offenses many times the magnitude of ours; in other words, we have been unfairly targeted for enforcement;
fourth, I will demonstrate the weakness of any argument that our offense was motivated by profit, providing audited accounts and public citations of the value we have generated for the community at a great loss to ourselves;
fifth, I will indicate that our offense is partially motivated by humanitarian concerns amidst the chaos of the pandemic;
sixth, I will anecdotally refer to incidents where we have undertaken great pains to enforce known laws, even at great risk to our reputation and wealth (finally, the virtue signalling which became #doggate can be put to further use);
seventh, I will indicate that having experienced the effects of enforcement, fairly or unfairly, my individual guilty person has already suffered grievance greater than the minimum available penalty for the offense; !!! DANGER !!!
... and so, in light of these concerns, it would be a miscarriage of justice to penalise me further. Nevertheless, by committing myself to a guilty plea, I subject myself to the wisdom of the judiciary in ultimately deciding what is or is not just. 
In this form, I shall submit my request for the DPP to pull the charges in this case against my person.
Ok. Done with bedtime notes ...


Oh my god. These people who message me and ask me to think about my parents, and think about myself, and avoid going to jail ... hello, if I was trying to avoid jail at any cost, obviously I would present a completely different case to the judiciary. You may worry that jail is a lack of freedom - but from my personal point of view, I remain happy wherever I go. Don't you feel that your fear of jail is a limitation on your freedom - that it makes you easy to control? If I cared about my parents feelings about me going to jail, clearly it would feature prominently in my defense. But I do not - two people and their feelings are of a rather small importance relative to the numerous business counterparties I would engage with on a normal day in the ordinary course of business. Customer welfare is far more important to me than family. My argument is based simply on delineating the benefits to society accrued from keeping me in, or out of society. I am not going to lie and say I fear going to jail, or that I fear to hurt my parents feelings. Fuck off.


I take issue with the use of the term "self-destructive", to describe people who are moving from one happy state to another happy state while the people around them are up in arms. Is it not obvious that the former are entirely constructive in their self-conduct, even at the expense of those around them? "Destructive", is probably as accurate an alternative here, as "self-constructive", but saying they destroy themselves makes no sense. Only the watchers are hurt. Or are they?


0340 yesterday. She joined Telegram. And I said nothing. Because she once told me to say nothing. Maybe in another year, I'll defy her. Not this week, as I am spent.


A middling day. Most of it was spent entertaining customers through the junk sale process. I spent a bit of time on a call, clarifying my position stated in a paper on last-mile delivery services, to the bloke at StoreHub - I'm not sure if it was helpful to him, or not. Besides putting my complaints about naggy friends on the record, I am somewhat saddened that my friends are of such poor quality - surely I can do better. I did a little work out. So that's four things. Very small things. Overall I am just troubled by how easy it is to find in commerce the sort of people who fail to be happy unless they acquire specific environments for their bodies. I suppose it is all of us in varying degrees.
On with the long wait. Life is a constant process of finding out what is going to kill you. I remember hours of sitting through kindergarten, waiting for the days to end. Later it was months  and years of sitting through school, waiting to go to to college. Then it was years of waiting for graduation. Then in every job, it was weeks of waiting to discover when an employer would slack off on the utility curve and fail to be sufficiently profitable. Then in running my first company, it was hours of shift work through weeks of repetition over years of jostling with shareholders. Now it is days of entertaining in a showroom, and weeks of waiting to find out what my court sentence will be. Life is a long wait. While we are waiting, we can only try our best to have fun.
Everyone uses different language to express their sense of loneliness.
"I've always been surrounded by dumb people."
"Why does everyone have such bad taste?"
"We need to make the world a better place."
"I wish someone would be my friend and talk to me."
These all mean the same thing.


Yesterday was a day of many intermediate steps, and few conclusions. 
This morning I woke up and got more feedback on my draft letter, which was negative, so that made the day more interesting on its own.
First, I must wash and head out to meet a customer.


OK - I've had a good think about it. Unless people are throwing mad amounts of money in my direction (which is what happened in 2015), my tentative plan for my time after the current project (including any jail sentence), is to take a basic job which affords me time to pursue independent study & development of machine personalities. I'm 37 this year, and it's been about fifteen years of industry-facing work, so as I was thinking during my planning session in the lockup on 5-October, this is a good time to call it "the end of grad-school" and to move back to a more basic approach to making ends meet and pursuing my work.
Nevertheless, you know, fair dinkum - everything is for sale at the right price, meat, time, my entire life. I'm always open to suggestions and discussion.


Yesterday, spent some time addressing a friend's anxiety. Also found out another match is facing charges on other stuff. Updated busness partners on September accounts, warned of upcoming balance sheet write-offs, and prepared an avenue for voicing concerns on locations of business.
Today, more showboating of gear, petty cash accounting ... and then we will see ...


I think I am the only guy loving 2020 lol. Everyone else is to shy to announce their wins, or just in too much pain to think about it.


I think one of the best policies we normalised was the "fuck-off" drink. I used to ask staff to bounce unprofitable customers - but they were too timid! I ended up helping staff by implementing a process where they send a free drink, and a rules card.
I'm bringing this out of our archives because I was discussing the same with a bloke today.
In hindsight, we were ahead of the curve. Nowadays, all F&B establishments have check-in processes. Next shop we build, the check-in counter (where ALL rules will be published) is literally going to be part of the built-environment design.


