2021-01-20 at

Yawn 68

2020-11-03 to 2021-01-20 

November will be spent planning the multiverse. Can't reify any specific universe until 9Dec or later sentence.

Factors of cogent planning:
1. Must remove plebes from circle of influence.
2. Must include the views of plebes in design process.
It remains always a challenge. I will say I'm not the best at it. Or do people actually try not to do things this way? I don't know. This is an important consideration in review.

A stressy day. An "I didn't eat enough protein before bed," kinda stressy day.

I started applying for data engineering jobs lol. Wondering what I will get if anything. If you have folks looking to hire a junior, let me know. I am just setting up options for January.
PM and I'll send you a resume.

So due to a job application prompt from my ex-customer/ex-staff, I now have an AngelList profile ...

Reading about weaving, and fabrics, before bed. Topology of such is curious. Long overdue study.

"A month ago I was arrested for the first time - also the first time in the course of my professional duties. I have been busy administering the consequences of that arrest, upon my business, so I have hardly had the time to reflect upon the consequences of that arrest upon myself."

Course Number: MOF 301
Course Title: Budgetary Monkey-patching
Course Description: Instead of implementing a few key policies which everyone understands and can reason about in five minutes, implement fifty band-aids and ensure that national productivity is spent on figuring out how to claim tax credits. A grand Malaysian tradition.

I just worked on shop accounts - rectifying complicated expense claims is rather gratifying. The whole past month has been just kinda scary, given the number of things that are going on at the same time.
- shareholders selling
- shareholders buying
- tangible assets being sold; disassembled; cleaned; packed
- tangible assets being sold to contra expense claims
- intellectual property being sold
- digital assets being sold
- books needing to be prepared for audit
- tenancy needing to be gracefully aborted
- grandstanding to investors
- learning how to self-represent in a court-case
- seeking legal aid for my friend
- looking into the welfare of my other friends
- applying for jobs
- grandstanding to investors
- arranging contingencies for my rent and mortgage payments in case I have to go to jail later
- still a bit sad about being dumped a month ago
- ensuring that I eat, sleep, groom, work out, and meet new people on a (flexible) routine
- finally having a pair of dress shoes that fit, after a few mistaken purchases, over the last 15 or so years
I have a 10 a.m. business development meeting, a 12 p.m. networking meeting, and a 6 p.m. networking meeting. I also have a whale buyer of tangible assets who can't seem to settle his mind and commit to a transaction.
I am just tired. But this is all within reason.
I still haven't:
- read the Criminal Procedure Code properly
- written my Letter of Representation to the Deputy Public Prosecutor
- paid my maintenance, assessment, or quit rent on my flat, or washed, or repaired burst pipes, or scraped the dry dead birds off the floor, for years
- studied Python and ETL for an upcoming job interview

Holy mother of rat shit, I found the nest. It was under an oven we hadn't used in five years, full of torn up papers, maybe receipts from a chef long gone. Rewashed the whole oven with caustic soda. Sprayed down the kitchen floor. Fired up the dehumidifiers and fans. Wrapped up the oven for the chap taking half our stuff tomorrow.

Interview Q: name 3 of your character weaknesses? (each articulated in 1 word and not be perceivable as a positive. elaborate on the impact it has had on your life)
2.1.) Nonchalance. I have an "always retired" mindset, so generally I am motivated by boredom. This is not a good pitch for any kind of work. It comes from having the ability to selectively care/ not-care about anything based on other reasons. Impact: I can be perceived as a bit of a bore, a robot, or a psychopath, from the point of view of people who like to use such terms. If you structurally dig around where this sort of trait comes from, it tends to result from low pain sensivity. This is quite fundamental in my personality so now I am struggling to figure out other issues which are not dependent on this flaw.
2.2.) Verbiage. I probably use too many words for most conversations. In private communications, this may result in me getting blocked often by counterparties. At work, perhaps it means people who don't communicate verbally will suffer because of my ignorance of their state of mind.
2.3.) I don't believe in human rights. I do believe in these as a sort of social contract, but I do not believe that these are at all well-defined, binding, etc. I think more broadly I don't believe in high-context cultures, and will always irritate people who believe that common sense is important. When I do run organisations, common sense is banned. In other people's organisations, I follow their lead. (Update: Also I just realised my mistake in 2.3.). If there's one word for that, perhaps 'misanthropic'? I'm not sure if 'agnostic' cuts it, and then maybe it's just a consequence of 2.1.)

Someone offered me $8,750 p.a. + 10% profit share to run executive chef and P&L for a food court. I countered with what I thought was a fair offer ... they should hire a fresh grad at $8,750 + 5% to do the job ... I'd be happy to coach for the other 5%.
Update: I just of an ex-staff to recommend for the trainee role. But I also told the client, they should find a production company to turn this into a reality TV show ... candidates have to cook, do accounts, and manage talent. Suhweettt


So, if it wasn't literally criminal mischief, and if I wasn't already on bail and awaiting sentencing for a charge ... I'd switch my phone sounds theme to Quake3 weapon effects before pumping petrol. TEET TEET BOOOMMM


Rest day:
- laundry
- grooming
- examination of anxieties
- maybe physical conditioning
- avoidance of work-related anxieties, mainly I think, bookkeeping and retail merchandising
Maybe I should also eat more.


"Lack of public healthcare leads to families being bankrupted by medical bills."
- public healthcare is not even the solution to this problem!
This is literally some scientist shooting their mouth off as an economically naive layperson ... how about instead:
- blame empaths for choosing to pay for medical care instead of letting people suffer
- blame capitalism for allowing private healthcare to exist beside public healthcare
- blame prudes for blocking the enaction of suicide rights
- blame people in general for seeking to extend their pathetic self-consciousness
Just sayin.


Random people come in to talk about stuff. Hey send me a message, I'll send you a pricelist. You wanna talk about race and language, I'm just going to ignore you because I don't understand Cantonese. Ngo mm sek teng. Bye bye ...

A chap I worked with a few years ago was speaking about the friction of job hunts. My advice to him was simply, "don't wait for stuff to come back," just keep moving. If stuff comes back, treat it as a nice surprise.

Interview question: "What is your greatest strength?"
A: Relative to the rest of the population, I am probably more patient and pessimistic. This basically means that given any task and a mutual consensus on contract terms, I will be able to work on the task for long periods of time regardless of boredom, as long as the contract is adhered to. As a result of this trait, I am able to excel at tasks which other people consider: dirty, dangerous, difficult, demeaning, or repetitive.


Job applications requesting for family data usually get "I'm not in contact with these people, but if the information is mandatory, I can do some research. Please let me know." I would so pick up the phone during the interview "Hi! Hi! Hello? Dad? Do you have time for a question? Someone is asking me for your personal data."

I guess this year I learnt that I don't like working out in most gyms because the lighting is distracting. Prefer spots.


You can tell a lot about a person based on their anxieties. Here are some of my current ones in order (greatest anxiety on top):
- ongoing restructuring of 5-year-old company
- opportunities to speak with women who've left me
- not enough time to study math in this lifetime
- job interview I have in twelve hours
- preparedness to spend 12 months in jail
- whether I get to choose (or not to choose) how I die


I'm still wondering about how to expain to the AGC and magistrate that I agree that I broke the law, acknowledging that none of us has the authority to change the law (laws are made by parliamentarians, enforced by the cops/AGC, interpreted by the judiciary) , but I am here because I thought it was a bad law, which hurts Malaysians, and so I broke the law on purpose, but I promise not to break it again, and I hope for charges to be dropped, or for a light sentence.
Really none of this is as important as my more immediate hurdles: the fact that I am technically not prepared for a job interview in 10 hours, in case I don't get prison and can't afford to continue the business, and that I still have a bunch of cleaning up to do for my business partners before I go for sentencing, in case I get canned (not caned).
I guess that's just me. My friends worry about their parents, and their kids, and their retirement, and their weekend desserts. I like to worry about my work.
Sometimes I have conscionable objections (for the sake of simplicity) to the fact that I have conscionable objections (for the sake of public welfare).
But maybe I should just drink less coffee, and have fewer worries in general. In any event, being able to deal with prison is part of what I practiced in college, so that is that - whatever will be will be.
A little later: wow, we really need to delete the Prime Minister's role in recommending judges to the YDPA. Just *sic* having the JAC make recommendations to the YDPA directly, would be a huge improvement in decentralising power.


One daily hurdle at a time: 11am meet the landlord.


I generally say that I wouldn't bother going into politics unless I was rich (defensive financing, expected to be used against offensive financing). But it also seems that politics is the ultimate 4D+R job, dangerous, difficult, dirty, demeaning, and repetitive. So maybe I will go in poor after all. But probably only after I have memorised all 700+ acts of the spaghetti law in Malaysia ... maybe.


Malaysians need to get over moral policing. I really don't care if parliamentarians are foul-mouthed, as long as they improve the body of LAWS which govern their country. However, once elected, they do not function as intended, rather they pursue irrelevant activities. 💸


So, it's mid-November already. I'm going to stop applying for jobs - will do just one more application, for the Grab CEO's office, then reprioritise FY5 audit, selling junk, and writing my Letter of Representation for the court case.


"Do you get bored easily?"
"I get bored at the same rate as everyone else. I just think faster."


I like that MasterCard's culture copy has a Decency Quotient. No sarcasm.


I spent most of the last five years distributing risks across space, with the comfort that at any period in time the project was helping a customer. When we shut for lockdowns, the project continued to help staff. Since October, we have had neither staff nor customers, and since shareholders never got anything back from the project, I do wonder if my daily work amounts to only helping myself. Of course, I supposed to remember that risks are also distributed across time, and right now, it is just the right time for cleaning our bottoms, as things run their final pass.


Fascinating chat with a customer who has run the gamut of local immigration offenses, including serving time. Seems well versed in the criminal procedure process, the various intercepts where an agent can segue out of the process and pay money under the table, a truly Malaysian character - he understands the permeance of outlawed corruption in the process, and also who needs to know who to get things done. I made it clear that I wasn't interested in the outlawed processes for settlement, even though they may be just 20% of the lawful price. Here are some propositions he raised which I should give more consideration to (neither of us is 100% sure who knows better - though I'm sure he has more hands-on experience here):
+ "Immigration Act offenses are not considered criminal cases" (more reading required)
+ "Immigration Act offenses are not supposed to be handled by police" (conversely, to-date, I have only met police and the DPP in my case in court, or outside of court - so this confuses both of us)
+ Also he reminded me that I may go for my second court mention, once again hoping to be sentenced quickly ... only to face new charges ... and this is a good preparatory chat, because I suppose I will have to plead not-guilty to any new charges presented, since the situation is increasing in complexity. But to-date, I still expect to preserve my guilty plea to the original charge.
+ Once again, I wish I had more time to do the various readings and anthropological research on these subjects, however, I doubt I will have much time to prepare myself much more than I already have (which is more prepared for prison, less prepared to be cunning simply in order to avoid prison).
Maybe I will have to prepare for two or more years in jail, instead of just one. Hmm. This is a bit distracting, given the business of cleaning up which I am currently engaged in.


By the time I was 14, I had learnt that politics is fun, but predictable - basically it is "too easy", and so I prefer to find ways to get things done which do not rely on relationships.
This is what I am reminding myself of, as this modus operandi is something which I have been required to discuss more often of late. We can be the change we seek to see in the world - I simply do not believe in a civilisation that depends on class stratifications, and so I mostly avoid plying the class ladder, even as I do not quite attack it. Or do I? Oligarchs come across to me as plebeian, but that is probably a hypocritical statement.
Anyhow, the basic pattern is that I find people generally boring, because I'm only interested in figuring out what they have in common. So people who find the differences between people interesting, they strike me as somewhat stupid (unintelligent, but likeable). I'm afraid I may have just redefined stupidity to mean what people say "cute" means (ugly, but adorable). Oh well.
I mean, a bit later on, around the age of 20, I'd extended this study to the point where I could figure out how all human experiences share a common structure, and then it kinda became, "people who find the differences between experiences interesting, they strike me as somewhat stupid", and that was about when I figured I should just retire from caring about what people think.


Rather tired and weak from the events of the past week. I shall need to reduce new work distractions. Old work remains backlogged.


What is the BM word for "post", as in social media posts or blog posts?


Why do Malaysians call it a RORO bin?


I'm sad to say ... I will not be preparing (1) my personal taxes for FY 2019, and (2) my company audit for FYE 09-2020 ... until I take a shot at this interview assignment I got five days ago, which is due in two days.
I also did most of my SPM cramming in the six weeks before the exam ... I guess some habits die hard.
Maybe this is why I will never amount to anything in life.
It turns out that I also have then, only a week to do (1) and (2) and then (3) to decide on sending, and then to actually write and send, a Letter of Representation for my court case. So there is some chance that (1,2) will be further delayed by a week ... sads.