Note to self: maybe my next company has to be in the Apple ecosystem. I have been avoiding that for 10 years. So it is good to go there now.


So is it pronouncre ra-ba-keit or ra-ba-ka-teh?


What happens if we actually sell enough gear to generate enough cash to renovate, turning the entire kitchen into seating space (cost: trivial), adding glass over the front outdoor seating area?


[Was spraying down rat shit at the three-weeks abandoned kitchen at midnight.]
Need your feedback on this COVID pivot. Feasibility? Bugs? Opportunities I missed?
Restaurant license, 24-7 operations. 
1 metre rule reduced seating capacity and foot traffic - now I wish we had died because of low sales like everyone else, but it turns out we got regulated out of existence first. So we need to up-end the entire value-chain.
Currently we're selling all the hardware, and the registered trademark, and are on track to terminating the tenancy. So any discussion about NOT terminating the tenancy is purely opportunistic.
Option: Stay in current location. Toying with the idea of converting the entire kitchen into customer seating. Adds 20 seats at a meter's distancing. Move all F&B production to the small bar. Turn the main bar into customer seating. Add another three seats. House now holds 50 people fully distanced.
Context: I need to clarify ... we are not a "F&B first" company. We are a "built environment first" company. The question is what built environment to deploy .
Discard restaurant license, switch to office license (per city council practice for co-working spaces). Even fewer issues with 24-7 operations as this sector is less regulated than F&B.
HVAC is always the highest cost after rent. Renovate to add insulation zones and evaporative cooling between outdoors and air-conditioned zones.
Coffee is now free flow. Quality is higher than previous restaurant model. Occupants can bring in food from neighbouring establishments. Maybe we provide snacks - maybe we even produce them. But they are free.
Instead of charging for space, now we charge for time, like other coworking spaces. RM10 per cover (8-hour block). 
Rent 3500-4500
Utilities 2500-3000
Staff 3500-7000
Cost of Goods consumed 20%-33% of sales
Totes 21,750 sales needed at upper limit. 725/day. 73 covers @ RM10/cover. (On max occupancy of 3x60=180 covers/day). Min looks like we need 40 covers/day. 
I definitely spent a few hours in the lockup trying to figure out if I should take a massive personal loan to buy out my shareholders. I still don't know. But it is pretty clear that I need to on-board people who will help do actual work when things get busy, rather than complain, wait for me to die, fret that I'm not dying fast enough, kick me while I'm trying not to die, and then complain that there's an almost dead body in the hallway ...
I don't know. I need to make new friends. Maybe. IRDK.
Going to sleep on it.
[Hey, best thing about this, if it's not a restaurant, then you could bring in your dog, you cat, any goddamn pet you want, without worrying about contravening Ministry of Health regulations ... hell, you could probably walk in a penis on a leash, and no one would give a damn ... ]
Maybe retain first entity for food production, and as IP holder.
Maybe move all facilities management operations to new entity, under stricter corporate governance.


Useless conjecture: Seems like COVID antibody prevalence sampling could be used as a herd immunity metric to indicate when public health officials might want to INCREASE infection rates, from time to time.


Am I the only one who feels that some BFM interviews really kill brain cells ...


"There are many ways to settle such affairs, without escalating to a courtcase." So this, very common sentiment, which I now hear on a weekly basis, reminds me just how full of assholes Malaysian society is. I think I will mention this in my letter to the DPP if I ever get around to writing it. Dear sir, what does this phenomenon mean? I have scoured the texts and found that perhaps, the legitimate way for my case to be settled is by such a plea for mercy. 🀷🏻🀣
Caveat: being a non-professional scourer of legal texts, I'm sure there are other things I've missed.


Body weak. Enforced feeding. Resalinisation. Examination of cognitive apparatus, and emotional tendencies. Programming of prepared responses, and reinsertion of such into subconscious memory.
Time for a shower.


By and large, all rights are synthetic. Humans invented rights. Saying X has a right to kill Y, is just as boring as saying M has a right to N quality of life. All of it is temporary, and outrage is still boring. I need better headlines in my life. Where do I find them?


"What do you want to eat?"
"Do you prefer steak or French?"
"I usually just chapfan."
"This can be a new experience."
"I would want say, ten to twenty data points, so one is not going to be very useful."
"An ocassional celebration."
"Okay, I am going to disavow any special interest in these options. But since it evidently makes you happier to spend your money like this, I'll keep you company for such purposes."


What a boring end to a busy month, in a boring year. Tonight I shall turn my attention to matters of gravity. But I am not sure what to be grave about - I do want to think about business matters, so as I pack up my stuff from the office, I will start to raise my sense of urgency about this.


Gravity is the order of the day. Maybe the week. For now I must not allow myself to enjoy the days.


So, it has come to this.
I was just prompted for the Nth time, by folks who pitched in the first fund, to raise a second fund to bail out the first fund.
If this is at all interesting to you, you can PM me.
For risk management purposes, I would advise you to also talk to people who pitched into the first fund in 2015.


Six hours and one forgotten bag later ... I'm just tired. But more work awaits. I don't mind being the anvil, but being the hammer and anvil at once, most of the time, is a bit tiring.

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