/Brief acknowledgement of disqualification from job interview./
Of course!
I clearly don't know a whole lot about what happens at (employer). I thought if would be rather likely that the hiring managers already had precisely relevant candidates in mind, who were already much more familiar with (employer's) operations and network disputes. But I thought I'd put my name in the hat because the position looked interesting. 
Do let me know when you need someone whom you can dispatch / dropship into unknown territory to figure out and lock down key question marks. I'm quite agnostic about the type of people I have to speak to on a daily basis, so I can be useful to parties who need information on other parties that they are not comfortable talking to directly. That really is my special power.
/Been thinking about that recently - being reminded that many people whom I meet absolutely HATE speaking to certain types of other people ... whereas I find people to be generally interesting because they're puzzles, or simply neutral in a "this is easy" sort of way. And that includes the obtuse, lazy, and malicious counterparties too!/


I suppose my career trajectory adheres to that of an adventurer. This may not be obvious because I mainly stay within small geographical areas, pursuing rather mundane tasks.
However, the elucidation for this is that my background is unusual in the following dimensions: I ran out of novel sensual experiences by the time I was about 20-years-old ... when I was about 16, I had already started to notice that I was not much more impressed by being embodied in a place, than I would be just by studying the same place via secondary sources. But by 20 I had pretty much figured out the fundamental sensations which limit all (my) thought (granted, my thought is not representative of the thoughts of others, but I think it is close), and I was able to map almost all current experiences to known data structures. This basically meant that I had saturated my ability to be constructively impressed by most current empirical experiences. (Maybe one day I will be affected by chemicals or modifications or growth in such a way that I find new categories of experience, but this has not yet been the case.)
So where do I find novelty? It's not from the usual "see new sights, taste new foods, go new places" type of stuff that most people find amusing due to their absence of tracking common structures between all past experiences. Instead I look for it in math, because I'm quite sure that my mathematical intuition is weak, and so I have a lot to grow there. Otherwise I also find trivial novelty in the socio-politico-cultural activities of people in general ... and that is why cultural anthropology remains my main source of quaint amusement.
There is, for example, no way to understand what it is like to experience the criminal justice system from the point of view of an ignoramous, except to play the role to a tee.
I have lived a rich, and fulfilling life. My only regret is that it may have been at the expense of others, to their dismay. Technically this is ok if the net benefit to society has been positive. But who knows how to calculate that accurately? I still don't think highly of my mathematical intuition - I wish I was better at subconscious math.


I submitted 25% of the demanded answers to questions for an interview take-home assignment, and DNF the other 75%. Oh well. Bad timing.


Catching up on sleep. OMG. At least I have more strategic work this week, even if I am still backlogged to all hell.
- FY5 company audit
- court prep
- late interview assignment
- YA2019 personal tax


Ok. It seems that in the absence of cafe operations, it comes quite naturally to me to invite people who don't have wi-fi ... to my residence, to use the wi-fi, and then I give them free coffee and tuition on writing their theses, and on how to use MS-Word's Review functions ...


I like how people don't recognise that when they call it "the newsfeed", it's because the whole thing is a chicken coop.


Thanks LinkedIn for sending me daily emails and notifications about the availability of that job I already got bounced from. 😛 (Grab, Senior Manager, CEO's Office, Change Management)


Facebook Marketplace bulk uploads are horrible. Need to schedule a day for this after I submit audit. Then personal taxes. Then court prep. Then back to interviews.


I realise that conversation (when fully engaged) is enough to tire me out versus caffeine.
In other news, currently overhydrated, and should probably eat more instead


A lot of argumentative speech today. Tired. But progressing. Short-term memory is rather fried, but hey, November is the month for talking. All future universes will face some reification on Dec 9.

Asking for advice ... (presuming I am not in jail by December, or for when I get out) ... I was thinking of raising a new fund to open a cafe called National Pets Policy ... which can be a place to organise public lobbies from  animal lovers to petition lawmakers (parliament) for change. For example,
(A) to put a spotlight on "unpopular" laws which require all animals to be removed from food and beverage establishments (roaches and cats have the same legal status at the moment),
(B) to draw attention to the enactment of "all talk no action" laws, such as the Animal Welfare Act  which lack enforcement budgets (sure we want all animals to be taken care of, but tax/petrol monies are not adequately allocated for such)
I would have wanted to do this with my current project, which I can't talk about, and where I can't use social media, so it is kinda a dead-end there (I tried, since 2017).
I think if I am to start a new project of this kind, I need to strategically address the two key weaknesses of my current project (which is being hibernated), 
(1) I'm going to need co-founders (read: operators) as opposed to passive investors,
(2) we need to use a Sdn Bhd vehicle to tighten up corporate governance and to make growth financing easier.
Anyway, THIS IS COMPLETELY AN IDEA and has NO ACTUAL EXISTENCE YET and it is NOT RELATED TO ANY PAST PROJECTS which I may or may not have worked on.
Ok, mainly, really ... before we talk about crowd-funding it, we need to find out if anyone wants to be a co-founder.
Hit me up. Slag me. Just send feedback. 


Many thanks to various parties who offered legal assistance for my case. However if we're not fixing the system, spending more public resources on my case is a waste of time.
If we can improve the system, sure, let's drag it out. But I'd want to hear your strategy [not about getting my sentence mitigated] so much as [bringing into precedent arguments for a more regular administration of enforcement for laws like this one].
The law is quite clear. But the inconsistency of enforcement officers is really my main concern about the administration of justice here 😛 - even considered adding that to my LOR and was advised against it. lol
I literally have neighbours asking me why I didn't just bribe my way out. 
Staff asked me.
Customers asked me.
On the same day, all my neighbours with their various workers were not arrested. But I understand that on average someone must pay, so just happens that day it was us.
My distant friend says he sends angpaus to enforcement twice a year. They probably get headsup on raids 😛 
A customer who actually did time for his directors told me, RM2k to an [REDACTED] officer, and you can get out with the right kabel. (Which is how we got discussing the due process of cops vs immigrations investigating these cases.) This guy was one of those who claims he goes to jail but gets special access to jailors facilities lol. 
So far it's fascinating. I wish I had more time to study it. But i have been busy shutting down and selling my business so my shareholders have less mess.
I have a bailor. Perhaps more than one. (I will owe them big time.) The privilege of a social net encourages one to take unnecessary risks, and for that less mercy is due. But I will plead for mercy on account of (as mitigated + some other points I thought of for the LOR which hasn't been written). 
If nothing else, all of this is exciting ... so for the sake of community excitement / case study, if your friends want to use my case to consolidate a focus group around the issue, I'd love to help. But it has to be a broad attempt to improve the system.
I don't personally think I deserve the help.


I was advising some friends on a project they are doing. I saw them hiring all kinds of designers and consultants with different job scopes. So I asked, who's the architect here? Well this wasn't a realestate development, so I guess what I meant by "architect" is as follows:
The division of labour in a business organisation, can take many forms. Who represents the customer? Some say it is the Chief Executive, but I tend to think it should be the Chief Marketer. A model that perhaps illustrates this:
- the Chief Marketing Officer is the customer's champion
- the Chief Happiness Officer is the staff's champion
- the Chief Investment Officer is the shareholder's and creditor's champion
Furtheronto that:
- the Chief Executive is the lead mediator, i.e. political secretary
- the Chief Operator is the lead administrator, i.e. bureaucrat
I'm just thinking aloud here. I think the model can be nuanced, such that each group of key stakeholders has a (political) champion, and then each business function has a (process) champion, and all of these are C-level, so C-level is about a dozen or so senior managers, not a handful of top vs senior types. 


Maybe we should set up a bar next to the old restaurant. It would be complementary.


There are many ways to position a product. I'm not a foodie, so while I work on F&B projects as CMO, I'm never going to position my product as food-oriented. I prefer to work on broader architectural products, since I can feasibly manage those and coordinate the business side of things at the same time (though ARGUABLY I CANNOT 😛). 
I wouldn't mind building a food-oriented business, except that in order to be able to hold a top-three-per-city (TTPC) category placement, I'd either have to hire a great chef, have a co-founder who is a great chef, or run the kitchen by myself. For the latter, I'd need to have a competent cofounder manage the P&L, marketing communications, and all other aspects of administration - but I don't, so I've never tried to be a chef 😛. Also, typically I don't bother to invest in products that aren't TTPC anyhow, as I'm basically lazy and don't like red oceans.
So back to the problem of having insufficient cofounders. Oh well, on it goes.


Gonna start reading for my court case for next three days. Appreciate any stimulation on the topic, so AMA. Or just slag my points lol. Starting with Laws of Malaysia Act 7 : registered criminality


Finally tried the Gin Mare, and found it's pretty close in profile to white tequila, haha.


Decided to pay myself first the first time in three months. Hm. Ethical or unethical? It's like getting of bed - I never know.
Also, maybe received payment for the first IP sale I've work on from scratch. Cool beans.

So it seems Act 7 pertains mainly to cops, and here Act 155 conveys the power of copness to an immigration officer (section 52).


Speaking from personal experience, this is not adhered to 😛 then again, I do need to check if Police Lockups are subject, or not,  to the Prison Regulations (this document).


It turns out that the remand limitation of 24-hours springs from Constitution.5.4, which is extended by POCA (Act 297), whereas the convention that such 24-hour limitations do not apply to weekends and public holidays ... I can't find that last bit ... maybe it is invalid?


Time to find out how to get a job as a judge ...


I wonder if lawyers live in a bit of an economic bubble:
"I suppose the charge for a consultation is a few hundred Ringgit per hour?"
"Yes roughly. Not expensive."


Historical question.
I'm actually really curious about the parity between "jail sentences" and "monetary fines" ... have the lawmakers and judiciary accounted for the introduction of disparity over time, as a result of monetary inflation?
For example, Act 92: 1st and 2nd class magistrates may mete out sentences which put at parity ...
* RM 10,000 fines with 60 months of imprisonment
* RM 1,000 fines with 6 months of imprisonment
So where did this come from? Was it the same in 1948?
To add a contemporary economic context, RM 1,000 is 83-90% of monthly minimum wage in 2020. 
* So if you earn minimum wage, and you get an RM 1,000 fine, you've lost about 27 days of income ... but you may instead lose 180 days of income ... or both, for 207 days of income in total. 
* But if you earn 10x minimum wage, and you get the same fine, you've lost 2.7 days of income, or 180 days of income ... or both, for 182.7 days of income in total.
I think phenomena such as this in the current legislation invite a demand for income/wealth-benchmarked fines, such as which exist in certain Scandinavian countries.


It was a good day. Company got a bunch of sales, I found out the name of a favourite customer by accident, and I got to catch up on reading about the laws of Malaysia. More work tomorrow, though. Good things to think about if I end up in the can.


A little tired, still, but time to get up and be a company man! Even if the pay isn't great, I guess I created the company, so I must set it down carefully. After that, for the evening I hope to have more time for legal studies.


If I was to design another cafe brand from scratch at this point in history, I would call it Unicorn Coffee. And it would look like a white and gold Starbucks. Just because.


Sold the Sudo Brew and Sudo Coffee trademarks today. A great relief to administer this before the coming court sentence. A five-year first-project - not the best price, but happy to have iterated it. Now it proceeds to new money, and can grow. It will be subject to new limitations, but at least it will be free of old ones. So we have liberated the brand. I'm not a foodie, so the whole thing was built simply with an intent for sale. What is a brand? It is basically inception - it's tangible only if you know how to count the structures of an idea as it propagates across people's minds. 😛


TIL there are no primary colours. I skimmed over such a note previously, but only just got back to reading closely.
In other news: did zero legal reading today. But did collect a quote for 600 RM/hr for legal consultation, from a practitioner in their seventh year after graduation (degree, not CLP).


For the first time in a long time - I my laptop has a working battery!


Just registered "theunicorn.coffee" -  I think it's a rebound 😜
Not intending to commercialise it - just can dump all my new design work in there for the time being.
Actually the main impetus was that my AWS Lambda development was tied to (a domain we sold), and I needed a new domain anyway.


Long, complicated, rushy, but entertaining, day. What I really want to work on now is separating a pile of goods which were snapped up by a buyer, but which won't be leaving the premises for a while. However I also got this possibility of a random phone call from an unknown lawyer in the morning ahead. So I want to both read law and go to sleep now. I think sleep is the more appropriate option, followed by work on site. The lawyer is the least certain factor.


When people make inane comments at work, I have generally been aware that this can be appreciated in a few layers.
1. This is a intuitively what a speaker believes.
2. This message is what a speaker would contribute as their duty to the body corporate.
3. This message is necessary in order for a speaker to obtain plausible deniability (to cover their ass).


The best value coffee I had in recent times was at FamilyMart. Just sayin.


So we can sell stuff like this cheap, to anyone opening a new shop. Let me know ASAP
- hood 4'x5'
- ducting
- duct fan 3hp
- wooden loft
- taps 
- bar counter tops (glulam)
- glass windows and glass door
- gas piping 
- toilet bowls 
- toilet sink
- grease trap 150litres stainless steel
- 44-inch water filter 
- drain floortraps


Reading law until 9Dec.
You can kacau me if you want to talk about law.


Pigalle > So Kate

I believe it would be marketable to sell a consumer appliance brand that was positioned as "this device is guaranteed to be reparable", it would jive very well with the 21st century's ecological trends. The question I have is, if any such company could last long enough, despite clones, to IPO. Think of it as a repairable XiaoMi or Panasonic.


This week's hotsauce:
- Members of parliament discussed why we have laws (or are they merely practices?) which give [Malaysian citizenship] to [children born ex-Malaysia] to Malaysian citizens ... more easily if their Malaysian parent is male, than if their Malaysian parent is female.
- One statement made was that this statistically reduces the probability of the child having dual-citizenship. The statistical effect of the policy is probably correct (we can go into the details aside). But the interesting discussion is on why Malaysians are afraid of dual-citizenships.
- I have had a look at this before, and I found it quite amusing that the law does not forbid dual-citizenship, whereas it has been consistently an executive policy of federal agencies to practice an opposition to dual-citizenship. The law DOES provide the Federal Government the right to terminate a Malaysian's citizenship if they are dual-citizens. But the law DOES NOT on its own obligate the Federal Government to do so.
- Looking at the Constitution and its history more closely, we find that there was at the time of our nation's founding a fear of foreign threats. That shaped the letter of the law in the past. These fears have, for better or for worse, through political plot and accident, remained in our national psyche to this day. It will be interesting to see where these fears lead us to, and if we are perpetually unable to forget them.


Awake. Rehydration salts. Clearing inboxes. Planning to lift some weight to get blood pressure up.


POI: Malaysia has no "statute of limitations" on criminal activity.


Important things to note if I ever want to be a lawmaker (parliamentarian) or to work on legislative strategy for such.
"Repeal includes amending legislation"


(In Expats & Locals group:)
Dude: "The hotel I'm in isn't letting FoodPanda riders come to my room. This kind of racism should not exist."
Me: "FoodPanda is not a race ... "
(Other people made other comments, the post was ultimately deleted or I was blocked, IDK.)


Sad. Just learnt that my friend's second mention has been postponed to 1February2021. She will have been in lockup for four months, by that time.


OK! Found in the Interpretation Act (388) the statute that extends POCA remand of 24-hours over an entire weekend ...
(section 54)

Oh shit ... "ex-Japan" means "excluding Japan" and in Latin it would actually mean "from Japan". FML. Maybe I shouldn't have skipped classical languages in school ...


I found the double-jeopardy statute! It's in Act 388 (interpretation act) Section 59


Whoever designed the mechanical bidet toilets in the Gardens Mall really crapped up the UIX. 
The USER MANUAL is written in x-height 3mm font ON THE TOILET SEAT (the down-side). Between all the first-time users and people who don't even realise that the bidet is there ... oh my god, what a mess ... P.S. neither manual bidets nor toilet paper are available in the stalls. 
A pool of water forms in front of each toilet bowl from misuse of the peeping bidet. Shit sticks forlornly on the inner walls, waiting for the future force of pee.
P.P.S. the Dyson airblade is installed at chest height - I'm 173cm tall.


Hello - (b) seems a bit more stringent than what is written in the Constitution, but I should check.
(Act 388)


I guess with my current segue into reading Malaysian law, I have determined the scope of my social work in this country for the next epoch. I used to be concerned that I was focusing too much on universal skills, without working enough on integrating myself with Malaysia. But studying local law seems like a good place to embed myself. Meanwhile I shall continue studies of math and programming, as such. As for conducting local business ... we shall see what opportunities avail.


A person is presumed dead if they haven't been heard of in 7 years.
(Section 107, 108 - act 388)

If you act as if you are in formal business - it may be assumed in court that you are in formal business ...

(Section 109)

If you want a boyfriend / girlfriend - just go out and grab someone (with consent).
(Section 110)

If Gru wishes to secure the secrecy of the rock, Gru can give Otto the rock, thereby you cannot compel Otto to divulge the secrets of the rock, unless you could first compel Gru to divulge the same.
(section 131)

Figured out an upgrade to our "fuck off drinks" protocol. Terms and conditions of establishment to be printing on a card, a rubber stamp on which is written, "I agree", will be provided to all visitors. No service will be granted without a stamped card.


IN LIEU (but only for certain types of offenses)

CPC Section 66

I should probably read this because probably going to kena at some point, right?

Chapter XI - public nuisances


Following up on police inaction.
 Section 107a


This is where the PP (not just any DPP) can authorise tapping, bugging, or subpoena of information, I guess.
Section 116c


User experience & interactive design consulting:
Several years ago, while working on a client's project I said, "there's a problem with the bidets". The client said, "I wouldn't know, I don't use bidets." So I had to tell them, "well I don't either, but you installed bidets, so I tested them, and here's the problem ... [redacted]."


Will I ever tire of watching people who don't operate factories, designing factories for other people who have never operated factories, so that the the latter can have factories to operate?
Probably, it was always this way. By factories, I mean restaurants ... or software. Wait, why does all of it look the same? 😛


36 hours of freedom left. It's gonna be a long year, if I'm canned. But a well deserved rest if I do say so myself.


Awake. Final day of prep. SNS somewhat overstimulated - two bad coffees yesterday - less today. Need to feed more carefully and squeeze in some cardio today. And read law. And update mitigation statement. And prepare stationery for magistrate. I guess

Do I want to introduce the argument that Immigrations Act 55B is a victimless crime? I don't know. I think there are strong arguments for how aggregate offenses victimise Malaysians ... so I shall avoid this for the time being. Not time to dig in.


Fascinating. It's literally against the law to cause butthurt. (Disclaimer: no deliberate intent to cause butthurt is herein contained.)
Act 593 Part A


If I had more free time to deal with the consequences, I might even try this one. But I don't have a lot of free time for such discovery.

CPC chapter XXVIII


Just wrapped up last minute prep for court :hammer: 
A tad more successful than my last minute prep for an interview assignment (DNF) I hope


MKN 7 December rules: we're all going to die. Again.


Bit of a strange day, and I will document the criminal justice proceedings in more detail later. A lot of dietary supplements were ingested.
8Dec: up at noon, fed, prodded at CPC reading, stationery prep for.magistrate
- 3pm : received a social call from a business contact
- 4pm : shareholder joins the meeting
- 5pm : industry friend pops in, we go for a long walk, and various commentaries
- evening, into 9Dec : obligations aside, CPC reading is completed, mitigation statement notes updated, jaunt to the office to print things
- nearly 6am : sleep
- 7:30am : up for breakfast
- 10am ish : court procedes in earnest, not having has much sleep, I'm probably tunneling in cognition, and not completely aware of it (by definition); caught off guard by the generosity of the DPP and magistrate's views, I forget to ask for community service in lieu of a fine
- afternoon : accompanying a friend through tough times; nap
- evening : shopping for hardware; updating shareholders and business counterparties ... so returning to work in earnest
10Dec :
- nearly 2am : these notes
- summary of day : very many people around me were much more concerned about my going to prison than I was, and I reaped the net benefit of this; a well-executed campaign; however, it has not been fully marketed, so tomorrow, I hope, when my mind has recovered more, I will flowchart the entire process of what I learnt in the criminal justice system; my personal debts accounted for stand at 54,300 MYR


"We got the data we needed." - probably the kind of asshole I sound like when I crash an outlet.


Class differentiation example - weed:
- Some of the guys who were in court ahead of me were getting 2-3 month prison sentences for weed possession in the 0.5-5.0g range. I don't know how many earlier offenses they had, but many of them were, from case facts read by the registrar, caught in raids on residential premises.
- Meanwhile, quite a number of professionals I have met, earning enough to rent or buy homes in middle-class neighbourhoods, and in posh apartments, regularly consume weed. They don't get raided as often, I suppose?
- I have nothing against drug consumption by sane and educated individuals. I would probably consume drugs recreationally if they were legal, just to understand how they work. I only don't get into this because I don't see the benefit of such activities, so I let my risk exposure stay basically at zero.
- Whereas, having run a business in the very heavily regulated restaurant industry, I am aware of a great many laws which may be broken with immediate benefits. So I let my risk exposure go above zero. For example, I just got fined for hiring a foreign worker without a permit.
- Different people welcome different risks into their lives, I suppose. That is what makes various people interesting.


Shit. I've been underdosing protein. I forgot that half-scoops work only if I'm already eating a lot of meat. Full-scoop today. #poorfood


Good day. I am slightly more rested after two nights of sleep, but still slightly behind my expectations professionally. 
By EOY we must hand over our current premise, and so I am needing to focus on that. I have committed to taking no wage for it this month, as the business is already stressed. Demolition and repair are coming. I also have company books to keep.
Meanwhile due to the actions of internal parties we are receiving threats from external ones. These are expected on both fronts, but as with all risks, they occupy memory. And memory is scarce.
Personally I have also continued to interview for jobs to begin in January.


LOL-ed when I saw the most passive-aggressive messaging process ever:
- I posted a note to a public group A
- a moderator did not approve it, but screencapped it to a private group B 
- the B is not related to A
- B is a backchannel for private group C
- group C has not yet received a copy


Wow, BYOB and RM5 per glass cover in Telawi. Hello Montreal 2005.


Need a job. Time to Sugarbook?


9Dec-14Dec, I've been underperforming. On the reasonable side, I'm only getting paid five months this year.
Plan ...
Dec14 : sort and move all leftover hardware to storage
Dec15 : remove bar tops
Dec16 : rent demolition hammer and get busy
Dec17 : contact contractor for cleanup and repair
I don't think I'll be on time. Just gotta kick it ...


I was writing an AWS Lambda - NodeJS framework this year ... then on October 5 I was arrested and it was rather distracting. Rerunning the work to see how it works now. Oh, ok, so DynamoDB is able to warm up sessionID check caching. Quick refresher on how pricing works, and a refresher on which middlewares are wired up to the dev build.
46mins later: enforced sleep. Time to get back to the mundanities of business - more visits to the offices of utilities providers tomorrow.
Posture check: I need to sleep flatter ...


Administrative duties without remuneration are the order of the day!

Still curious about the exact mechanism for KTV staff from Vietnam getting out with RM1k fines. LOL. What is the role of the enforcement agency, the DPP, and the magistrate, in these circumstances?


completely forgot how NodeJS Lambda Layers work since this happened
(created 5 months ago)


Industry networking drinks. Usual round of explaining that I generally don't bribe enforcement officers, don't welcome sensitive customers, and don't need to make money in a hurry - and customarily smiling at comments, "you are weird". Of course, by the time I get to the bit about retiring at 21, and running the rest of my life like a hedge fund that expects to lose money most of the time, since corporate Malaysia isn't really the place to work if your target exit is around $10 MM, and how I manage my social portfolio to have few close networks outside of business and intimacy ... I feel like I spend way too much of my time explaining myself, instead of trying to fit in. On reflection, I actually spend most of my time trying to fit in, which is why I run cafes instead of just trade options on a daily basis. Funny story, someone said I should manage their cash, and it sounded interesting, so I said OK before I figured out what it meant exactly. I suppose being trusted is dangerous too. Someone can always frame you for mismanaging their assets.


Long talky day. Back to bed.


11:55pm. Friday night 18 December 2020. End of a messy week, middle of a less messy month, near end of a messy quarter, end of a messy half-decade. I have not enough sleep, but too much caffeine, so I will take some protein, more coffee, do a little coding, and when I am tired, actually sleep.


Well, no one comes into the world with much purpose. You kind of collect it along the way from society. So living without a purpose is the most normal thing, it would seem.


omg ... AWS CloudShell gives you an Amazon Linux instance for free ... which allows things like (sudo yum install lynx) ... which you can subsequently use to browse the net etc.

There are over 700 spaghetti acts of law in Malaysia. Probably why, if given access to such, I'd probably not get bored in jail.


Simpy put, Malaysia is not the best place to make money. If making money fast was important to me, I simply wouldn't have returned to Malaysia in 2005. Since I don't really care about making large amounts of money, Malaysia is a good enough place to live since the degree of socialism has been so high since the 80s. It is not hard to get by. Since one gets by easily in this little socialist country, the remaining question is only "how do I spend all this remaining time in my life?". And the answer always seems to be, that I should spend this time learning. But that is probably the same answer I would have given anywhere else, so the real reason I am in Malaysia is always that I just happen to have papers / been born here. It is not because I really feel attached to it - I am just lazy, and this is good enough. Maybe that is what I have in common with many Malaysians, after all.


This is why FaaS architecture is the way to go. Computing fabric will be everywhere. The walls do math, so your programming model must support it.


Stop wasting time arguing about whether or not to pay interns.
Just set up separate scopes, for:
(a) you pay me to let you study S1 here
(b) I let you study S2 here for free
(c) I pay you to do work W1 here
Cash from (c) can offset (a) if candidate wants.
All very simple.


Jan Plan:
1. Lock in jobs worth minimum of (secret)k/mo - so that I can service debt (30% chance of success)
2. Confirm supporting MBPJ regulations on mixed-use premises: residential / commercial / multi-business commercial (90% chance of success)
3. Rent entire shop floor for 1.5k/mo, fit out the back for temporary residence with a colleague, run a ghost kitchen at the back, and in front a Muslim-friendly speakeasy, and private dining (70% chance of success)
Overall 18.9% chance of happening.

TIL: I am a master chef.
See, I accidentally became the executive chef at the last project. But I didn't know that executive / head / grand / manager / de cuisine / master chef are synonyms.
Anyway. If Jan Plan works out, we are on track to Noma, baby ...


Completely off the wall: I suppose if we were to reaally go foraging around Damansara Jaya the indigenous fauna would include rats and roaches, beside the occasional squirrel. And there are thistles in abundance upon the traffic islands. #whatifnoma
Stray dogs and children, anyone?


Enforced eating. Then back to work.


Post gradschool decade: year-8 ends.
Severely in debt, but not in pain at all.
I wonder what the chances are of hockey-stick performance in the last quintile 😛
In any event, after spending over 60% of the decade grinding, I am probably going to take a fuckall approach to the last 20% and at least guarantee myself a little fun. Maybe ... maybe a slightly more normal life ...


The one thing I hate about working in lifestyle industries ... by far ... is the amount of time I spend listening to retards go, "you must love lifestyle products so much, it is your passion." Piss off, goddamn ... I'm just trying to make a buck off sentimental people here ...


Wasting time in Zara while my friend tries to get exchanges. Lots of cute stuff. Not going to buy anything, but photos will follow shortly. Apparently I can still squeeze into XS (female), though S is comfier.


Wow, Ku Nan timed his kid's wedding for to dilute press coverage of his conviction. Well done, media ops.


I've rented a storeroom here for one of my companies. I am looking for co-tenants who might want to set up an office, bar, cafe, kitchen, laundry, gym, motel, store, OR residence in the other space. I am happy to contribute a bit of time to be the clean-up and renovation guy, if needed. Please contact me by Whatsapp at 


Cool. I should try melatonin dosing next time I get stress-induced allergy symptoms.


I wish I has a greater fondness for idiots. This is born from compassionate impulses. However, one only has a hundred or so years to live, and so it is probably not reasonable to tolerate and nurture all of them. So as it turns out, contrary to popular belief, empathy may sometimes be immoral.


6 a.m. . Too early for sleep, so back to work, let's see what I can squeeze in before that 11 a.m. meeting.


Looks like a 28-30 hour day ... then nap, before dinner.


Just reviewed a draft offer letter for "Organisational Development Officer" - aiya, say lah, Social Engineer ... #startupjobtitles


Final work today: S3 bucket policies


Proposal: "AWS" should be pronounced "Oz", for a 80% cost reduction.

Christmas was spent on a bit of business prospecting and a lot of vacuous social ritual. At least I git a smidgen of scavenging done on the site, and pushed an IAM policy.


OMG I can't believe I've lived this long without using a highlighter extension in my browser.

Back to work. Time to reduce distractions somewhat. Then again, a questionable balance.


Cute girls drunk calling randomly - OK. Cute girls too shy to actually go out on a date - what the hell is this, why are you wasting our time 🤦🏻


In approximately 48* hours I should have completely moved out of the place of business which was occupied for the last five years. Not quite done cleaning.
* two day buffer


#legal : #EquityCrowdFunding question. In July/August 2015 I self-managed an #ECF round as an individual seeking co-founders ...  which terminated in the registration of a new PLT whose bank account received investment from said co-founders.
My current understanding:
New amendments to the CMSA taking effect in September 2015 made it illegal for anyone to call themselves a "market", and to sell shares in say, a PLT ... unless that market made itself a "recognized market" (US spelling wtf).
Seeking clarification:
Now in 2020, if you as an individual go and say "I am raising investment in a new PLT by selling ownership ("shares") in this PLT," does that immediately qualify you, the individual, as a market - therefore subject to CMSA Section 34? Or are individuals engaged in such activities not considered "markets" - thus exempt from Section 34?


Just got around to watching demo videos for Notion. Seems like Atlassian suite for mainstream.
But like Slack it's going to hit in the pricing range of 25-35 RM/user/month so doesn't make sense for teams with a lot of part-timers ... 
... hm.
It remains extremely frustrating to find SaaS which charge per API call or user action, instead of per user per month.


1980 days. Today I returned a tenancy which we took from the landlord on 31 July 2015. It's a good time to take a break.
Also buying out my second-largest shareholder today, I think.
And officially on a new (part-time) job tomorrow.


1023h awake enough to check time.
1047h enforced exit from bed. Need to rehydrate, wash, and get back go work pushing paper and clearing space.


"CSR / Social enterprise the hard way" - for me would target no freebies for any party, just an accounting of more relevant stakeholders in a single optimised value chain. Wishing to see more of this in Malaysia etc.


Day 1: cleaned garbage cans for storage; met with three women, two for the first time;
Day 2, 3: volunteering in a manual labour job ... strange person's idea of a holiday, I suppose ... meanwhile gotta pay more attention to rest, diet, and meeting the right people; I met up with another friend, and forced myself to work a little bit on software development - I am looking forward to having the RU framework hooked up with S3 for asset management;
Day 4 onwards: new employment;
I have a lot of peripheral administration to catch up on.


Over the last few weeks of prodding, I have come to understand why so few software frameworks come with S3 / S3-compatible asset management out of the box.


Management learnings from the past five years, which I should correct in myself:
- be make more meticulous when setting targets and addressing non/results in staff ... because I tend to not care about specific results;
- be more meticulous when setting targets and addressing non/results in shareholders ... because I tend to forget that they care more about specific results than I;
- count my hiring rate in minutes instead of hours ... since I usually measure my tactical optimisations in minutes and seconds, not hours;
B40-B3, single-person household:
For example if you make a base of RM 3,500 / month, with EPF 13% extra, 14 public holidays, and 5 leave days, and you work 6-day weeks, and 10-hour days ... the hourly rate is RM 16.15, or 27 sen/minute. 
Consequently, if you take 25 minutes to prep a meal and wash up, that's (cost of goods + RM 6.75 + computational/cognitive resources). This basically justifies the existence of the chapfan / mamak shop market.
M40-M3, single-person household:
Meanwhile someone on a base of RM 7,000, 12 leave days, 5 days/week, 8 hours/day, is batting 84 sen/minute. So the same meal would cost them (presuming they prep and wash at the same speed) (COG + RM 21 + C/CR). This roughly justifies the "neat casual" dining market where people pay RM 15-25 per cover for (what is often) really lousy cooking.
T20-T2, single-person household:
Double up again, for some yuppies doing a base of RM 14,000, 12 leave days they never use (encashed!), 5.5 days/week, 10 hours/day, batting RM 1.21/minute ... not a huge jump. But these could be junior executives, so let's look a little higher.
At RM 20,000, the folks exiting middle management at looking at more power and responsibility so they're back to 8-hour day averages on 5.5 days/week ... now ... RM 2.17/minute ... and the same meal now costs (COG + RM 54.25 + C/CR) so we've now justified the "posh casual" end of the market. 


Literally staying up waiting for laundry to dry. Back to AWS studies.


A: How was your first day at work?
B: Everyone at this office meows.
A: I cannot relate to such corporate culture.
B: Tomorrow I am going to meow back, to see what happens.



I suppose it's better to have grumpy friends who depend on you for cheer, than to have no friends at all. #ihavemanyuses 🤓


Day one of employment (part time) has proven to be challenging. The day began with a dive into the intricacies of new work. Following this, a social networking meeting with one new contact, and another with one old contact. Slight business development. Then delivery of therapy to one close friend, and a few therapeutic comments to a few others. Then more therapy to the former, and along the way I managed to break the fan blade on my room's air conditioner, so despite some support, it will be throbbing loudly all night. Some office work was done outside office hours, and some meetings have been set up tomorrow. I have also been alerted to the avenue of care which will require a visit to the Kajang women's prison, but I am not sure if I will make the time for this. 
I do not feel competant, as I feel that my ability to improve the lives of others is very limited. However, possibly it is just a busy period, so maybe we will actually get more done soon.
But not yet. Alas, to be surrounded by troubles, is the fate of one who seeks trouble. But if I did not seek trouble, it would be because I was an inherently sadder person to begin with ... so I must be grateful that I have been, for most of my life, inherently self-satisfied, and thus welcoming of new troubles on an almost daily basis.


Definition of moron: anyone surprised that this happened.
Definition of naive: anyone surprised that morons exist.

trace-together-gate in singapore


Draft ERP datastructure:
1. You have SKUs
2. You have items, which are instantiated SKUs
3. You have physical locations 
User needs to be able to CRUD these.
4. You then have converters ( functions / conversion functions / transformers / transformation functions )
User needs to be able to CRUD these too.
A converter is basically defined as:
(i) a list of items consumed
(ii) a list of items produced
A converter can have meta-data like "recommended recipe" but it doesn't enforce these because ...
... every converter is viewed as a FORM. A user opens this form, and manually inputs the actual input and output SKUs, and quantities. (Meta-data can recommendx e.g. "we usually use Lescure butter SKU, but today we used Pamplie SKU).
That's it. Basically ERP which you can use in any asset chain.


I would rather attend my funeral than listen to my story 😛


Odoo Inventory and Manufacturing - incredibly fun to test for someone who's never operated an ERP 😛


Someone is making me watch Hell's Kitchen - I'm not sure if the audience realises that most of the cooks' banter are canned protocol phrases. What do I know ...


I am not actively watching global markets. All I know are that BTC and oil are up. So ..


#1 reason to get a tablet now - laptop bans in cafes. Fml
#1 reason to get a Mac: iOS dev
#1 reason not to get a Mac Mini: my 2016 Intel laptop is going to age into becoming a desktop at some point
#1 reason not to get an iPad ... iPads are cripples: can't take calls, can't run Xcode ... why do I want to develop for this platform again? Oh yes, users.
... which implies that any Mac should be a laptop, given the cheapest option is an MBA, that's probably what it should be; 
... therefore implying an Android tablet which has cellular calling enabled, next;
... but for now, nada, I am not rushing to take on more debt.


Where do I get car side mirrors which have a broader field of reflection (convex)? Perodua Kancil 199x

Went for a run on 7Jan evening. Have not been on a run in a while. Good.
Second run on 10Jan. Night lights at SS2.
Pumped up tires and cycled then lifted a bit, 14Jan.


Software candidate #8
- handles Requisition Orders and Purchase Orders nicely
- tracks Deliveries
- does not track Inventory (!??!?)
Software candidate #9
- handles multi-premise inventory just fine
- doesn't have Requsition Orders and approvals (?!??!)
Fuck you, world ...


QBO Online Plus - Singapore account manager calls me, but spends 11 minutes talking about clicking on screens without sending a single screenshot. Brilliant. I am not at a desk.


The realestate agent was really cute. As for point 3., she doesn't know how to write a travel authorisation letter. Lol.
 Google translate:
1.感谢您今天的宝贵时间。 我对这两个公寓学到了很多东西。
2.我认为我们应该取消明天的参观,因为我不会很快搬家。 我不想浪费你的时间。
3.稍后我会为您起草一封信。 ;)


I really need to finish my prison chore obligations.


Muhyiddin got what he wanted. Raised the stakes unhindered by the opposition and the throne, and forced all parties to accept an Emergency. well played, sir. The opponents were weak.


1920 hours - day before lockdown - Jesus people, it's just 14 days, and you're allowed to go grocery shopping daily (which is in fact what people will do to kill boredom). (Jams)


Who knew masks would become the new pocket handkerchief.


Eh, turns out I can rent in Pudu at the same price I am renting in PJ.
At 1.5x I can live down the street from the office.
- room of cafe junk in PJ
- flat in Kajang


Industry acquaintance: I miss having competitions and being on stage.
Me: I miss having customers that I can make fun of.


Day 9. Took the evening off to read in bed, while digesting, after carboloading, a spot of cycling, and some weights.


My Twitter account is super inactive. Maybe I should relaunch it as a rent-a-friend service.


Currently at that point in life where I don't really bother to tell people what I think they should do unless they're parents arguing about what kids should be taught. It's really rare to find people who are fun to talk to, and morons don't come from nowhere ... put a stop to the rot! Be more didactic to parents. #HowToBeAnnoying
Preempting the smart-asses who believe that if you want to change kids, you should have your own - complete "no": it's a far more effective strategy to train trainers than to train trainees. #PlayTheGameBetter


The only thing more amusing than a 14yo know-it-all is a 54yo know-it-all. By the time you get to the 94yo's, everyone agrees they're adorbs. See? Nothing wrong with being a know-it-all ...


Wow, just a bunch of expense claims away from squaring up 2020 accounts. Then I have my own accounts to worry about after that.


I'm supportive of any cultural intervention. I don't care if it's from wypipo. Honestly, just don't be BORING.

Lisette scheer's

I've explained how BTC works at the technical and socio-political level so many times over the past years, and why it is a resonable asset class. But I'm not buying - I guess I just have other things to do ... for now.


YIL: cast iron non-stick shizzle is a scam. You have to season the metal with an organic polymer, like sunflower oil, ok? The seasoning comes off, right, and you have to reseason it. OK.
It turns out you can take your aluminium or steel cookware, as long as it has no low-temperature melty parts like plastic, and season those with sunflower oil too ... and in theory they should be just as non-sticky.


Back to office life. ANC headset ordered. 
When my phone dies, it should be succeeded by an Android tablet 8" perhaps, I'm not sure I need 10". Conflicted. But not urgent. ETA 3Q2021. (The argument for a beefier 10" or 12" is to use it as a mobile development workstation, for development on remote servers.)
When my laptop dies, it should be succeeded by a MacBook Air capable of iOS development. Even less urgent. ETA Q42022.


So when we shut down the cafe ... there were two bottles of balsamic vinegar that didn't sell. I don't cook at home. How to clear? Now this is my hot drink ... wino, wino, wino ...


Can't really volunteer for front-line work on my schedule ... so I guess this will have to do for national service. (placebo vaccine volunteering - the Sinovac one with 50% efficacy ratings from Brazil data)


Things I'm thinking about today (Sun):
1. I want to wake up earlier tomorrow to (a) attending an online briefing for vaccine trial subjects (b) get work messages to colleagues at the start of the business week, about what I learnt over the weekend
2. So I should try to exhaust myself as much as possible and try to get to bed early today. Perhaps a long walk / run will do it.
3. I also ought to write that proposal for old company shareholders to exit quickly. Maybe I will get to that today also.
Got everything done, but not sure if I will sleep well. We shall see.


Yup. Super out of shape. This is however, with a lot of Instagramming and before I figured out how to set the app to not suicide in the background. 
ICYMI: the marathon record pace is 2:54 min/km
Finally started using RunKeeper/equivalent, on the past suggestion of the transportation security administration, whom I shall miss dearly.

7.2km 8m28s/km mean pace


I sincerely look forward to more Discord sessions and screenshares where everyone just fucks around with the potholes in (pick a language for each session) ...


(man tosses cat in air) I think the closest I ever got to this was bowling a kitten, but as for vertical acceleration, I would deny any participation ...


Rather much enjoying being able to work on intra-day analyses that I can sum into a one-slide proposal by EOD, at my new job. Writing a software framework? 3000 manhours. Training a cook? 500 and change. Gah.


Malaysian ministers denigrating queer behaviour in concert with Indonesia's response to Kristen Gray. Coincidence, or well-oiled media machine?


I'm calling it now. At some point in the next two decades, Malaysian Malay demographics are going to produce some sort of alt-punk movement that disavows the emphasis on flowery language which has defined this segment for decades. LOL. You could say it already exists, it's just not yet mainstream enough to be putting pressure on the aristocracy to act more than they speak.


It seems too early to work out. But I'm going to work out anyway, to get it out of the way so that I can get back to work.


Blase Floofy Magazine

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